About managing the image servers


ArcGIS 10 is the last release of the stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server product. The image service definition (.ISDef) has been replaced by an improved geodatabase data model—the mosaic dataset—which can be published as an image service using the ArcGIS Server Image extension.

You can use the Image Server Manager to manage one or more image servers, service providers, and image services. When you add a server in the Image Server Manager, its name, port number, and configuration information is saved in the ImageServer.ISSConfig file. For Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, this file is stored in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESRI\Image Server\Server. For Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7, this file is stored in C:\ProgramData\ESRI\Image Server\Server. You create and maintain this file using the Image Server Manager application.

When using ArcGIS Image Server as an extension to ArcGIS Server, use the Image Server Manager to manage the server and service providers—the image services will be managed by ArcGIS Server. When using ArcGIS Image Server as a stand-alone application, Image Server Manager manages the server, service providers, and image services.

There are three toolbars presented on the Image Server Manager window, depending on the node you have selected in the Image Servers list. These buttons allow you to start and stop a server, service provider, and image service; view the summary logs; and refresh your window to view the latest updates.

Apart from managing the service providers and services, ArcGIS Image Server also acts as a license manager. As a license manager, it can license Image Server Manager, the service provider, and the image service editor. On the Server Configuration dialog box, you can enter the names of computers that you want to provide read and write access to in the Server manager allow list, Service provider allow list, and Service editor allow list text boxes. By not listing any computer name, you are allowing all computers access.

To access the image server hosted on a remote computer, you need to have administrative privileges on that computer, and your machine must be specified in the Server manager allow list on the Server Configuration dialog box.

ArcGIS Image Server configuration parameters




Represents an endpoint for network communications on the computer. This number is specified when the server configuration file is created and cannot be edited at a later time. The default is 3982.

Activate authentication

If checked, the server will perform user authentication, enabling the administrator to control who has access to which image services. To learn more about authentication, see About authenticating an image service.

Server manager allow list

List of machine names or Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that can connect to and manage the server. This is used to restrict the machines that can start or stop image services. You can enter an asterisk (*) to select all machines, but it is not recommended. Use a semicolon to separate the names of machines.

Service provider allow list

List of machine names or IP addresses that can act as service providers for the server. This is used to restrict the machines that can use existing ArcGIS Image Server licenses. You can enter an asterisk (*) to select all machines, but it is not recommended. Use a semicolon to separate the names of machines.

Service editor allow list

List of machine names or IP addresses that can be used as image service definition editors. This is used to restrict the machines that can use the available ArcGIS Image Server licenses. You can enter an asterisk(*) to select all machines, but it is not recommended.

Server configuration parameters

The Server Information table

The Server Information table lists the various components of the server and respective details. This is available when the server node is selected.



Server name

Name of the computer or IP address that hosts ArcGIS Image Server

Image Server version

Version of ArcGIS Image Server on the host computer

Service providers connected

Number of service providers connected to the server

Services served

Number of services provided by ArcGIS Image Server


Displays the last operation performed by the user on the server or the error message if the operation failed

Started at

Specifies the date and time when the server started

The Server Information table

Accessing server components through Microsoft Windows Firewall

You may face problems accessing ArcGIS Image Server components, such as the server or service provider, if the Windows Firewall is active. To overcome this problem, the server and service providers need to be added to the Windows Firewall exception list. Refer to the Windows help or contact your network administrator to include these components in the Windows Firewall exception list.

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