Class EdgeConnectivityRule

  extended by com.esri.arcgisws.Rule
      extended by com.esri.arcgisws.ConnectivityRule
          extended by com.esri.arcgisws.EdgeConnectivityRule
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EdgeConnectivityRule
extends ConnectivityRule
implements Serializable

ESRI Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.

Java class for EdgeConnectivityRule complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="EdgeConnectivityRule">
     <extension base="{}ConnectivityRule">
         <element name="FromClassID" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="FromEdgeSubtypeCode" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="ToClassID" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="ToEdgeSubtypeCode" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="DefaultJunctionID" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="DefaultJunctionSubtypeCode" type="{}int"/>
         <element name="JunctionSubtypes" type="{}ArrayOfJunctionSubtype"/>
ESRI Edge-Edge NetworkConnectivity rule object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          EdgeConnectivityRule default constructor.
EdgeConnectivityRule(String helpString, int ruleID, Integer category, int fromClassID, int fromEdgeSubtypeCode, int toClassID, int toEdgeSubtypeCode, int defaultJunctionID, int defaultJunctionSubtypeCode, JunctionSubtype[] junctionSubtypes)
Method Summary
 int getDefaultJunctionID()
          Gets the value of the defaultJunctionID property.
 int getDefaultJunctionSubtypeCode()
          The subtype value of the default junction feature class.
 int getFromClassID()
          Gets the value of the fromClassID property.
 int getFromEdgeSubtypeCode()
          The subtype value of the source NetworkEdge feature class.
 JunctionSubtype[] getJunctionSubtypes()
          Gets the value of the junctionSubtypes property.
 int getToClassID()
          Gets the value of the toClassID property.
 int getToEdgeSubtypeCode()
          The subtype value of the target NetworkEdge feature class.
 void setDefaultJunctionID(int value)
          Sets the value of the defaultJunctionID property.
 void setDefaultJunctionSubtypeCode(int value)
          The subtype value of the default junction feature class.
 void setFromClassID(int value)
          Sets the value of the fromClassID property.
 void setFromEdgeSubtypeCode(int value)
          The subtype value of the source NetworkEdge feature class.
 void setJunctionSubtypes(JunctionSubtype[] value)
          Sets the value of the junctionSubtypes property.
 void setToClassID(int value)
          Sets the value of the toClassID property.
 void setToEdgeSubtypeCode(int value)
          The subtype value of the target NetworkEdge feature class.
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.Rule
getCategory, getHelpString, getRuleID, setCategory, setHelpString, setRuleID
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EdgeConnectivityRule(String helpString,
                                       int ruleID,
                                       Integer category,
                                       int fromClassID,
                                       int fromEdgeSubtypeCode,
                                       int toClassID,
                                       int toEdgeSubtypeCode,
                                       int defaultJunctionID,
                                       int defaultJunctionSubtypeCode,
                                       JunctionSubtype[] junctionSubtypes)

EdgeConnectivityRule constructor.


public EdgeConnectivityRule()
EdgeConnectivityRule default constructor.

Method Detail


public int getFromClassID()
Gets the value of the fromClassID property.


public void setFromClassID(int value)
Sets the value of the fromClassID property.


public int getFromEdgeSubtypeCode()
The subtype value of the source NetworkEdge feature class. Gets the value of the fromEdgeSubtypeCode property.


public void setFromEdgeSubtypeCode(int value)
The subtype value of the source NetworkEdge feature class. Sets the value of the fromEdgeSubtypeCode property.


public int getToClassID()
Gets the value of the toClassID property.


public void setToClassID(int value)
Sets the value of the toClassID property.


public int getToEdgeSubtypeCode()
The subtype value of the target NetworkEdge feature class. Gets the value of the toEdgeSubtypeCode property.


public void setToEdgeSubtypeCode(int value)
The subtype value of the target NetworkEdge feature class. Sets the value of the toEdgeSubtypeCode property.


public int getDefaultJunctionID()
Gets the value of the defaultJunctionID property.


public void setDefaultJunctionID(int value)
Sets the value of the defaultJunctionID property.


public int getDefaultJunctionSubtypeCode()
The subtype value of the default junction feature class. Gets the value of the defaultJunctionSubtypeCode property.


public void setDefaultJunctionSubtypeCode(int value)
The subtype value of the default junction feature class. Sets the value of the defaultJunctionSubtypeCode property.


public JunctionSubtype[] getJunctionSubtypes()
Gets the value of the junctionSubtypes property.

possible object is []


public void setJunctionSubtypes(JunctionSubtype[] value)
Sets the value of the junctionSubtypes property.

value - allowed object is []