ArcObjects Library Reference (Catalog)  

IGxCachedObjects Interface

Provides access to members that load/release objects being cached for efficiency.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


Method LoadCachedObjects Loads any objects that should be cached for efficiency.
Method ReleaseCachedObjects Releases any objects that have been cached for efficiency.

CoClasses that implement IGxCachedObjects

CoClasses and Classes Description
GxCadDataset A Cad Feature Class or Drawing dataset.
GxCoverageDataset A Coverage, Feature Class or Info Table dataset.
GxDatabase GxObject that represents a database.
GxDatabaseServerFolder Container for Database Servers.
GxDataset GxObject that represents a dataset.
GxDiskConnection GxObject that represents a disk connection.
GxExcelFile GxObject that represents a excel file.
GxFolder GxObject that represents a folder.
GxFolderConnections Container of folder connections.
GxGDSGeodatabase GxObject that represents an ArcGIS Geodatabase connection.
GxLayer GxObject that represents a layer.
GxMSDFile (esriCatalogUI) A MapServerDefinitionFile Dataset.
GxPCCoverage GxObject that represents PC Coverage.
GxRasterDataset A Gx Raster dataset.
GxRemoteDatabaseFolder Container of remote database workspaces.
GxSDCDataset A SDC feature dataset, feature class or table.
GxShapefileDataset A Shapefile Feature Class or DBase Table.
GxSpatialReferencesFolder Container of spatial references (PRJ files).
GxStreetMapDataset A StreetMap feature class.
GxTextFile GxObject that represents the text file.
GxTool Catalog object corresponding to geoprocessing tools.
GxToolbox Catalog object corresponding to toolboxes.
GxToolboxesFolder Catalog object corresponding to the System Toolboxes and My Toolboxes nodes.
GxToolboxesRoot Catalog object corresponding to root-level Toolboxes node.
GxToolset Catalog object corresponding to toolsets.
GxVpfDataset A VPF Feature Class.
GxWorkspaceFolder GxObject that represents a workspace folder.
IMSFeatureClass GxObject that represents ArcIMS Feature Class.
SearchResults GxObject that represents the search result.
SearchResultsRoot A container for search results.