AGSAddressCandidate | Represents an address and its location |
AGSAreasAndLengthsParameters | Parameters for computing areas and lengths |
AGSAttachmentInfo | Information about an attachment |
AGSBingMapLayer | A layer based on Bing Maps |
AGSBufferParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's bufferWithParameters: operation |
AGSCallout | A callout window |
<AGSCalloutDelegate> | A delegate of AGSCallout |
AGSCalloutTemplate | A token-based AGSInfoTemplate |
AGSCancelTracker | |
AGSClassBreak | A class break for the AGSClassBreaksRenderer |
AGSClassBreaksRenderer | A renderer based on class breaks |
AGSClosestFacilityResult | The result of the AGSClosestFacilityTask |
AGSClosestFacilityTask | A task to find closest facilities around a location |
<AGSClosestFacilityTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSClosestFacilityTask |
AGSClosestFacilityTaskParameters | Parameters for AGSClosestFacilityTask |
AGSClosestFacilityTaskResult | The result from an AGSClosestFacilityTask operation |
AGSCodedValue | Represents coded values of AGSCodedValueDomain |
AGSCodedValueDomain | Represents a coded-value domain |
<AGSCoding> | A protocol to convert objects to and from JSON |
AGSCompositeSymbol | A composite symbol composed of multiple symbols |
AGSCredential | Represents an credential to access a secured resource |
AGSDensifyParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's densifyWithParameters: operation |
AGSDirectionGraphic | A single maneuver in a series of driving direction |
AGSDirectionSet | Object containing an array of graphics returned by an AGSRoute |
AGSDistanceParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's distanceWithParameters: operation |
AGSDomain | An attribute domain |
AGSDynamicLayer | A base class for dynamic layers |
<AGSDynamicLayerDrawingOperation> | A protocol that drawing operations must implement for exporting a map image |
AGSDynamicLayerImageRequestOperation | An operation to retrieve a dynamic layer image |
AGSDynamicLayerView | A view to display maps from a dynamic map service |
AGSDynamicMapServiceLayer | A layer based on a dynamic ArcGIS Server map service |
AGSEditResult | An edit result |
AGSEditResultError | An edit error |
AGSEnvelope | An envelope object |
AGSExportImageParams | A class that encapsulates the parameters passed to an export image method |
<AGSExportMapImageDelegate> | An exportDelegate of AGSDynamicLayer |
AGSFacilityGraphic | Graphic used as input to the AGSServiceAreaTask and AGSClosestFacilityTask |
AGSFeatureLayer | A layer based on an ArcGIS Server map/feature service layer |
AGSFeatureLayerAttachmentResults | Results of attachment edit operations |
<AGSFeatureLayerEditingDelegate> | An editing delegate of AGSFeatureLayer |
AGSFeatureLayerEditResults | Results of feature edit operations |
<AGSFeatureLayerQueryDelegate> | A delegate of AGSFeatureLayer |
AGSFeatureSet | A set of features |
AGSFeatureTemplate | Represents all of the information needed to create a feature |
AGSFeatureType | Encapsulates properties of types of features in a feature layer |
AGSField | An object that represents information about a layer |
AGSFindParameters | Parameters for an AGSFindTask operation |
AGSFindResult | A result of AGSFindTask operation |
AGSFindTask | A task to perform simple, textual searches |
<AGSFindTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSFindTask |
AGSGeneralizeParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's generalizeWithParameters: operation |
AGSGeometry | Base class for all geometry objects |
AGSGeometryEngine | An engine to perform geometric operations |
AGSGeometryError | A error that may occur with the AGSGeometryEngine |
AGSGeometryRelationship | Object returned by AGSGeometryServiceTask 's relationWithParameters: operation |
AGSGeometryServiceTask | A task to perform geometric operations |
<AGSGeometryServiceTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSGeometryServiceTask |
AGSGeoprocessor | An object to invoke geoprocessing tasks |
