Working with tasks

ArcGIS Mobile is a task-centric field application; that is, when you use the application, you always work in the context of a task. Tasks are a guided set of actions that help you complete your field workflows. By presenting the functionality of the application through the context of tasks, you don't need to discover the tools and workflows required to accomplish field data collection, search for GIS features, or update/inspection of attributes.

A key aspect of tasks in the ArcGIS Mobile application is that your field manager can configure or customize the name and description of the task as well as how the task behaves. Of the tasks listed below, each may have a different name and description than what you see; however, the icon and functionality of the task will be the same.

When you open a project, you are presented with a list of tasks. The following list includes all the tasks that ship with ArcGIS Mobile (these may or may not be in your project):
