public class ControlsMapZoomToolControl
Zooms the map by a particular percentage.
The CLSID of this command is: {0F808A33-6E83-422B-9C0C-78534560EC84}.
This command works with the ToolbarControl, PageLayoutControl, MapControl and ArcMap.
Constructor Summary | |
Constructs a ControlsMapZoomToolControl using ArcGIS Engine. |
ControlsMapZoomToolControl(Object obj)
Deprecated. As of ArcGIS 9.2, replaced by normal Java casts. ControlsMapZoomToolControl theControlsMapZoomToolControl = (ControlsMapZoomToolControl) obj; |
Method Summary | |
void |
afterDraw(IActiveViewEventsAfterDrawEvent theEvent)
Fired after the specified phase is drawn. |
void |
afterItemDraw(IActiveViewEventsAfterItemDrawEvent theEvent)
Fired after an individual view item is drawn. |
void |
boundsUpdated(ITransformEventsBoundsUpdatedEvent theEvent)
Notifies clients when the bounds is updated. |
void |
contentsChanged(IActiveViewEventsContentsChangedEvent theEvent)
Fired when the contents of the view changes. |
void |
contentsCleared(IActiveViewEventsContentsClearedEvent theEvent)
Fired when the contents of the view is cleared. |
void |
deviceFrameUpdated(ITransformEventsDeviceFrameUpdatedEvent theEvent)
Notifies clients when the device frame is updated. |
boolean |
equals(Object o)
Compare this object with another |
void |
focusMapChanged(IActiveViewEventsFocusMapChangedEvent theEvent)
Fired when a new map is made active. |
int |
The bitmap that is used as the icon on this command. |
String |
The caption of this command. |
String |
The name of the category with which this command is associated. |
static String |
getClsid. |
int |
The help context ID associated with this command. |
String |
The name of the help file associated with this command. |
int |
The handle of the control. |
String |
The statusbar message for this command. |
String |
The name of this commmand. |
String |
The tooltip for this command. |
int |
the hashcode for this object |
boolean |
Indicates if this command is checked. |
boolean |
Indicates if this command is enabled. |
void |
itemAdded(IActiveViewEventsItemAddedEvent theEvent)
Fired when an item is added to the view. |
void |
itemDeleted(IActiveViewEventsItemDeletedEvent theEvent)
Fired when an item is deleted from the view. |
void |
itemReordered(IActiveViewEventsItemReorderedEvent theEvent)
Fired when a view item is reordered. |
void |
Occurs when this command is clicked. |
void |
onCreate(Object hook)
Occurs when this command is created. |
boolean |
onDrop(int barType)
Indicates if the drag-drop operation is valid. |
void |
onFocus(ICompletionNotify complete)
Occurs when the control gains focus. |
void |
resolutionUpdated(ITransformEventsResolutionUpdatedEvent theEvent)
Notifies clients when the resolution is updated. |
void |
rotationUpdated(ITransformEventsRotationUpdatedEvent theEvent)
Notifies clients when the rotation angle is updated. |
void |
selectionChanged(IActiveViewEventsSelectionChangedEvent theEvent)
Call this function to fire the selection changed event. |
void |
spatialReferenceChanged(IActiveViewEventsSpatialReferenceChangedEvent theEvent)
Fired when the spatial reference is changed. |
void |
unitsUpdated(ITransformEventsUnitsUpdatedEvent theEvent)
Notifies clients when the units are updated. |
void |
viewRefreshed(IActiveViewEventsViewRefreshedEvent theEvent)
Fired when view is refreshed before draw happens. |
void |
visibleBoundsUpdated(ITransformEventsVisibleBoundsUpdatedEvent theEvent)
Notifies clients when the visible bounds is updated. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface com.esri.arcgis.interop.RemoteObjRef |
getJintegraDispatch, release |
Constructor Detail |
public ControlsMapZoomToolControl() throws IOException, UnknownHostException
- if there are interop problems
- if there are interop problemspublic ControlsMapZoomToolControl(Object obj) throws IOException
ControlsMapZoomToolControl theControlsMapZoomToolControl = (ControlsMapZoomToolControl) obj;
to ControlsMapZoomToolControl
- an object returned from ArcGIS Engine or Server
- if there are interop problemsMethod Detail |
public static String getClsid()
public boolean equals(Object o)
in class Object
public int hashCode()
in class Object
public boolean isEnabled() throws IOException, AutomationException
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, add some logic to the Enabled property to specify in what state the application should be in for the command to be enabled.
