ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools Namespace (ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls)
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.Tools contains interfaces and classes for tools tied to a Map control, which the user interacts with on the Map.


ClassMapCenterAt Server tool action for centering a Map control's extent at a point.
ClassMapFullExtent Draws buddied map controls at full extent.
ClassMapPan Server tool action for panning a Map control's display.
ClassMapZoomIn Server tool action for zooming in on a Map control's display to an envelope.
ClassMapZoomOut Server tool action for zooming out on a Map control's display based on an input rectangle.
ClassToolbarItemInfo Provides information about the item on the toolbar that invoked an action on the server.
ClassToolboxDropDown Generates OnSelectedIndexChanged event.


InterfaceIClientSidePostBackServerAction Optional interface for server-side action classes for tools and commands that will handle the client-side post back and return the response to be sent back to the requesting function.
InterfaceIMapServerCommandAction Server action for a command operating on a map. A class that implements this interface may be used as the server-side action for a Command.
InterfaceIMapServerDropDownBoxAction The interface that must be implemented in order for a class to function as the server-side action of a DropDownBox.
InterfaceIMapServerToolAction The interface that should be implemented in order for a class to function as the server-side action of a Tool on a Toolbar associated with a set of Map controls. Also, the interface that needs to be implemented by the server-side component of a MapToolItem.
InterfaceIPageServerCommandAction Server action for a command operating on a PageLayout. A class that implements this interface may be used as the server-side action for a Command.
InterfaceIPageServerDropDownBoxAction The interface that must be implemented in order for a class to function as the server-side action of a DropDownBox used for a PageLayout.
InterfaceIPageServerToolAction The interface that should be implemented in order for a class to function as the server-side action of a Tool on a Toolbar associated with a set of PageLayout controls. Also, the interface that needs to be implemented by the server-side component of a PageToolItem.
InterfaceIServerAction Server action for a tool bar item or a tool item.
InterfaceIToolbarItemSetup Optional interface to be implemented by the server side action classes for tools and commands that require initialization and tear down.

See Also

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