<AGSGeoprocessorDelegate> | A delegate of AGSGeoprocessor |
AGSGPJobInfo | An object containing information about an asynchronous GP task |
AGSGPLinearUnit | A data object containing a linear distance |
AGSGPMessage | A message generated by a geoprocessing task |
AGSGPParameterValue | An input/ouptut parameter of a geoprocessing task |
AGSGPRasterData | A data object containing a raster data source |
AGSGPResultLayer | A dynamic layer returned from a gp task |
AGSGPS | Controls how the map responds to GPS input |
<AGSGPSInfoTemplateDelegate> | A template describing the contents of AGSCallout for gps location |
AGSGraphic | A graphic on the map |
AGSGraphicsLayer | A layer to display graphics on the map |
AGSIdentifyParameters | Parameters for a AGSIdentifyTask operation |
AGSIdentifyResult | A result of AGSIdentifyTask operation |
AGSIdentifyTask | A task to perform identify operations |
<AGSIdentifyTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSIdentifyTask |
AGSImageParameters | The parameters to be used when exporting a map image |
AGSImageRequestOperation | An operation to request an image from a resource |
<AGSImageServiceIdentifyDelegate> | A delegate of AGSImageServiceIdentifyTask |
AGSImageServiceIdentifyParameters | Input parameters for the Image Service Identify Task |
AGSImageServiceIdentifyResult | An object representing the result of an Image Service Identify Task |
AGSImageServiceIdentifyTask | Identify operation for an Image Service resource |
AGSImageServiceInfo | Information about an ArcGIS Server image service |
AGSImageServiceLayer | A layer based on an ArcGIS Server image service |
AGSIncidentGraphic | Graphic used as input to the AGSServiceAreaTask and AGSClosestFacilityTask |
<AGSInfoTemplateDelegate> | A template describing the contents of AGSCallout for a graphic |
AGSJSONRequestOperation | Represents an object to retrieve JSON formatted data from an ArcGIS resource |
AGSLabelClass | Represents labelling properties |
AGSLayer | A base class for all layers |
AGSLayerDefinition | Represents a layer definition |
<AGSLayerDelegate> | A delegate of AGSLayer |
AGSLayerTimeOptions | Options pertaining to time-aware layers |
<AGSLayerView> | A protocol to display layers on a map |
AGSLengthsParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's lengthsWithParameters: operation |
AGSLocator | A locator to geocode and reverse-geocode addresses |
<AGSLocatorDelegate> | A delegate of AGSLocator |
AGSLOD | A scale level of a cached map service |
AGSMagnifierView | Display's a zoomed-in section of the map in a magnifying glass |
AGSMapServiceInfo | Information about an ArcGIS Server map service |
<AGSMapServiceInfoDelegate> | A delegate of AGSMapServiceInfo |
AGSMapServiceLayerInfo | Information about a layer in an ArcGIS Server service |
AGSMapServiceTableInfo | Information about a table in an ArcGIS Server service |
AGSMapView | A View component to display maps |
<AGSMapViewCalloutDelegate> | A delegate of AGSMapView |
<AGSMapViewDelegate> | A delegate of AGSMapView |
<AGSMapViewLayerDelegate> | A delegate of AGSMapView |
<AGSMapViewTouchDelegate> | A delegate of AGSMapView |
AGSMarkerSymbol | A base class for marker symbols |
AGSMosaicRule | Defines how individual images should be mosaicked |
AGSMultipoint | A multipoint object |
AGSMutableEnvelope | A mutable envelope object |
AGSMutableMultipoint | A mutable multipoint object |
AGSMutablePoint | A mutable point object |
AGSMutablePolygon | A mutable polygon object |
AGSMutablePolyline | A mutable polyline object |
AGSNALayerDefinition | Possible input object for stops/facilities/incidents/barriers |
AGSNAMessage | Represents a message from a network analyst task |
AGSOffsetParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's offsetWithParameters: operation |
AGSOpenStreetMapLayer | A layer based on OpenStreetMap |
AGSPictureFillSymbol | A fill symbol based on an image |
AGSPictureMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol based on an image |
AGSPoint | A point object |
AGSPolygon | A polygon object |
