AGSMapView Class Reference
An instance of this class represents a map component. It is a container for layers, graphics, gps display and a callout. It responds to user interaction by providing behavior for map navigation, displaying the callout, etc.
The component informs its layerDelegate
, touchDelegate
, and calloutDelegate
whenever certain events take place and also consults the delegates before performing certain actions.
For example, the mapViewDidLoad:
method on AGSMapViewLayerDelegate
is invoked after the first layer has been added to the map. At this point, the component is fully functional. The mapView:didClickAtPoint:mapPoint:graphics:
method on AGSMapViewTouchDelegate
is invoked when a user taps on the map.
You can customize the behavior of the map and respond to events by attaching your own delegate classes. Your delegate classes must adopt the necessary protocols.
The map component also broadcasts four notifications - MapViewDidLoad, MapTimeExtentChanged, MapDidEndPanning and MapDidEndZooming. Observers interested in these notifications can register for them using the default NSNotificationCenter
The first layer added to the map is treated as a basemap layer. It defines the spatialReference of the entire map. The map will not load until this layer loads. If this layer fails to load, then you can remove it from the map or possibly resubmit it if the credentials were incorrect or the network was temporarily down. If the basemap layer is removed the map will treat the next layer as the basemap layer. The next layer chosen will be the layer that is at the bottom-most position, or the layer at index zero.
- Defined in:
- AGSMapView.h ( ArcGIS library)
- Since:
- 1.0
- See also:
- AGSMapViewDelegate protocol
List of all members.
Member Function Documentation
- (NSArray* mapLayerNames) __attribute__ |
((deprecated)) |
Names of layers currently available in the map. The order of the layer names reflects the order of the layers displayed in the map; layer at index 0 is the bottom-most.
- Since:
- 1.0
- Deprecated:
- No direct replacement. You can use mapLayers to access the layers.
Add a layer to the map using the specified name. The first layer added to the map is treated as a basemap layer. It defines the full extent and spatialReference of the map.
- Parameters:
| mapLayer | Map Layer to be added to the map. |
| name | Name of layer. You can pass nil, in which case a name will be provided. If specified, this name must be unique. |
- Returns:
object used to draw the layer
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) calloutDidClickAccessoryButton: |
(AGSCallout *) |
callout |
[optional, inherited] |
Tells the delegate the user tapped on the accessory button in the callout
- Parameters:
| callout | containing accessory button. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) centerAtPoint: |
(AGSPoint *) |
point |
animated: |
(BOOL) |
animated | |
| | |
Center map at specified location.
- Parameters:
| point | Map point to center map. Point must have the same spatial reference as the map. Point must be in map units. |
| animated | Determines if the centering should be animated or immediate. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (UIView<AGSLayerView> *) insertMapLayer: |
(AGSLayer *) |
mapLayer |
withName: |
(NSString *) |
name |
atIndex: |
(NSUInteger) |
index | |
| | |
Inserts a layer to the map with specified name at index
- Parameters:
| mapLayer | Map Layer of type AGSLayer to be added to map. |
| name | Name of layer. You can pass nil, in which case a name will be provided. If specified, this name must be unique. |
| index | Index where layer will be inserted. |
- Returns:
used to draw layer
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) removeMapLayerWithName: |
(NSString *) |
name |
Remove a layer from the map with specified name. Even when the basemap layer is removed, the map's envelope , fullEnvelope, and spatialReference properties remain unchanged.
- Parameters:
| name | Name of the layer to be removed. |
- Since:
- 1.0
Resets the map to an original and unloaded state. Will remove any and all layers from the map.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (void) showCalloutAtPoint: |
(AGSPoint *) |
point |
Show callout at specified location. The callout's content will need to be specified through its (AGSCallout
) title
and detail
- Parameters:
| point | Map point to display callout at. Point must be in map units and must have the same spatial reference as the map. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) showCalloutAtPoint: |
(AGSPoint *) |
mapPoint |
forGraphic: |
(AGSGraphic *) |
graphic |
animated: |
(BOOL) |
animated | |
| | |
Show callout at specified location for a specific graphic. The graphic's attributes
and infoTemplateDelegate
will be used to display content in the callout.
- Parameters:
| mapPoint | Map point that will be used for the callout. You can pass nil if you want the center of the graphic to be used. If the graphic is represented by a marker symbol, then the mapPoint is ignored in order to best place the callout. |
| graphic | Graphic that the callout is displaying for. |
| animated | Determines whether or not the callout should animate when it is shown. |
- Since:
- 1.0
Converts a rectangle in screen coordinates to an envelope in map units.
- Parameters:
| rect | Rectangle in screen coordinates to convert from. |
- Returns:
- Envelope in map units. Envelope will have the same spatial reference as the map.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (AGSPoint *) toMapPoint: |
(CGPoint) |
point |
Convert the specified point in screen units to a point in map units.
