Rotating a feature in 3D

The Rotate command allows you to rotate the selected features by an exact angle of rotation. The angle is applied relative to the current feature's current orientation, with positive numbers rotating clockwise and negative numbers rotating counterclockwise. There are many cases where your data isn't oriented properly and needs to be rotated, such as a 3D building model that needs to face toward the river.

Rotate is supported for points, lines, polygons, and multipatches.

The following images illustrate how a feature is selected, the Rotate command is activated, and the feature is placed in its new location. Notice the pointer changes when you are in rotate mode and there is feedback to the degree of rotation for the feature.Using 3D Editor's Rotate tool.

  1. Click the Edit Placement Edit Placement Tool tool on the 3D Editor toolbar.
  2. Click the feature or features you want to rotate. Press and hold the SHIFT key while clicking features to select additional features.
  3. Access Rotate by doing one of the following:
    • Click 3D Editor and click Rotate.
    • Press the R key.

    The Direction dialog box appears, and you can type the desired rotation angle.

  • Another way to rotate features is to interactively turn them using the Edit Placement tool. This way you can simply click and hold the middle mouse button and rotate the selected feature. For more information, see Using the Rotate tool.

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