AGSPolyline | A polyline object |
AGSProximityResult | The result of a proximity search |
AGSQuery | Parameters for a AGSQueryTask operation |
AGSQueryTask | A task to perform structured queries |
<AGSQueryTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSQueryTask |
AGSRampInterpolator | A symbol interpolator that uses ramps |
AGSRangeDomain | An object representing a range domain |
AGSRasterFunction | The rendering rule to be used for an image service's export image operation |
AGSRelationParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's relationWithParameters: operation |
AGSRelationship | An object representing the relationship between two layers/tables |
AGSRelationshipQuery | Parameters for a AGSQueryTask operation to query related records |
AGSRenderer | A base class for renderers |
AGSRequest | Wrapper class request for synchronous requests to URLs |
AGSRequestOperation | Base class for operations that perform http requests |
AGSRouteResult | The result of the AGSRouteTask |
AGSRouteTask | A task to compute routes |
<AGSRouteTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSRouteTask |
AGSRouteTaskParameters | Input paramters for AGSRouteTask |
AGSRouteTaskResult | Result of an AGSRouteTask solve operation |
<AGSSecuredResource> | A protocol to aid in handling of secured resources |
AGSServiceAreaTask | A task to compute service areas |
<AGSServiceAreaTaskDelegate> | A delegate of AGSServiceAreaTask |
AGSServiceAreaTaskParameters | Input parameters for AGSServiceAreaTask |
AGSServiceAreaTaskResult | The result from an AGSServiceAreaTask operation |
AGSSimpleFillSymbol | A fill symbol based on simple patterns |
AGSSimpleLineSymbol | A line symbol based on simple patterns |
AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol | A marker symbol based on simple shapes |
AGSSimpleRenderer | A simple renderer |
AGSSketchGraphicsLayer | A layer that allows the user to sketch geometries on the map |
AGSSpatialReference | A spatial reference object |
AGSStopGraphic | A stop along a route |
AGSSymbol | A symbol used to display a graphic |
AGSSymbolInterpolator | An object that is used for changing the appearance of features |
AGSTask | Base class for all ArcGIS task objects |
AGSTemporalRenderer | A renderer well suited for temporal data |
AGSTextSymbol | A text symbol |
AGSTile | An object representing a single cached tile of a cached map |
AGSTiledLayer | A base class for tiled layers |
<AGSTiledLayerTileDelegate> | A tileDelegate of AGSTiledLayer |
AGSTiledLayerView | A view to display maps from a cached map service |
AGSTiledMapServiceLayer | A layer based on a cached ArcGIS Server map service |
AGSTileInfo | The tiling scheme of an AGSTiledLayer |
<AGSTileOperation> | A protocol that must be adopted by operations that retrieve tiles |
AGSTileRequestOperation | Requests a tile from a cached map resource |
AGSTimeClassBreak | An object that represents a time class break for the AGSTimeClassBreaksAger |
AGSTimeClassBreaksAger | A symbol interpolator that uses time class breaks |
AGSTimeExtent | An interface to hold a given time interval |
AGSTimeInfo | Time information details |
AGSTimeReference | Contains information about how the time was measured |
AGSTrimExtendParameters | Parameters for AGSGeometryServiceTask 's trimExtendWithParameters: operation |
AGSUniqueValue | An object representing value objects that are used in unique value renderers |
AGSUniqueValueRenderer | A renderer based on unique values |
AGSWebMap | An object representing a web map |
<AGSWebMapDelegate> | A delegate of AGSWebMap |
Base64 | Utility to help encode/decode strings in base 64 |
JSONUtility | Utility interface for dealing with JSON |
NSError(AGSAdditions) | Provides helper method to determine if an error is an authentication error |
UIApplication(AGSAdditions) | Helper category to show/hide the network activity indicator |
UIColor(AGSAdditions) | Category to initialize a UIColor with JSON |
UIDevice(AGSAdditions) | A category to assist with device specific properties |