Package com.esri.sde.sdk.geom

This package contains classes that implement the OGC Geometry interfaces.


Interface Summary
Curve The Curve interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a one-dimensional geometric object stored as a sequence of points.
Geometry The Geometry interface defines the methods for the Geometry subclasses.
GeometryCollection The GeometryCollection interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a geometric object which is a collection of one or more geometric objects.
GeometryFactory The GeometryFactory interface is used to construct an abstract Geometry object.
GeometrySource The GeometrySource interface defines the methods for transforming a geometry object from its well-known binary representation or well-known text representation.
Linestring The Linestring interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a geometric object that is a subtype of a Curve with linear interpolation between points.
MultiCurve The MultiCurve interface defines the methods for the subclasses of MultiCurve.
MultiLinestring The MultiLinestring interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a collection of geometric objects whose elements are instances of Linestring.
MultiPoint The MultiPoint interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a collection of geometic objects whose elements are instances of Point.
MultiPolygon The MultiPolygon interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a collection of geometric objects whose elements are instances of Polygons.
MultiSurface The MultiSurface interface defines the methods for the subclasses of MultiSurface.
Point The Point interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a zero-dimensional geometric object which represents a single location in coordinate space.
Polygon The Polygon interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a geometric object which is defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries.
Surface The Surface interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a two-dimensional geometric object.

Class Summary
SeCoordRef This class represents a coordinate reference.
SeCurve This class represents a one-dimensional geometric object usually stored as a sequence of points, its subtype specifies the form of the interpolation between points.
SeEnvelope This class represents the extent of the geometric object.
SeGeometry This is the non-instantiable root class of the hierarchy, its instantiable subclasses are 0, 1 to two-dimensional geometric objects that exist in two-dimensional coordinate space.
SeGeometryCollection This class represents a geometric object that is a collection of 1 or more geometries.
SeGeometrySource This class implements interface GeometrySource.
SeLinestring This class is a subclass of SeCurve with a linear interpolation between points, each consecutive pair of points defines a line segment.
SeMultiCurve This class represents a collection of geometric objects whose elements are SeCurves.
SeMultiLinestring This class represents a collection of geometric objects whose elements are SeLinestrings.
SeMultiPoint This class represents a collection of geometric objects whose elements are SePoints.
SeMultiPolygon This class represents a collection of geometric objects whose elements are SePolygons.
SeMultiSurface This is a non-instantiable class which represents a collection of geometric objects whose elements are SeSurfaces.
SePoint This class represents a zero-dimensional geometric object and represents a single location in coordinate space.
SePolygon This class represents a planar SeSurface, defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries.
SeSurface This class represents a two-dimensional geometric object.

Exception Summary
GeometryException This exception is thrown whenever errors are encountered on the operations of the gometry object.
GeometryException.IncompatibleGeometries This exception is thrown whenever a Clementini operation encounters an error due to incompatible geometries.
GeometryException.IndexOutOfBounds Since this is an indirect subclass of RuntimeException, it's instances are uncheck exceptions.
GeometryException.InvalidGeometry This error is thrown whenever the geometry is topologically invalid.
GeometryException.InvalidSrid This error is thrown whenever the srid for the geometry cannot be resolved.

Package com.esri.sde.sdk.geom Description

This package contains classes that implement the OGC Geometry interfaces.

It consists of the following categories of classes:

The OGC Interfaces - This consists of interfaces that define the OGC requirements. Applications that must be designed to work with other OGC compliant implementations of geometry, as well as with SDE spatial data, without modification, will use only these interfaces.

The SeGeometry Hierarchy - This consists of the ArcSDE Implementation of the OGC Interfaces. ArcSDE Client applications will work with these classes. This level represents the SE_SHAPE interface in the C-API, remodeled as Objects that meet the OGC Geometry specs.