ArcObjects Library Reference (CadastralUI)  

CadastralUI Library Contents


Interface Description
IBasisOfBearing Provides access to Basis of bearing Interface.
IBuildEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the parcel Build changes.
IBuildMethod Provides access to a method that receives notification when the Build is complete.
IBuildMethod2 Provides access to a method that control the Build process.
IBuildMethodUI Provides access to a method that control the Build UI process.
ICadastralDialog Provides access to modal dialogs.
ICadastralEditor Provides access to CadastralEditor Interface.
ICadastralEditorEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the Cadastral Editor changes.
ICadastralEditorPage Provides access to CadastralEditorPage Interface.
ICadastralEditorPages Provides access to CadastralEditorPages Interface.
ICadastralEditorPageUpdates Provides access to Cadastral Active Updates Page Methods.
ICadastralEditorSettings Provides access to CadastralEditorSettings Interface.
ICadastralEditorSnapping Provides access to CadastralEditorSnapping Interface.
ICadastralExtensionManager Provides access to CadastralExtensionManager Interface.
ICadastralExtensionManager2 Provides access to CadastralExtensionManager2 Interface.
ICadastralFabricDefDialog Provides access to members that control the dialog that creates a new cadastral fabric dataset.
ICadastralFeature Provides access to ICadastralFeature interface.
ICadastralFeatureGenerator Provides access to ICadastralFeatureGenerator interface.
ICadastralGeometryCache Provides access to CadastralGeometryCache Interface.
ICadastralLinePointsEx Provides access to parcel line points extended methods (in construction environment).
ICadastralLineStrings Provides access to Line String Interface.
ICadastralMapEdit Provides access to CadastralMapEdit Interface.
ICadastralObjectSetup Provides access to Cadastral Object Extended Attributes.
ICadastralPacketEvents Provides access to events that occur when the state of the Cadastral Job Packet changes.
ICadastralPacketManager Provides access to CadastralPacketManager Interface.
ICadastralPlanManager Provides access to CadastralPlanManager Interface.
ICadastralSelection Provides access to ICadastralSelection Interface.
ICadastralSelection2 Provides access to ICadastralSelection2 Interface.
ICadastralTemplate Provides access to ICadastralTemplate interface.
ICadastralUnbuildableLines Provides access to Unbuildable lines Interface.
ICEControlPoint Provides access to ICEControlPoint Interface.
IConstructionGeometryCache Provides access to IConstructionGeometryCache Interface.
IConstructParcelFunctions Provides access to ConstructParcelFunctions Interface.
IConstructParcelFunctions2 Provides access to ConstructParcelFunctions2 Interface.
IConstructParcelSettings Provides access to IConstructParcelSettings Interface.
IControlPointEvents Provides access to events that occur when a control point changes.
IControlPointsManager Provides access to control points edit session manager.
IControlPointsManager2 Provides access to control point manager.
IEditLocksManager Provides access to lock/drop locks and present lock UI for conflicts.
IEnumCEControlPoints Provides access to EnumControlPoints that help build a list of CE/GS Control points.
IEnumCELinePoints Provides access to EnumLinepoints that help build a list of CE/GS Linepoints.
IEnumCELines Provides access to EnumLines that help build a list of CE/GS Lines.
IEnumCEParcels Provides access to EnumParcels that help build a list of CE/GS Parcels.
IEnumCEPlans Provides access to EnumPlans that help build a list of CE/GS Plans.
IEnumCEPoints Provides access to EnumPoints that help build a list of CE/GS Points.
IEnumCESelectedPlanNodesInfo Provides access to help build CE/GS of selected Plan info Enum.
IEnumSelectedPlanNodesInfo Provides access to enumeration of Selected Plan Nodes Interface.
IFabricImporterUI Provides access to FabricImporterUI Interface.
IGSForwardStar Provides access to methods that allow forward navigation of GS Lines.
IJobBook Provides access to CadastralJobControl Interface.
IJobManager Provides access to JobManager Interface.
IJobManager2 Provides access to JobManager2 Interface.
IJoinedControlPointLayer Provides access to JoinedControlPointLayer Interface.
IJoinedLinePointLayer Provides access to JoinedLinePointLayer Interface.
IJoinedParcelLayer Provides access to JoinedParcelLayer Interface.
IJoinedParcelLineLayer Provides access to JoinedParcelLineLayer Interface.
IJoinedParcelTextLayer Provides access to JoinedParcelTextLayer Interface.
IJoinedPointLayer Provides access to JoinedPointLayer Interface.
IJoinParcelManager Provides access to join parcel session manager.
IJoinParcelManager2 Provides access to join parcel session manager.
IMetricUnitConverter Provides access to convert data units to/from Meters.
IPacketJoinedLayer Provides access to PacketJoinedLayer Interface.
IParcelConstruction Provides access to ParcelConstruction Interface.
IParcelConstruction2 Provides access to ParcelConstruction2 Interface.
IParcelConstruction3 Provides access to ParcelConstruction3 Interface.
IParcelDivisionEqualAreaMethod Indicator interface that identifies an build method for spliting a parcel by equal area.
IParcelDivisionEqualPartsMethod Indicator interface that identifies an build method for spliting a parcel by equal parts.
IParcelDivisionEqualWidthMethod Indicator interface that identifies an build method for spliting a parcel by equal width.
IParcelEditBuild Provides access to building parcels from construction lines.
