Interface MapFunctionality

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AGSImageMapFunctionality, AGSMapFunctionality, AIMSMapFunctionality, GraphicsMapFunctionality, VEImageryFunctionality, WMSMapFunctionality

public interface MapFunctionality
extends GISFunctionality

The MapFunctionality interface is implemented by functionalities to provide mapping capability for the resource. For instance, the AGSMapFunctionality provides mapping for ArcGIS Server resources, the AIMSMapFunctionality provides mapping for ArcIMS resources, et al.

The WebMap works with several map functionalities referenced by the resources by the name FUNCTIONALITY_NAME. The WebMap fuses the map images exported by these map functionalities, applies the correct transparencies, sets and gets the extents, etc.

Field Summary
           The name that should be given to the MapFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the WebMap
Method Summary
 InputStream exportImage()
           Exports this map for the current extent.
 WebExtent getCurrentExtent()
           Returns the current extent of this map.
 WebExtent getFullExtent()
           Returns the full extent of this map.
 WebExtent getInitialExtent()
           Returns the initial extent of this map.
 double getMapScale()
           Returns the current scale of this map.
 double getTransparency()
           Returns the transparency factor for this map functionality.
 boolean isDisabled()
           Returns true if this map functionality is disabled.
 void setCurrentExtent(WebExtent newMapExtent)
           Sets the current extent of this map.
 void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
           If true, this map functionality is disabled.
 void setTransparency(double transparency)
           Sets the transparency factor for this map functionality.
Methods inherited from interface
destroyFunctionality, getResource, initFunctionality

Field Detail


static final String FUNCTIONALITY_NAME

The name that should be given to the MapFunctionality in order for it to be consumed by the WebMap

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


InputStream exportImage()

Exports this map for the current extent. Implementations should ensure the following:

The WebMap calls this method on all its map functionalities and eventually fuses all the exported maps before streaming it to the user.

a to the exported image


WebExtent getCurrentExtent()

Returns the current extent of this map.

the current WebExtent of this map


void setCurrentExtent(WebExtent newMapExtent)

Sets the current extent of this map.

newMapExtent - the current WebExtent of this map


WebExtent getFullExtent()

Returns the full extent of this map.

Typically, this extent should be determined by the functionality when it is initialized.

the full WebExtent of this map


WebExtent getInitialExtent()

Returns the initial extent of this map.

Typically, this extent should be determined by the functionality when it is initialized.

the initial WebExtent of this map


double getMapScale()

Returns the current scale of this map.

the current scale of this map


boolean isDisabled()

Returns true if this map functionality is disabled. If a map functionality is disabled, the WebMap will not call the exportImage() on that functionality while it is disabled.

A map functionality is typically disabled by unchecking the resource node in the Table of Contents control.

true if this map functionality is disabled


void setDisabled(boolean disabled)

If true, this map functionality is disabled. If a map functionality is disabled, the WebMap will not call the exportImage() on that functionality while it is disabled.

A map functionality is typically disabled by unchecking the resource node in the Table of Contents control.

disabled - true if this map functionality is disabled


void setTransparency(double transparency)

Sets the transparency factor for this map functionality. Valid values are from 0.0 through 1.0. A value of 1 means it is completely opaque while a value of 0 means it is completely transparent.

The WebMap uses this value after the map image has been exported and applies the transparency appropriately. Note that transparency will not be applied for the lower most service. In a single service application that service is the lower most service and hence transparency will not be applied for it.

transparency - the transparency factor for this map functionality


double getTransparency()

Returns the transparency factor for this map functionality. Valid values are from 0.0 through 1.0. A value of 1 means it is completely opaque while a value of 0 means it is completely transparent.

The WebMap uses this value after the map image has been exported and applies the transparency appropriately. Note that transparency will not be applied for the lower most service. In a single service application that service is the lower most service and hence transparency will not be applied for it.

the transparency factor for this map functionality