
Supported with:
  • ArcEditor
  • ArcInfo
Library dependencies: Version, System, SystemUI, Geometry, GraphicsCore, Display, Server, Output, Geodatabase, GISClient, DataSourcesFile, DataSourcesGDB, DataSourcesOleDB, DataSourcesRaster, DataSourcesNetCDF, GeoDatabaseDistributed, GeoDatabaseExtensions, Carto, NetworkAnalysis, Location, GeoAnalyst, Animation, Maplex, Geoprocessing, NetworkAnalyst, Schematic, SpatialAnalyst, 3DAnalyst, GlobeCore, EngineCore, TrackingAnalyst, Framework, Desktop.Addins, GeoDatabaseUI, DisplayUI, OutputUI, Search, Catalog, CatalogUI, CartoUI, DataSourcesRasterUI, ArcCatalog, ArcCatalogUI, ArcMap, ArcMapUI, AnimationUI, Editor, GeoReferenceUI, EditorExt, LocationUI, GeoDatabaseDistributedUI, GeoprocessingUI, OutputExtensions, OutputExtensionsUI, ArcScan, NetworkAnalystUI, SpatialAnalystUI, SchematicUI, 3DAnalystUI, ArcScene, GlobeCoreUI, ArcGlobe, Publisher, PublisherUI, MaplexUI, TrackingAnalystUI, GeoSurvey, Cadastral

Additional library information: Contents, Object Model Diagram

The CadastralUI library contains objects used for managing the Parcel Editor user interface (UI) environment, including the following:
  • Job Book
  • Job Manager
  • Parcel Explorer
  • Control points
  • Map layers
The CadastralUI library is also used for exchanging data between the ArcMap UI and GeoSurvey Engine and for getting the required database locks for making valid edits within the Job Management model of the parcel fabric.
Parcel fabrics are also known as cadastral fabrics. In general, the terms "parcel fabric" and "parcel editor" are used when referring to the product and UI. The terms "cadastral fabric" and "cadastral editor" are used in reference to the underlying library classes, properties, and methods.
The main classes of the CadastralUI library are described in the following sections.

See the following sections for more information about this namespace:


This is the primary class for controlling and managing the cadastral packet, an interface for metric unit conversion, the layers and the layer selections in the packet, and the two modes defined by the edit packet and the job packet. This class also provides access to the following manager classes:
  • JobManager
  • JoinParcelManager
  • ControlPointsManager
  • EditLocksManager


This class is used to get access to the methods and properties for managing the parcel joining environment.


This class is used to get access to the methods and properties for managing the control points in your cadastral job. Use this class to add or delete control points and to make associations between control points and fabric points.


This class is used to get access to the methods and properties for handling parcel edits. You need to get an edit lock on a parcel to edit its properties and lines.


This class can be used to create a new job, open an existing job for editing, and set the job manager's current parcel fabric.


Use this class to control which parcels and plans from the job packet are visible in the Parcel Explorer tree view. This class is also used to get the parcels and plans that a user right-clicks to activate the context menu.


Use this class to access the pages displayed for the properties of a parcel. You can also implement your own page and add it to this properties window.


The parcel construction environment allows you to manipulate, add, and edit lines independent of the parcels that they ultimately define. Users activate the parcel construction environment by using the New from parent command or by creating a completely empty, new construction. This class allows you to access the construction lines and the associated parent parcel.


This class provides access to the methods and properties for the Job Book UI.


This class provides a powerful set of methods that allow you to, among other things, perform the following:
  • Create GSLines from a set of line geometries
  • Create GSParcels from a set of GSLines
  • Calculate new GSLines offset from existing GSLines