 IGeographyLayerInfo The IGeographyLayerInfo interface provides properties of a geography layer.
 IQueryTask The IQueryTask interface is a facade for the thematic mapping query task.
 ColorRamp The ColorRamp class defines and handles color ramp for thematic mapping.
 ColorRampSchema The ColorRampSchema is a collection of color gradients matching a single color ramp.
 GeographyLevelInfo The GeographyLevelInfo class provides a collection of geography layers representing the geography level in descending order of scale values.
 GeographyLevels The GeographyLevels class provides a read-only collection of geography levels.
 ProgressEvent The ProgressEvent event is dispatched when a thematic layer performs one of steps while updating.
 QueryTaskOutput The QueryTaskOutput class provides the results of the execution of the thematic mapping query task.
 TMAttributesProvider The TMAttributesProvider class provides an access to attributes of a feature of a thematic layer.
 TMColorRamp The TMColorRamp class provides an implementation of ColorRamp based on ColorRampSchema.
 TMLayer The TMLayer class provides the base functionality for thematic layers.
 TMLayerAvailableEvent The TMLayerAvailableEvent event is dispatched when an availability of the thematic layer is changed.
 TMLayerChangedEvent The TMLayerChangedEvent is dispatched when a thematic layer is updated.
 TMLayerComponent The TMLayerComponent class is the base thematic extension class.
 TMQueryTask The TMQueryTask class implements the IQueryTask facade for an ArcGIS query task executing a thematic mapping query.
 TMQueryTaskProvider The TMQueryTaskProvider class implements composition of a number of thematic mapping query tasks.
 TMRendererEvent The TMRendererEvent event provides updating a symbol for rendering a graphic.
 TMSummarizations The TMSummarizations class provides the work with summarization variables.
 TMSymbolizationProvider The TMSymbolizationProvider class is the base symbolization provider of thematic layer.
 TMValueCalculator The TMValueCalculator class calculates the value of a feature for thematic shading using one of the calculation methods specified with the TMValueType enumeration.
 TMValueEvent The TMValueEvent is dispatched when a thematic value is updated.
 TMValueState Enumeration of thematic value evaluation states.
 TMValueType The TMValueType class provides a enumeration of thematic value calculation methods.
 ValueCalculator The ValueCalculator class is the base abstract class providing the calculation of the value of a feature for thematic shading.
 ValueDescriptionStyle The ValueDescriptionStyle class provides an enumeration of thematic value description methods.
 ValueInfo The ValueInfo class encapsulates a numeric value and additional attributes required for formatting this value to a string.