ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

SearchResultsRoot CoClass

A container for search results.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Interfaces Description
IGxCachedObjects Provides access to members that load/release objects being cached for efficiency.
IGxFile Provides access to members that manages a file object.
IGxObject Provides access to members that are common to all GxObjects.
IGxObjectContainer Provides access to members that manage child GxObjects.
IGxObjectEdit Provides access to members that edit/modify a GxObject.
IGxObjectProperties Provides access to members that return properties of the GxObject.
IGxObjectUI Provides access to members that represent the icons and menus for a GxObject.
IGxPasteTarget Provides access to members for pasting objects.
IGxRootObjectStartupProperties Provides access to the startup properties for Gx Root Objects.