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public boolean isChecked() throws IOException, AutomationException
The Checked property indicates the state of this Command. If a command item appears depressed on a commandbar, the command is checked. The active tool will appear checked. Also commands that serve as a toggle will be checked when that toggle is on.
A system event is periodically called to set the state of the commands on the commandbars indicating which ones are checked.
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getName() throws IOException, AutomationException
The Name property of a command is a programmatic identifying name string. By convention, a command's name should include its category name. The format of the Name string should be <Category>_<Caption>. For example, the name of the builtin ArcMap command About ArcMap is "Help_About". Since it is an identifier of the command, the Name property should not be localized.
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the Name property to set the internal name of this command.
Note, the Caption property of a command is the string that appears when the command is placed on a command bar.
public String getName () {return "MyCustomTool_MyTool";}
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getCaption() throws IOException, AutomationException
The Caption property of a command is the string that appears when the command is placed on a command bar.
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the Caption property to set the caption of the command.
public String getCaption() {return "MyTool";}
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getTooltip() throws IOException, AutomationException
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the ToolTip property to set the string that appears in the screen tip when the mouse hovers over the command.
public String getTooltip () {return "MyTool";}
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getMessage() throws IOException, AutomationException
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the Message property to set the message string that appears in the statusbar of the application when the mouse passes over the command.
public String getMessage() {return "This is my custom tool";}
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getHelpFile() throws IOException, AutomationException
The HelpFile property is used to specify the name of the help file that contains the context sensitive help topic for your custom command.
If you set both the HelpFile and HelpContextID properties, then an end-user of your command can use the "What's This?" command in ArcMap or ArcCatalog to get help on your command. Note, if you want your What's This help to look and behave the same as the standard ArcGIS commands, then you should create a WinHelp file instead of a HTMLHelp file.
If you have a WinHelp file (*.hlp), set ICommand_HelpFile to the name of the help file containing the topic that describes the command and set ICommand_HelpContextID to the topic ID's mapped numeric value. The topic ID is the so-called # footnote in the RTF file you include in your WinHelp file. You can use Help Workshop to add this numeric value by opening the HPJ file, clicking Map and then clicking Add (to add the mapping for an individual topic). See the help topic "To enable a program to display an individual Help topic" in the Help Workshop's help file.
If you have an HTMLHelp file (*.chm) the procedure is similar; specifiy the .chm file as ICommand_HelpFile and the mapped numeric value as ICommand_HelpContextID. Popup topics are problematic with HTMLHelp, but the help topic will display in a default or user-defined window.
As part of your deployment strategy register the name of the WinHelp file (*.hlp) as a new string value in:
Or if you're working with a HTMLHelp file (*.chm) register its name as a new string value in:
Note, if you want to create a custom command that launches your help system, you can call an entire help file and/or use the functionality of the appropriate Help APIs by declaring and using the Windows API WinHelp() function or HTMLHelp() function.
Once you have one of these help functions declared, the OnClick event of your command could call the help function.
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.ICommand.getHelpContextID()
public int getHelpContextID() throws IOException, AutomationException
The HelpContextID property is used to specify the mapped numeric value of the topic ID of the context sensitive help topic for your custom command. Specify the name of your help file in the HelpFile property.
If you set both the HelpFile and HelpContextID properties, then an end-user of your command can use the "What's This?" command in ArcMap or ArcCatalog to get help on your command. Note, if you want your What's This help to look and behave the same as the standard ArcGIS commands, then you should create a WinHelp file instead of a HTMLHelp file.
If you have a WinHelp file (*.hlp), set ICommand_HelpFile to the name of the help file containing the topic that describes the command and set ICommand_HelpContextID to the topic ID's mapped numeric value. The topic ID is the so-called # footnote in the RTF file you include in your WinHelp file. You can use Help Workshop to add this numeric value by opening the HPJ file, clicking Map and then clicking Add (to add the mapping for an individual topic). See the help topic "To enable a program to display an individual Help topic" in the Help Workshop's help file.
If you have an HTMLHelp file (*.chm) the procedure is similar; specifiy the
.chm file as ICommand_HelpFile and the mapped numeric value as
ICommand_HelpContextID. Popup topics are problematic with HTMLHelp, but the help topic will display in a default or user-defined window.
