Interface | Description |
IBasisOfBearing | Provides access to Basis of bearing Interface. |
IBuildEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the parcel Build changes. |
IBuildMethod | Provides access to a method that receives notification when the Build is complete. |
IBuildMethod2 | Provides access to a method that control the Build process. |
IBuildMethodUI | Provides access to a method that control the Build UI process. |
ICadastralDialog | Provides access to modal dialogs. |
ICadastralEditor | Provides access to CadastralEditor Interface. |
ICadastralEditorEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the Cadastral Editor changes. |
ICadastralEditorPage | Provides access to CadastralEditorPage Interface. |
ICadastralEditorPages | Provides access to CadastralEditorPages Interface. |
ICadastralEditorPageUpdates | Provides access to Cadastral Active Updates Page Methods. |
ICadastralEditorSettings | Provides access to CadastralEditorSettings Interface. |
ICadastralEditorSnapping | Provides access to CadastralEditorSnapping Interface. |
ICadastralExtensionManager | Provides access to CadastralExtensionManager Interface. |
ICadastralExtensionManager2 | Provides access to CadastralExtensionManager2 Interface. |
ICadastralFabricDefDialog | Provides access to members that control the dialog that creates a new cadastral fabric dataset. |
ICadastralFeature | Provides access to ICadastralFeature interface. |
ICadastralFeatureGenerator | Provides access to ICadastralFeatureGenerator interface. |
ICadastralGeometryCache | Provides access to CadastralGeometryCache Interface. |
ICadastralLinePointsEx | Provides access to parcel line points extended methods (in construction environment). |
ICadastralLineStrings | Provides access to Line String Interface. |
ICadastralMapEdit | Provides access to CadastralMapEdit Interface. |
ICadastralObjectSetup | Provides access to Cadastral Object Extended Attributes. |
ICadastralPacketEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the state of the Cadastral Job Packet changes. |
ICadastralPacketManager | Provides access to CadastralPacketManager Interface. |
ICadastralPlanManager | Provides access to CadastralPlanManager Interface. |
ICadastralSelection | Provides access to ICadastralSelection Interface. |
ICadastralSelection2 | Provides access to ICadastralSelection2 Interface. |
ICadastralTemplate | Provides access to ICadastralTemplate interface. |
ICadastralUnbuildableLines | Provides access to Unbuildable lines Interface. |
ICEControlPoint | Provides access to ICEControlPoint Interface. |
IConstructionGeometryCache | Provides access to IConstructionGeometryCache Interface. |
IConstructParcelFunctions | Provides access to ConstructParcelFunctions Interface. |
IConstructParcelFunctions2 | Provides access to ConstructParcelFunctions2 Interface. |
IConstructParcelSettings | Provides access to IConstructParcelSettings Interface. |
IControlPointEvents | Provides access to events that occur when a control point changes. |
IControlPointsManager | Provides access to control points edit session manager. |
IControlPointsManager2 | Provides access to control point manager. |
IEditLocksManager | Provides access to lock/drop locks and present lock UI for conflicts. |
IEnumCEControlPoints | Provides access to EnumControlPoints that help build a list of CE/GS Control points. |
IEnumCELinePoints | Provides access to EnumLinepoints that help build a list of CE/GS Linepoints. |
IEnumCELines | Provides access to EnumLines that help build a list of CE/GS Lines. |
IEnumCEParcels | Provides access to EnumParcels that help build a list of CE/GS Parcels. |
IEnumCEPlans | Provides access to EnumPlans that help build a list of CE/GS Plans. |
IEnumCEPoints | Provides access to EnumPoints that help build a list of CE/GS Points. |
IEnumCESelectedPlanNodesInfo | Provides access to help build CE/GS of selected Plan info Enum. |
