InitializationParameters Class
Members  Example  See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto Namespace : InitializationParameters Class

Specifies the information about the map service to load into MapService.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class InitializationParameters 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As InitializationParameters
public class InitializationParameters 


This example creates an InitializationParameters and sets its properties, and uses it to create a new MapService object.
C#Copy Code
InitializationParameters initParams = new InitializationParameters(); 

initParams.LoadDataFrames = "#ALL#"; 

initParams.LoadExtensions = false; 

initParams.LoadFields = true; 

initParams.LoadLayerExtents = true; 

initParams.LoadRenderers = false; 

initParams.ScreenDpi = 96; 


TCPConnection conn = new TCPConnection("localhost", 5300); 

conn.ServiceName = "World"; 


MapService mapService = new MapService(conn, initParams, true); 

Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim initParams As New InitializationParameters()

initParams.LoadDataFrames = "#ALL#"

initParams.LoadExtensions = False

initParams.LoadFields = True

initParams.LoadLayerExtents = True

initParams.LoadRenderers = False

initParams.ScreenDpi = 96

Dim conn As New TCPConnection("localhost", 5300)

conn.ServiceName = "World"

Dim mapService As New MapService(conn, initParams, True)


Considerable information is available from the ArcIMS server about the map service. This includes information about the map renderers (symbolization), fields (for querying), layer extents, extensions (for geocoding and data extraction), and data frames (for ArcMap image services). In order for an operation to be performed on a MapService or derived MapView or LayoutView, the related information must be loaded.

For example, in order to obtain information about or modify the rendering of a map layer, the rendering information must be loaded when the MapService is initialized. If LoadRenderers is set to false, no rendering information will be available for map layers.

To minimize on the load on the server, set properties for unneeded information to false within InitializationParameters. Information that is loaded must be parsed by the server into the appropriate objects, which consumes some overhead time. The data also consume server memory.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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