Class EdgeFeatureSource

  extended by com.esri.arcgisws.NetworkSource
      extended by com.esri.arcgisws.EdgeFeatureSource
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EdgeFeatureSource
extends NetworkSource
implements Serializable

A container for describing a network dataset source whose edge elements are derived from line feature geometry.

Java class for EdgeFeatureSource complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="EdgeFeatureSource">
     <extension base="{}NetworkSource">
         <element name="FromElevationFieldName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="ToElevationFieldName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="Connectivity" type="{}PropertySet"/>
A container for describing a network dataset source whose edge elements are derived from line feature geometry.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          EdgeFeatureSource default constructor.
EdgeFeatureSource(int id, int classID, String name, EsriNetworkElementType elementType, PropertySet properties, NetworkSourceDirections networkSourceDirections, String fromElevationFieldName, String toElevationFieldName, PropertySet connectivity)
Method Summary
 PropertySet getConnectivity()
          Gets the value of the connectivity property.
 String getFromElevationFieldName()
          The field name on the feature source to be used as the from elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices.
 String getToElevationFieldName()
          The field name on the feature source to be used as the to elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices.
 void setConnectivity(PropertySet value)
          Sets the value of the connectivity property.
 void setFromElevationFieldName(String value)
          The field name on the feature source to be used as the from elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices.
 void setToElevationFieldName(String value)
          The field name on the feature source to be used as the to elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices.
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.NetworkSource
getClassID, getElementType, getID, getName, getNetworkSourceDirections, getProperties, setClassID, setElementType, setID, setName, setNetworkSourceDirections, setProperties
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EdgeFeatureSource(int id,
                                    int classID,
                                    String name,
                                    EsriNetworkElementType elementType,
                                    PropertySet properties,
                                    NetworkSourceDirections networkSourceDirections,
                                    String fromElevationFieldName,
                                    String toElevationFieldName,
                                    PropertySet connectivity)

EdgeFeatureSource constructor.


public EdgeFeatureSource()
EdgeFeatureSource default constructor.

Method Detail


public String getFromElevationFieldName()
The field name on the feature source to be used as the from elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices. Gets the value of the fromElevationFieldName property.

possible object is String


public void setFromElevationFieldName(String value)
The field name on the feature source to be used as the from elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices. Sets the value of the fromElevationFieldName property.

value - allowed object is String


public String getToElevationFieldName()
The field name on the feature source to be used as the to elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices. Gets the value of the toElevationFieldName property.

possible object is String


public void setToElevationFieldName(String value)
The field name on the feature source to be used as the to elevation field when determining connectivity at coincident end vertices. Sets the value of the toElevationFieldName property.

value - allowed object is String


public PropertySet getConnectivity()
Gets the value of the connectivity property.

possible object is PropertySet


public void setConnectivity(PropertySet value)
Sets the value of the connectivity property.

value - allowed object is PropertySet