AGSRouteTaskParameters Class Reference
Instances of this class represent input parameters for the AGSRouteTask
The default parameters for an AGSRouteTask
can be retrieved by passing AGSRouteTask
the retrieveDefaultRouteTaskParameters
message and listening to the routeTask:operation:didRetrieveDefaultRouteTaskParameters:
delegate method.
- Since:
- 1.8
List of all members.
Member Function Documentation
- (void) decodeWithJSON: |
(NSDictionary *) |
json |
[optional, inherited] |
Decode object from JSON representation.
- Parameters:
| json | The JSON representation of the object to be decoded. |
- Since:
- 1.0
- (NSDictionary *) encodeToJSON |
[optional, inherited] |
Encode and return JSON representation for object.
- Returns:
- JSON representation of object.
- Since:
- 1.0
- (id) initWithJSON: |
(NSDictionary *) |
json |
[optional, inherited] |
Initialize and return object from JSON representation.
- Parameters:
| json | The JSON representation of the object to be created. |
- Returns:
- Object decoded from JSON representation.
- Since:
- 1.0
+ (id) routeTaskParameters |
- (void) setPointBarriersWithFeatures: |
(NSArray *) |
features |
Set the point barriers to be used in the solve operation as an array of AGSGraphic
- Parameters:
| features | The set of features to be used as point barriers in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
Set the layer information for the point barriers to be used in the solve operation.
- Parameters:
| layerDefinition | The AGSNALayerDefinition containing information about the barriers to be used in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
- (void) setPolygonBarriersWithFeatures: |
(NSArray *) |
features |
Set the polygon barriers to be used in the solve operation as an array of AGSGraphic
- Parameters:
| features | The set of features to be used as polygon barriers in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
Set the layer information for the polygon barriers to be used in the solve operation.
- Parameters:
| layerDefinition | The AGSNALayerDefinition containing information about the polygon barriers to be used in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
- (void) setPolylineBarriersWithFeatures: |
(NSArray *) |
features |
Set the polyline barriers to be used in the solve operation as an array of AGSGraphic
- Parameters:
| features | The set of features to be used as polyline barriers in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
Set the layer information for the polyline barriers to be used in the solve operation.
- Parameters:
| layerDefinition | The AGSNALayerDefinition containing information about the polyline barriers to be used in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
- (void) setStopsWithFeatures: |
(NSArray *) |
features |
Set the stops to be used in the solve operation as an array of AGSStopGraphic
- Parameters:
| features | The set of features to be used as stops in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
Set the layer information for the stops to be used in the solve operation.
- Parameters:
| layerDefinition | The AGSNALayerDefinition containing information about the stops to be used in the analysis. |
- Since:
- 1.8
Property Documentation
- (NSArray*) accumulateAttributeNames [read, write, retain] |
This list of network attribute names to be accumulated with the analysis, i.e. which attributes should be returned as part of the response.
The default is as defined by the network analysis layer used in your task. You can specify any attributes names listed in the Services Directory under "Network Dataset -> Network Attributes" as "Usage Type: esriNAUTCost".
- Since:
- 1.8
- (NSArray*) attributeParameterValues [read, write, retain] |
An array of NSDictionary objects that describe the parameter values. Properties of this object are: (String) attributeName - Name of the attribute. (String) parameterName - Name of the parameter. (Number) value - Parameter value.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (NSString*) directionsLanguage [read, write, retain] |
The language used when computing directions. For example, en_US, fr_FR, etc. The default is as defined by the network analysis layer used in your task.
By default, NAServer gets installed with en_US only - it is up to the server administrator to add additional languages.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (AGSNAUnit) directionsLengthUnits [read, write, assign] |
The length units to use when computing directions. The default is as defined by the network analysis layer used in your task.
