Filter Class
Members  Example  See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto.Layer Namespace : Filter Class

An object that is used for filtering features.

Object Model


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Class Filter 
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Filter
public class Filter 


The following example uses a Filter to highlight land parcels that intersect an envelope and that are valued at over $10,000,000. The land values are in a joined table, so the JoinTables includes the joined table name, and the WhereExpression includes the relationship between the layer's attributes and the joined table.
C#Copy Code
FeatureLayer theLayer = mapView.Layers.FindByName("Parcels"); 


Filter theFilter = new Filter(); 


// Add the attribute table to the JoinTables collection 



// Create an envelope to select within 

Envelope selectEnv = new Envelope(556000, 41000, 560000, 43000); 

theFilter.Geometry = selectEnv; 


// Select parcels valued over 10,000,000 

theFilter.WhereExpression = " = and > 10000000"; 

theFilter.SearchOrder = SearchOrder.AttributeFirst; 


// Create renderer for the highlight layer 

SimpleFillSymbol simpleFill = new SimpleFillSymbol(Drawing.Color.Yellow, Drawing.Color.Yellow, PolygonFillType.DarkGray); 

SimpleRenderer simpleRend = new SimpleRenderer(simpleFill); 


// Create the highlight layer 

FeatureLayer hiliteLayer = theLayer.CreateSelectionLayer(theFilter, simpleRend, "parcelSelection"); 



Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim theLayer As FeatureLayer = mapView.Layers.FindByName("Parcels")

Dim theFilter As New Filter()

' Add the attribute table to the JoinTables collection


' Create an envelope to select within

Dim selectEnv As New Envelope(556000, 41000, 560000, 43000)

theFilter.Geometry = selectEnv

' Select parcels valued over 10,000,000

theFilter.WhereExpression = " = and > 10000000"

theFilter.SearchOrder = SearchOrder.AttributeFirst

' Create renderer for the highlight layer

Dim simpleFill As New SimpleFillSymbol(Drawing.Color.Yellow, Drawing.Color.Yellow, PolygonFillType.DarkGray)

Dim simpleRend As New SimpleRenderer(simpleFill)

' Create the highlight layer

Dim hiliteLayer As FeatureLayer = theLayer.CreateSelectionLayer(theFilter, simpleRend, "parcelSelection")



A Filter can be used to query a dataset in one of three ways:

  1. A tabular query based on the value of attributes. For example, an attribute query asks for all cities in Canada where the population is greater than 500,000.
  2. A spatial query based on features selected on a map. For example, a rectangle might be dragged over the eastern United States to select a group of cities.
  3. A combination of a tabular and spatial query. For example, a group of cities might be selected, but only cities with a population greater than 500,000 are displayed.

A Filter can also used to join DBF files to shapefiles and to relate tables in ArcSDE.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also

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