IEnumSelectedPlanNodesInfo | Provides access to enumeration of Selected Plan Nodes Interface. |
IFabricImporterUI | Provides access to FabricImporterUI Interface. |
IGSForwardStar | Provides access to methods that allow forward navigation of GS Lines. |
IJobBook | Provides access to CadastralJobControl Interface. |
IJobManager | Provides access to JobManager Interface. |
IJobManager2 | Provides access to JobManager2 Interface. |
IJoinedControlPointLayer | Provides access to JoinedControlPointLayer Interface. |
IJoinedLinePointLayer | Provides access to JoinedLinePointLayer Interface. |
IJoinedParcelLayer | Provides access to JoinedParcelLayer Interface. |
IJoinedParcelLineLayer | Provides access to JoinedParcelLineLayer Interface. |
IJoinedParcelTextLayer | Provides access to JoinedParcelTextLayer Interface. |
IJoinedPointLayer | Provides access to JoinedPointLayer Interface. |
IJoinParcelManager | Provides access to join parcel session manager. |
IJoinParcelManager2 | Provides access to join parcel session manager. |
IMetricUnitConverter | Provides access to convert data units to/from Meters. |
IPacketJoinedLayer | Provides access to PacketJoinedLayer Interface. |
IParcelConstruction | Provides access to ParcelConstruction Interface. |
IParcelConstruction2 | Provides access to ParcelConstruction2 Interface. |
IParcelConstruction3 | Provides access to ParcelConstruction3 Interface. |
IParcelDivisionEqualAreaMethod | Indicator interface that identifies an build method for spliting a parcel by equal area. |
IParcelDivisionEqualPartsMethod | Indicator interface that identifies an build method for spliting a parcel by equal parts. |
IParcelDivisionEqualWidthMethod | Indicator interface that identifies an build method for spliting a parcel by equal width. |
IParcelEditBuild | Provides access to building parcels from construction lines. |
IParcelEditEvents | Provides access to events that occur when a parcel is edited. |
IParcelEditLayer | Provides access to ParcelEditLayer Interface. |
IParcelEditManager | Provides access to edit parcel session manager. |
IParcelEditManager2 | Provides access to edit parcel session manager. |
IParcelExplorer | Provides access to Parcel Explorer window that has a treeview of joined and unjoined parcels. |
IParcelJoinEvents | Provides access to events that occur when a parcel is joined. |
IParcelJoinEvents2 | Provides access to events that occur when a parcel is joined. |
IParcelLineFunctions | Provides access to ParcelLineFunctions Interface. |
IParcelLineFunctions2 | Provides access to ParcelLineFunctions2 Interface. Interface is deprecated. |
IParcelLineFunctions3 | Provides access to ParcelLineFunctions3 Interface. |
IParcelPropertiesWindow | Provides access to Cadastral Edit Properties Dockable window Interface. |
IParcelPropertiesWindow2 | Provides access to ParcelPropertiesWindow2 Interface. |
IParcelSplitMethod | Indicator interface that identifies an build method for splitting a parcel. |
IParcelTemplate | Provides access to IParcelTemplate Interface. |
IPlanarizeMethod | Indicator interface that identifies an build method for planarizing parcel lines. |
IPlanDirectory | Provides access to plan settings in PlanDirectory. |
IScaleRotateTracker | Provides access to members that control the scale rotate tracker. |
ISegmentedLineFeedback | Provides access to segmented feedback line. |
ISelectedPlanNodeInfo | Provides access to selected Plan Node info Interface. |
ISurveyEditDialog | Provides access to SurveyEditDialog Interface. |
ISurveyEditDialog2 | Provides access to SurveyEditDialog2 Interface. |
ISurveyEditDlgEvents | Provides access to events that occur when survey edit dialog buttons are clicked. |
ISurveyEditToolManager | Provides access to SurveyEditToolManager Interface. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
CadastralEditorExtension | Cadastral Editor Extension Object. |
