ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto contains the core classes, enumerations and delegates for working with ArcIMS services.


ClassDataFrame Represents a data frame in an ArcMap Server service.
ClassDataFrameCollection A thread-safe collection of DataFrame objects.
ClassExtractor AcetateLayerObject used for extracting data from a MapService.
ClassImageDescriptor Contains properties the determine how to output the map image or file.
ClassInitializationParameters Specifies the information about the map service to load into MapService.
ClassLayoutInfo Provides some information about the layout in an ArcMap Server image service.
ClassLayoutView Handles working with and viewing layouts in an ArcMap Server service.
ClassLegend Contains properties and references for the map Legend.
ClassMapService Represents the generic functionality of an ArcIMS map service.
ClassMapView The main object for handling map characteristics.
ClassScaleChangedEventArgs Summary description for ScaleChangedEventArgs.
ClassView Abstract class used as the basis for MapView and LayoutView.


DelegateDrawEventHandler Handler for draw events.
DelegateScaleChangedEventHandler Handler for scale change events.


EnumerationMapUnits The distance units that the map is in.
EnumerationPageUnits Units for a page layout.
EnumerationPanDirection PanDirection specifies the direction to pan in 45 degree increments.


The MapView and MapService classes are the foundation for working with ArcIMS services. The MapView contains map layers and other components of the map.

The Web ADF Map and MapResourceManager controls (in ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls) provide methods for obtaining a reference to the MapView underlying the map resource.

See Also

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