As part of your deployment strategy register the name of the WinHelp file (*.hlp) as a new string value in:
Or if you're working with a HTMLHelp file (*.chm) register its name as a new string value in:
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.ICommand.getHelpFile()
public int getBitmap() throws IOException, AutomationException
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the Bitmap property to set the bitmap to be used as the icon on this command. In your Visual Basic project for this command, the bitmap can be stored in a resource file or in a PictureBox control on a form.
You must use a Bitmap file (.bmp) for the Bitmap property; Icon files (.ico) are not supported. Bitmap files should be 16 X 16 pixels. The color of the upper left pixel of the bitmap is treated as the transparent color. For example, if the upper left pixel of the bitmap is red, then all of the red pixels in the bitmap will be converted to transparent.
When a command is put on a toolbar, the command is displayed with the bitmap only by default; the display type is set to Image Only (ICommandItem::Style = esriCommandStyleIconOnly). When a command is put on a menu, the command is displayed with the bitmap and caption by default; the display type is set to Image and Text (ICommandItem::Style = esriCommandStyleIconAndText). However, if the Bitmap property is not set for this command, then the command will be displayed with the caption only by default when it is put on a toolbar or menu; the display type is set to Text Only (ICommandItem::Style = esriCommandStyleTextOnly).
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, there is no need to implement this method. In the custom Java Command class, set the bitmapPath String to the physical location of the bitmap file to be used on the toolbar.
bitmapPath = "/images/mybitmap.bmp";
You must use a Bitmap file (.bmp); Icon files (.ico) are not supported. Bitmap files should be 16 X 16 pixels. The color of the upper left pixel of the bitmap is treated as the transparent color. For example, if the upper left pixel of the bitmap is red, then all of the red pixels in the bitmap will be converted to transparent.
When a command is put on a toolbar, the command is displayed with the bitmap only by default; the display type is set to Image Only (esriCommandStyles.esriCommandStyleIconOnly). When a command is put on a menu, the command is displayed with the bitmap and caption by default; the display type is set to Image and Text (esriCommandStyles.esriCommandStyleIconAndText). However, if the Bitmap property is not set for this command, then the command will be displayed with the caption only by default when it is put on a toolbar or menu; the display type is set to Text Only (esriCommandStyles.esriCommandStyleTextOnly).
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public String getCategory() throws IOException, AutomationException
Category determines where the command will appear in the Commands panel of the Customize dialog.
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the Category property to set the category of this command.
public String getCategory() {return "MyCustomTool";}
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void onCreate(Object hook) throws IOException, AutomationException
hook is a reference to an IApplication object or any of the Controls.
The OnCreate method gives the command a hook into the application.
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, use the OnCreate method to get a hook to the application.
When you implement ICommand to create a custom command, you will find that your class constructor and destructor are called more than once per session. Commands are constructed once initially to get information about them, like the name, bitmap, etc and then they are destroyed. When the final, complete construction takes place, the OnCreate method gets called. OnCreate gets called only once, so you can rely on it to perform initialization of member variables. You can check for initialized member variables in the class destructor to find out if OnCreate has been called previously.
Object buddyControl = null;
MapControl mapControl = null;//If your buddy control is of type mapcontrolpublic void onCreate(Object hook) {try {// The hook argument is an instance of control to which this tool is added.// Normally toolbar control.ToolbarControl toolbarControl = new ToolbarControl(hook);//Get the buddy control to which the toolbarcontrol is associated to.buddyControl = toolbarControl.getBuddy();mapControl = new MapControl(buddyControl);}catch (IOException ex) {}}
in interface ICommand
- A reference to another Automation Object (IDispatch) (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IApplication
public void onClick() throws IOException, AutomationException
When implementing ICommand to create a custom command, write the code that performs the action when the command is clicked in the OnClick method.
public void onClick() {//In this example, a message is displayed in console.System.out.println("Clicked on my command");}
in interface ICommand
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public int getHWnd() throws IOException, AutomationException
When implementing IToolControl to create a custom tool, use the hWnd property to pass window handle of the control to the application.
For example, if you want your ToolControl to be a simple ComboBox control, put a ComboBox control on a form and then pass the hWnd of the ComboBox control to the ToolControl. If you want you ToolControl to be more complex such as a ComboBox with a label, you can put the ComboBox and Label in a Frame control or PictureBox control, and then pass the hWnd of the Frame or PictureBox to the ToolControl.