CadastralFabricDefDialog | Cadastral Fabric Definition Dialog. |
CadastralFeatureGenerator | Parcel feature mapper object. |
CEAccuracyFeature | CE Accuracies Feature. |
CECadastralAccuracies | CE Cadastral Accuracies. |
CEControlPointFeature | CE Control Point feature. |
CELineFeature | CE Line feature. |
CELinePointFeature | CE LinePoint feature. |
CEParcelFeature | CE Parcel feature. |
CEPlanFeature | CE Plan feature. |
ControlPointsManager | Manager Object for Control Points. |
EditLocksManager | Manages edit locks in conjunction with the open job and parcel lock status. |
EnumCEControlPoints | A group of GSControlPoints. |
EnumCELinePoints | A group of GSLinePoints. |
EnumCELines | A group of GSLines. |
EnumCEParcels | A group of GSParcels. |
EnumCEPlans | A group of GSPlans. |
EnumCEPoints | A group of GSPoints. |
EnumSelectedPlanNodesInfo | Collection of selected plan node information. |
FabricCogoImporterUI | Fabric Cogo Importer UI Class. |
FabricControlPointImporterUI | Fabric Control Point Importer UI Class. |
GSForwardStar | Manages the ForwardStar class, that assists in line network traverses. |
JobBook | Manager object for Job Book. |
JobManager | Management of one Job. |
JoinedControlPointLayer | Layer object that represents Control Points. |
JoinedLinePointLayer | Layer object that represents Joined LinePoints. |
JoinedParcelLayer | Layer object that represents Joined Parcels. |
JoinedParcelLineLayer | Layer object that represents Joined Parcel Lines. |
JoinedParcelTextLayer | Layer object that represents Joined Parcel Text. |
JoinedPointLayer | Layer object that represents Joined Points. |
JoinParcelManager | Manager object for Parcel Joining. |
LinesConstructionPropPage | Manager object for Construction Lines Properties. |
LinesParcelPropPage | Manager object for Parcel Lines Properties. |
MergeParcels | Merges parcel features together. |
PacketJoinedLayer | Layer object that represents a packet of Joined Parcels, Lines, Points, Control Points, LinePoints and Text. |
ParcelConstruction | Managers the objects in the UI line grid. |
ParcelDetailsPropPage | Manager object for Parcel Properties. |
ParcelDivision | Split a parcel into other parcels. |
ParcelDivisionEqualAreaMethod | Custom build method to split a parcel by area. |
ParcelDivisionEqualPartsMethod | Custom build method to split a parcel by parts. |
ParcelDivisionEqualWidthMethod | Custom build method to split a parcel by width. |
ParcelEditLayer | Parcel Edit Layer Class. |
ParcelExplorer | Manager object for Parcel Explorer. |
ParcelFunctions | Functions that create parcels and manage parcel lines. |
ParcelJoinEvents2 | Helper coclass for working with the nondefault outbound IParcelJoinEvents2 interface in VB. |
ParcelRemainder | Create a remainder parcels. |
ParcelSplitMethod | Custom build method to split a parcel into other parcels. |
PlanarizeMethod | Custom build method to plannerize parcel lines. |
PlanDirectory | Manager object for Plan Directory. |
PropertiesDockableWindow | Parcel Properties Dockable Window. |
ScaleRotateTracker | Tracker for scale and rotate operations. |
SegmentedLineFeedback | Segmented Line Feedback for editing. |
SelectedPlanNodeInfo | Selected Plan TreeView Node Info. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriBuildProperties | Parcel Build Properties. |
esriCadastralCacheObjectType | Cadastral Cache Object Type. |
esriCadastralEditMode | Map Edit Type. |
esriCadastralPointType | Cadastral point type on a line. |
esriCadastralTemplateDialog | Cadastral template dialog type. |
esriCadastralUnitConversionType | Cadastral Unit Conversion type. |
esriMapEditType | Map Edit Type (states can be combined). |
esriParcelEditMode | Edit Parcel Type. |
esriParcelJoinMode | Parcel Join mode. |
esriParcelTreeViewNodeType | Parcel TreeView Node Type. |
esriPlanDirectoryDisplayTypes | Plan directory display methods. |