IParcelEditEvents Provides access to events that occur when a parcel is edited.
IParcelEditLayer Provides access to ParcelEditLayer Interface.
IParcelEditManager Provides access to edit parcel session manager.
IParcelEditManager2 Provides access to edit parcel session manager.
IParcelExplorer Provides access to Parcel Explorer window that has a treeview of joined and unjoined parcels.
IParcelJoinEvents Provides access to events that occur when a parcel is joined.
IParcelJoinEvents2 Provides access to events that occur when a parcel is joined.
IParcelLineFunctions Provides access to ParcelLineFunctions Interface.
IParcelLineFunctions2 Provides access to ParcelLineFunctions2 Interface. Interface is deprecated.
IParcelLineFunctions3 Provides access to ParcelLineFunctions3 Interface.
IParcelPropertiesWindow Provides access to Cadastral Edit Properties Dockable window Interface.
IParcelPropertiesWindow2 Provides access to ParcelPropertiesWindow2 Interface.
IParcelSplitMethod Indicator interface that identifies an build method for splitting a parcel.
IParcelTemplate Provides access to IParcelTemplate Interface.
IPlanarizeMethod Indicator interface that identifies an build method for planarizing parcel lines.
IPlanDirectory Provides access to plan settings in PlanDirectory.
IScaleRotateTracker Provides access to members that control the scale rotate tracker.
ISegmentedLineFeedback Provides access to segmented feedback line.
ISelectedPlanNodeInfo Provides access to selected Plan Node info Interface.
ISurveyEditDialog Provides access to SurveyEditDialog Interface.
ISurveyEditDialog2 Provides access to SurveyEditDialog2 Interface.
ISurveyEditDlgEvents Provides access to events that occur when survey edit dialog buttons are clicked.
ISurveyEditToolManager Provides access to SurveyEditToolManager Interface.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
CadastralEditorExtension Cadastral Editor Extension Object.
CadastralFabricDefDialog Cadastral Fabric Definition Dialog.
CadastralFeatureGenerator Parcel feature mapper object.
CEAccuracyFeature CE Accuracies Feature.
CECadastralAccuracies CE Cadastral Accuracies.
CEControlPointFeature CE Control Point feature.
CELineFeature CE Line feature.
CELinePointFeature CE LinePoint feature.
CEParcelFeature CE Parcel feature.
CEPlanFeature CE Plan feature.
ControlPointsManager Manager Object for Control Points.
EditLocksManager Manages edit locks in conjunction with the open job and parcel lock status.
EnumCEControlPoints A group of GSControlPoints.
EnumCELinePoints A group of GSLinePoints.
EnumCELines A group of GSLines.
EnumCEParcels A group of GSParcels.
EnumCEPlans A group of GSPlans.
EnumCEPoints A group of GSPoints.
EnumSelectedPlanNodesInfo Collection of selected plan node information.
FabricCogoImporterUI Fabric Cogo Importer UI Class.
FabricControlPointImporterUI Fabric Control Point Importer UI Class.
GSForwardStar Manages the ForwardStar class, that assists in line network traverses.
JobBook Manager object for Job Book.
JobManager Management of one Job.
JoinedControlPointLayer Layer object that represents Control Points.
JoinedLinePointLayer Layer object that represents Joined LinePoints.
JoinedParcelLayer Layer object that represents Joined Parcels.
JoinedParcelLineLayer Layer object that represents Joined Parcel Lines.
JoinedParcelTextLayer Layer object that represents Joined Parcel Text.
JoinedPointLayer Layer object that represents Joined Points.
JoinParcelManager Manager object for Parcel Joining.
LinesConstructionPropPage Manager object for Construction Lines Properties.
LinesParcelPropPage Manager object for Parcel Lines Properties.
MergeParcels Merges parcel features together.
PacketJoinedLayer Layer object that represents a packet of Joined Parcels, Lines, Points, Control Points, LinePoints and Text.
ParcelConstruction Managers the objects in the UI line grid.
ParcelDetailsPropPage Manager object for Parcel Properties.
ParcelDivision Split a parcel into other parcels.
ParcelDivisionEqualAreaMethod Custom build method to split a parcel by area.
ParcelDivisionEqualPartsMethod Custom build method to split a parcel by parts.
ParcelDivisionEqualWidthMethod Custom build method to split a parcel by width.
ParcelEditLayer Parcel Edit Layer Class.
ParcelExplorer Manager object for Parcel Explorer.
ParcelFunctions Functions that create parcels and manage parcel lines.
ParcelJoinEvents2 Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IParcelJoinEvents2 interface in VB.
ParcelRemainder Create a remainder parcels.
ParcelSplitMethod Custom build method to split a parcel into other parcels.
PlanarizeMethod Custom build method to plannerize parcel lines.
PlanDirectory Manager object for Plan Directory.
PropertiesDockableWindow Parcel Properties Dockable Window.
ScaleRotateTracker Tracker for scale and rotate operations.
SegmentedLineFeedback Segmented Line Feedback for editing.
SelectedPlanNodeInfo Selected Plan TreeView Node Info.


Enumeration Description
esriBuildProperties Parcel Build Properties.
esriCadastralCacheObjectType Cadastral Cache Object Type.
esriCadastralEditMode Map Edit Type.
esriCadastralPointType Cadastral point type on a line.
esriCadastralTemplateDialog Cadastral template dialog type.
esriCadastralUnitConversionType Cadastral Unit Conversion type.
esriMapEditType Map Edit Type (states can be combined).
esriParcelEditMode Edit Parcel Type.
esriParcelJoinMode Parcel Join mode.
esriParcelTreeViewNodeType Parcel TreeView Node Type.
esriPlanDirectoryDisplayTypes Plan directory display methods.