- Parameters:
| point | Point in screen units. |
- Returns:
- Point in map units. Point will have the same spatial reference as the map.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (CGPoint) toScreenPoint: |
(AGSPoint *) |
point |
Convert the specified point in map units to a point in screen units.
- Parameters:
| point | Point in map units. Point must have the same spatial reference as the map. |
- Returns:
- Point in screen units.
- Since:
- 1.0
Convert the specified envelope in map units to a CGRect
in screen units.
- Parameters:
| envelope | Envelope in map units. Envelope must have the same spatial reference as the map. |
- Returns:
in screen coordinates
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) zoomIn: |
(BOOL) |
animated |
Zooms in to the current center of the map by a factor of .5.
- Parameters:
| animated | Determines if the zooming in should be animated or immediate. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) zoomOut: |
(BOOL) |
animated |
Zooms out to the current center of the map by a factor of 2.
- Parameters:
| animated | Determines if the zooming out should be animated or immediate. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) zoomToEnvelope: |
(AGSEnvelope *) |
envelope |
animated: |
(BOOL) |
animated | |
| | |
Zoom/Pan the map to specified envelope.
- Parameters:
| envelope | Map envelope to zoom/pan to. Envelope must have the same spatial reference as the map. Envelope must be in map units. |
| animated | Determines if the scrolling should be animated or immediate. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (void) zoomWithFactor: |
(double) |
factor |
atAnchorPoint: |
(CGPoint) |
anchorPoint |
animated: |
(BOOL) |
animated | |
| | |
Zooms map by a factor. Anchor Point is in screen coordinates of the map view.
- Parameters:
| factor | Used to determine the amount to zoom. For example, use 0.5 to zoom in twice as far and 2.0 to zoom out twice as far. |
| anchorPoint | Point in screen coordinates around which to zoom. |
| animated | Determines if the zooming should be animated or immediate. |
- Since:
- 1.0
Property Documentation
- (BOOL) animating [read, assign] |
Flag to indicate if the map is animating.
- Since:
- 1.0
A callout view for displaying information on the map.
- Since:
- 1.0
Delegate to be notified when map callout actions occur.The delegate class must adopt the AGSMapViewCalloutDelegate
- Since:
- 1.8
Returns the type of device currently running the application. This is useful if we want to disable certain features to gain performance on older devices.
- Since:
- 1.0
The current extent of the map in map units.
- Since:
- 1.0
The full extent of map.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (AGSGPS*) gps [read, retain] |
The display that shows the current location of the device, which is updated from the CLLocationManager.
- Since:
- 1.0
Delegate to be notified when map layer actions occur. The delegate class must adopt the AGSMapViewLayerDelegate
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) limitedDeviceCapabilities [read, assign] |
Flag to indicate if the current device has been limited to gain performance.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (BOOL) loaded [read, assign] |
After the first layer added to the map is loaded, this value is set to true
- Since:
- 1.0
- (NSArray*) mapLayers [read, retain] |
Array of the layers in the map.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (UIView*) mapLayersView [read, retain] |
View that contains the layer views. Do not modify the contents of this view directly. It is for informational purposes only.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (NSDictionary*) mapLayerViews [read, retain] |
Dictionary providing access to AGSLayerView
objects for each layer in the map. View object can be retrieved using layer's name as the key.
- See also:
- - addMapLayer:withName:
- Since:
- 1.0
- (double) mapScale [read, assign] |
The current scale of the map. Will return 0 if it cannot be calculated.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (UIView*) masterView [read, retain] |
Master view for child views of the map. Do not modify the contents of this view directly. It is for informational purposes only.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (BOOL) panning [read, assign] |
Flag to indicate if the map is panning.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (double) resolution [read, assign] |
The map's current resolution (map units per pixel).
- Since:
- 1.0
- (BOOL) showMagnifierOnTapAndHold [read, write, assign] |
Flag to indicate if the map should show the magnifier when the user performs a tap and hold gesture on the map. Default is NO
The spatial reference of the map. Defined by the basemap layer.
- Since:
- 1.0
The time extent for the map. Will be used only for time-aware layers.
- Availability:
- This feature is only available with services from ArcGIS Server 10.0 or above
- Since:
- 1.0
Delegate to be notified when touch events occur on the map.The delegate class must adopt the AGSMapViewTouchDelegate
- Since:
- 1.8
The units the map is in. Possible values include
- Since:
- 1.0
- (BOOL) wrapAround [read, write, assign] |
Flag to indicate if the map should wrap around. Default is NO
. When YES
, the map may need to zoom depending on the resolution. The map also may reset this property back to NO
if the layers don't conform to certain properties.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) zooming [read, assign] |
Flag to indicate if the map is zooming.
- Since:
- 1.0