
This package contains the classes that comprise the ArcSDE Projection Engine.


Class Summary
PeAdjHCS Adjusted Horizontal Coordinate System
PeAngunitDefs Predefined Angunit macros in the PE factory
PeArray This class defines an Array object.
PeAuthority An authority defines the source and optionally the version for a factory code used to create the pe object.
PeBoolean This class provides for modifying a boolean argument.
PeConvert This class provides conversion methods between doubles and strings.
PeCoordinateSystem A Coordinate System superclass to manipulate a Projected and Geographic Coordinate System object.
PeCSTransformations Converts coordinates from one coordinate system to another.
PeDataHome This class is used to set and/or get the PEDATAHOME value.
PeDatum A Datum defines the position of the spheroid relative to the center of the Earth.
PeDatumDefs Predefined Datum macros in the PE factory
PeDatumsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeDefs Predefined constants.
PeDms Conversion between lat/lon and various decimal notations
PeDmsConvert Convert a DMS string to a lat/lon
PeDouble This class provides for modifying a double argument.
PeExceptionsDefs Defines the projection engine runtime exceptions.
PeFactory Abstract Projection Engine Factory which returns one of several Projection Engine Objects.
PeFactoryCodelist Create an integer array of an object's factory codes.
PeFactoryCodeRangeEntry Entry for predefined ranges of constants.
PeFactoryCodeRanges Predefined ranges of constants.
PeFactoryCodeRangeTable Table of predefined ranges of constants.
PeFactoryDefstring Convert a macro string to a factory code.
PeFactoryNGAerrorEntry NGA Error table entry.
PeFactoryNGAerrorList List of NGA error table entries.
PeFactoryNGAgeogtran This class provides a support for NGA geogtran processing.
PeFactoryObjeditHome This class is used to set and/or get the PEOBJEDITHOME value.
PeFactoryPredefined Create an array of an object's code/names.
PeGars Conversion between lat/lon and GARS notation
PeGCSDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeGCSExtent Geographic extent
PeGeogcsDefs Predefined Geogcs macros in the PE factory
PeGeographicCS A geographic coordinate system is a three-dimensional reference system that locates points on the Earth's surface.
PeGeogtranDefs Predefined Geogtran macros in the PE factory
PeGeogTransformations This class defines the methods for a datum transformation.
PeGeoref Conversion between lat/lon and GEOREF notation
PeGeoXYZCS A Geogxyzcs is a geocentric coordinate system.
PeGeoxyzcsDefs Predefined Geoxyzcs macros in the PE factory
PeGTDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeGTlist This class provides a list of GEOGTRANs for two given coordinate systems.
PeGTlistEntry This class is an entry for the PeGTlist object.
PeGTlistExtended This class provides an extended list of GEOGTRANs for two given coordinate systems.
PeGTlistExtendedEntry This class is an entry for the PeGTlistExtended object.
PeGTlistExtendedGTs This class is an entry for the Geogtran list.
PeGTTransformations Converts points in one GEOGCS to another GEOGCS
PeHorizon A projection horizon defines the limits of a map projection with particular parameters.
PeHTMethod This class defines a datum transformation htmethod.
PeHTMethodDefs Predefined HTMethod macros in the PE factory
PeHTMethsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeHVCoordSys Horizontal-Vertical Coordinate System
PeHVCoordsysDefs Predefined HVCoordsys macros in the PE factory
PeHVDatum Horizontal-Vertical Coordinate System.
PeInteger This class provides for modifying a integer argument.
PeLineType This class defines various linetype functions.
PeLinunitDefs Predefined Linunit macros in the PE factory
PeMacros Miscellaneous general purpose macros used throughout the PE.
PeMath This class defines the projection engine mathematical functions.
PeMetadata The metadata object contains area info and other information about an object.
PeMethListTable Table of geographic transformation methods.
PeMethod This class defines a datum transformation method.
PeMethodDefs Predefined Method macros in the PE factory
PeMethsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeMgrs Conversion between lat/lon and MGRS notation
PeObject Class PeObject is the root of the pe class hierarchy.
PeParameterDefs Predefined Parameter macros in the PE factory
PeParameters Parameters are required by projection and geographic transformation objects.
PeParamsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PePCSDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PePCSInfo PCS information type.
PePrimemDefs Predefined Primem macros in the PE factory
PePrimeMeridian This class defines a prime meridian object.
PeProjcsDefs Predefined Projcs macros in the PE factory
PeProjectedCS A projected coordinate system is a two-dimensional planar surface.
PeProjection This class defines a map projection object.
PeProjectionDefs Predefined Projection macros in the PE factory
PeProjectionException This class defines the projection engine runtime exceptions.
PeProjFile This header describes the routines used for converting between PE objects and PRJ strings & files used by ArcINFO Workstation.
PeProjsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeSpheroid This class defines the shape and size of a geographic coordinate system's surface.
PeSpheroidDefs Predefined Spheroid macros in the PE factory
PeSpheroidsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeString String processing routines
PeTable Table entry of code/name for an object.
PeTranslist This class provides for multiple transformations.
PeTranslistEntry This class provides for multiple transformations.
PeUnit This class defines a unit object.
PeUnitsDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeUsng Conversion between lat/lon and USNG notation
PeUtm Conversion between lat/lon and UTM notation
PeVCSDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeVDatum Vertical Datum
PeVDatumDefs Predefined VDatum macros in the PE factory
PeVertCS Vertical Coordinate System
PeVertcsDefs Predefined Vertcs macros in the PE factory
PeVertDDefs Deprecated. This class will be removed after version 10.0.
PeVerttran This class defines the methods for a vertical transformation.
PeVerttranDefs Predefined Verttran macros in the PE factory
PeVtm This class is a lower-level VTM method
PeVTMethod This class defines a vertical transformation method.
PeVTMethodDefs Predefined VTMethod macros in the PE factory
PeVtmFileHdr This class is the header of a "standard" VT file.
PeVtmHdr This class contains the generic VTM header routines.
PeVTTransformations Converts points in one VERTCS to another VERTCS

Package Description

This package contains the classes that comprise the ArcSDE Projection Engine.