Reclass by ASCII File (3D Analyst)


Reclassifies (or changes) the values of the input cells of a raster using an ASCII remap file.

Learn more about how Reclass by ASCII File works



ReclassByASCIIFile_3d (in_raster, in_remap_file, out_raster, {missing_values})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The input raster to be reclassified.

Raster Layer

ASCII remap file defining the single values or ranges to be reclassified and the values they will become.

Allowed extensions for the ASCII remap files are .rmp, .txt, and .asc.


The output reclassified raster.

The output will always be of integer type.

Raster Dataset

Denotes whether missing values in the reclass file retain their value or get mapped to NoData.

  • DATA Signifies that if any cell location on the input raster contains a value that is not present or reclassed in the remap file, the value should remain intact and be written for that location to the output raster.
  • NODATA A keyword signifying that if any cell location on the input raster contains a value that is not present or reclassed in the remap file, the value will be reclassed to NODATA for that location on the output raster.

Ejemplo de código

ReclassByASCIIFile example 1 (Python window)

This example uses an ASCII remap file to reclassify the input raster.

import arcpy
from import *
from arcpy import env  
env.workspace = "C:/data"
ReclassByASCIIFile example 2 (stand-alone script)

This example uses an ASCII remap file to reclassify the input raster.

# Name:
# Description: Reclassifies  values of the input raster using an ASCII remap 
#    file.
# Requirements: 3D Analyst Extension

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"

# Set local variables
inRaster = "slope"
inRemapFile = "remapslope.rmp"
outRaster = "C:/output/recslope"

# Check out the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension license

# Execute Reclassify
arcpt.ReclassByASCIIFile_3d(inRaster, inRemapFile, outRaster)


Temas relacionados

Información de licencia

ArcView: Requiere 3D Analyst o Spatial Analyst
ArcEditor: Requiere 3D Analyst o Spatial Analyst
ArcInfo: Requiere 3D Analyst o Spatial Analyst
