Interface MultiPoint

All Superinterfaces:
Geometry, GeometryCollection
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MultiPoint
extends GeometryCollection

The MultiPoint interface defines the methods for a class whose instances create a collection of geometic objects whose elements are instances of Point.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.sde.sdk.geom.GeometryCollection
geometryN, numGeometries
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.sde.sdk.geom.Geometry
asBinary, asText, boundary, buffer, contains, convexhull, crosses, difference, dimension, disjoint, distance, envelope, envelopesIntersect, equal, exterior, geometryType, interior, intersect, intersection, is3D, isEmpty, isMeasured, isSimple, isValid, locateAlong, locateBetween, numPoints, overlap, srid, symmetricDiff, touch, union, within