IServerAction Interface
Members  See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools Namespace : IServerAction Interface

Server action for a tool bar item or a tool item.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Interface IServerAction 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As IServerAction
public interface IServerAction 


IServerAction is the common interface implemented by several classes that handle server-side action for commands that operate on a map or page layout. Typically the server action is used by an item on a Toolbar, and the class that implements the server action is specified as the ServerActionClass of the toolbar item.

IServerAction actually is not implemented directly by classes. Instead, several interfaces implement IServerAction for specific types of tool or command functionality, and these interfaces are then implemented by classes. The interfaces that implement IServerAction are:

See Also

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