Only one instance of a ToolControl can exist within an application framework at any give time. This
is because the hWnd property is passed a window handle to the control. To prevent a user from dragging two instances of a ToolControl into an application framework set the ICommand::Category property to an empty string. This will prevent the ToolControl from appearing in the customzie dialog.
in interface IToolControl
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void onFocus(ICompletionNotify complete) throws IOException, AutomationException
complete is a reference to a ICompletionNotify object. The ToolControl object uses this complete object to indicate when it's finished.
When the ToolControl object gains focus, an ICompletionNotify object is passed to the ToolControl as the complete parameter in the OnFocus method. In your code in the OnFocus method, you would set a variable to the complete object.
The ToolControl needs to call the ICompletionNotify::SetComplete method when it's finished to let the application know that the control should lose focus.
in interface IToolControl
- A reference to a com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.ICompletionNotify (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.ICompletionNotify
public boolean onDrop(int barType) throws IOException, AutomationException
barType specifies which type of commandbar on which this
ToolControl can be dropped. Use one of the esriCmdBarType
In most cases, a ToolControl should only be used on a toolbar.
in interface IToolControl
- A com.esri.arcgis.systemUI.esriCmdBarType constant (in)
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.esriCmdBarType
public void contentsChanged(IActiveViewEventsContentsChangedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
The Map object fires this event when a new document is loaded. Adding a new layer to a Map does not trigger this event.
The PageLayout object fires the event when IGraphicsContainer::DeleteAllElements in called and when a new document is loaded.
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.IActiveView.contentsChanged()
public void contentsCleared(IActiveViewEventsContentsClearedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void itemAdded(IActiveViewEventsItemAddedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
The Map fires the event every time a new layer is added.
The PageLayout fires this event whenever a new element is added to the layout. Elements include not only graphics but data frames as well.
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void itemDeleted(IActiveViewEventsItemDeletedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
The PageLayout object fires this event whenever elements are deleted from the layout.
The Map object fires this event when a layer is removed.
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void itemReordered(IActiveViewEventsItemReorderedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
The Map objects only fire this event whenever IMap::MoveLayer is called. In the ArcMap application, this occurs when you reorder layers in the table of contents. The Map will also fire this event when new layers are added.
The PageLayout object fires this event when changing the order of graphics. For example, IGraphicsContainer::BringToFront, PutElementOrder, SendToBack, SendBackward, and BringForward all fire this event. These functions are on ArcMap's Drawing menu under the Order pull right menu. Although the Map object is also a graphics container, it does not fire this event when its graphics are reordered.
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void selectionChanged(IActiveViewEventsSelectionChangedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void viewRefreshed(IActiveViewEventsViewRefreshedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
Method that gets fired in response to IActiveView::Refresh and IActiveView::PartialRefresh.
This event is useful in the case where you're watching for something to change in the view and there aren't any specific events for that change (e.g. ContentsChanged, ItemAdded). You can always listen for this method as a last resort. Care must be taken however to be very efficient in your implementation of this event because it will be called quite often.
The event parameters directly coincide with the arguments to IActiveView::PartialRefresh. For additional information about the arguments, see the help for that method.
If the event object connects to both the layout and a map, then the view parameter tells you which object initiated the event.
In an implementation of this method you typically want to check the phase and respond to only one. Otherwise, your code will execute multiple times per drawing sequence.
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void afterDraw(IActiveViewEventsAfterDrawEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void afterItemDraw(IActiveViewEventsAfterItemDrawEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
AfterItemDraw can be used to execute after each individual item has drawn. Event firing can be an expensive operation (time consuming) when there are many layers in a map, however. As a result, the AfterItemDraw event is only fired when the IViewManger::VerboseEvents property is set to True. By default this property is False.
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void focusMapChanged(IActiveViewEventsFocusMapChangedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void spatialReferenceChanged(IActiveViewEventsSpatialReferenceChangedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface IActiveViewEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void boundsUpdated(ITransformEventsBoundsUpdatedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITransformEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void visibleBoundsUpdated(ITransformEventsVisibleBoundsUpdatedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITransformEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void deviceFrameUpdated(ITransformEventsDeviceFrameUpdatedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITransformEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void resolutionUpdated(ITransformEventsResolutionUpdatedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITransformEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void rotationUpdated(ITransformEventsRotationUpdatedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITransformEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.public void unitsUpdated(ITransformEventsUnitsUpdatedEvent theEvent) throws IOException, AutomationException
in interface ITransformEvents
- The event
- If there are interop problems.
- If the ArcObject component throws an exception.