Interfacepublic interface IQueryTask
Implementors BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter, TMQueryTask, TMQueryTaskProvider, ThematicMappingQueryTask, ThematicMappingQueryTask

The IQueryTask interface is a facade for the thematic mapping query task.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
execute(layerInfo:IGeographyLayerInfo, query:Query, responder:IResponder):Boolean
Executes a query for the given geography layer.
Initializes the query task.
Method Detail
public function execute(layerInfo:IGeographyLayerInfo, query:Query, responder:IResponder):Boolean

Executes a query for the given geography layer.

The query task should at first validate the geography layer. If this is an alien layer, the false value should be returned. Otherwise, the query task should start executing query and should return the true value.

The responder.fault method receives a parameter of the FaultEvent type and responder.result method receives a parameter of the BATaskCompletedEvent type whose result property contains the result of FeatureSet type.


layerInfo:IGeographyLayerInfo — A geography layer to execute query on.
query:Query — A query to execute.
responder:IResponder — A responder to handle query results.

Boolean — True if the query task is started.
public function initialize(responder:IResponder):void

Initializes the query task.

The responder.fault method receives a parameter of the FaultEvent type and responder.result method receives a parameter of the BATaskCompletedEvent type whose result property contains an array of GeographyLevelInfo type items.


responder:IResponder — responder to handle initialization results.

See also