ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto.Layer Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Carto.Layer contains classes and enumerations for working with layers in the ArcIMS map service. These classes enable querying, adding, removing and other tasks with layers in the ArcIMS map.


ClassAcetateLayer DisplayBufferDisplayBufferAllows graphics and text to be added to the map.
ClassBuffer Base class for all Buffers.
ClassDataFrameLayer Layer type used internally for layers within a data frame.
ClassDisplayBuffer An object that is used to display a Buffer on a layer.
ClassExtractInfo Provides information about map layers for extraction.
ClassFeatureLayer A Layer that contains features that can be queried.
ClassFeatureTable Class that represents features on a FeatureLayer.
ClassFilter An object that is used for filtering features.
ClassGroupLayer A logical grouping of layers.
ClassImageLayer Type of Layer used for displaying image data.
ClassLayer Layer is a class that represents a layer in an ArcIMS service.
ClassLayerCollection A ThreadSafeCollection of Layers.
ClassMultiband A thread-safe collection of Bands.
ClassMultibandCollection A thread-safe collection of Multibands.
ClassOutputField Contains an alias for a field name used when extracting data.
ClassOutputFieldCollection A thread-safe collection of OutputFields.
ClassQueryParameters Parameters used for Querying on a FeatureLayer.
ClassSelectionBuffer A type of buffer used for selecting features within a layer. This buffer is not displayed.
ClassStoredQuery Provides information about a predefined query on a layer.
ClassStoredQueryCollection A thread-safe collection of StoredQueries.
ClassStoredQueryVariable Object that describes a stored query variable.


EnumerationBufferUnits Defines the units for the distance property of the buffer.
EnumerationSearchOrder Used with ArcSDE layers only. Determines whether the attribute or spatial part of an ArcSDE query is processed first.
EnumerationSpatialRelation SpatialRelation specifies the method used for processing whether a feature intersects a certain geometry.

See Also

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