Possible types include
- Since:
- 1.8
- (NSString*) directionsStyleName [read, write, retain] |
- (NSString*) directionsTimeAttributeName [read, write, retain] |
The name of network attribute to use for the drive time when computing directions. The default is as defined by the network analysis layer used in your task.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) doNotLocateOnRestrictedElements [read, write, assign] |
If true
, avoids network elements restricted by pointBarriers
or due to restrictions specified in restrictionAttributeNames
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) findBestSequence [read, write, assign] |
If true
, optimizes the order of the stops in the route while taking into account preserveFirstStop
and preserveLastStop
, if they are set to true
. The default is as defined by the network analysis layer used in your task.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) ignoreInvalidLocations [read, write, assign] |
In routes where a stop is not located on a network or a stop could not be reached, the results will differ depending on the value of ignoreInvalidLocations
. When false
, the solve operation will fail if at least one of the stops specified cannot be located or reached. When true
, as long as there are at least two valid stops that have been connected by a route, a valid result is returned. If multiple routes are processed in a single request, as long as at least one route is built, a valid result is returned.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (NSString*) impedanceAttributeName [read, write, retain] |
The network attribute name to be used as the impedance attribute in analysis. The default is as defined by the network analysis layer used in your task. You can specify any attributes names listed in the Service Directory under "Network Dataset -> Network Attributes" as "Usage Type: esriNAUTCost". You can also specify a value of "none" to indicate that no network attributes should be used for impedance. If you specify an empty array, it will default to the default of the service.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (double) outputGeometryPrecision [read, write, assign] |
The precision of the output geometry after generalization. If 0, no generalization of output is performed. If present and positive, it represents the MaximumAllowableOffset parameter. The default value is 5.0 meters.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (AGSUnits) outputGeometryPrecisionUnits [read, write, assign] |
The units of the output geometry precision. The default value is AGSUnitsMeters.
Possible types include
- Since:
- 1.8
The type of lines to be generated in the result.
Known values: see AGSNAOutputLine
- Since:
- 1.8
The spatial reference in which result geometries should be returned. If not specified, the geometries are returned in the spatial reference of the service.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) preserveFirstStop [read, write, assign] |
If true
, keeps the first stop fixed in the sequence even when findBestSequence
is true
. Only applicable if findBestSequence
is true
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) preserveLastStop [read, write, assign] |
If true
, keeps the last stop fixed in the sequence even when findBestSequence
is true
. Only applicable if findBestSequence
is true
- Since:
- 1.8
- (NSArray*) restrictionAttributeNames [read, write, retain] |
The list of network attribute names to be used as restrictions with the analysis. Possible values are listed in the Service Directory under "Network Dataset -> Network Attributes". You can also specify a value of "none" to indicate that no network attributes should be used as restrictions. If you specify an empty array, it will default to the default of the service.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) returnDirections [read, write, assign] |
If true
, directions are generated and returned in the directions
property of each AGSRouteResult
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) returnPointBarriers [read, write, assign] |
If true
, point barriers used in the analysis are returned in the pointBarriers
property of AGSRouteTaskResult
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) returnPolygonBarriers [read, write, assign] |
If true
, polygon barriers used in the analysis are returned in the pointBarriers
property of AGSRouteTaskResult
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) returnPolylineBarriers [read, write, assign] |
If true
, polyline barriers used in the analysis are returned in the pointBarriers
property of AGSRouteTaskResult
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) returnRouteGraphics [read, write, assign] |
If true
, routes are generated and returned in the route
property of each AGSRouteResult
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) returnStopGraphics [read, write, assign] |
If true
, stops are returned in the stops
property of each AGSRouteResult
. Returned stops may contain some additional attributes providing information about the route.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (NSDate*) startTime [read, write, retain] |
The time the route begins. If not specified, defaults to the time the task is executed.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) useHierarchy [read, write, assign] |
If true
, the hierarchy attribute for the network should be used in analysis.
- Since:
- 1.8
- (BOOL) useTimeWindows [read, write, assign] |
If true
, time windows should be used in the analysis.
- Since:
- 1.8
Specifies how U-Turns should be handled. U-turns can be allowed everywhere, nowhere , only at dead ends, or only at intersections and dead ends. Allowing U-turns implies the vehicle can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street.
Known values: see AGSNAUTurn
- Since:
- 1.8