ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IGPMessage Interface

Provides access to the properties of a Geoprocessor message.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.

When To Use

The IGPMessage interface returns a GPMessage object from an IGPMessages array, a collection of GPMessage objects. Messages are returned during the validating and executing of a geoprocessing tool.

Also refer to Building Geoprocessing Function Tools.


Read/write property Description The description of the geoprocessing message.
Read/write property ErrorCode The error code for the geoprocessing message.
Method IsAbort Indicates if the message is an abort.
Method IsError Indicates if the message is an error.
Method IsInformational Indicates if the message is informative.
Method IsWarning Indicates if the message is a warning.
Read/write property Type The geoprocessing message type.

CoClasses that implement IGPMessage

CoClasses and Classes Description


The GPMessage object is composed of a message type, error code, and description. The message type can be ErrorWarning, or Informative.


See also IGPMessages

.NET Samples

Calculate area geoprocessing function tool (Code Files: CalculateAreaFunction) | Closest facility application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: ClosestFacility_GISServerAPIClass) | Executing geoprocessing tools in the background (Code Files: RunGPForm) | Geoprocessing events listener (Code Files: GPEventHelper) | Import signposts (Code Files: ImportDynamapSignsFunction ImportMultiNetSignsFunction ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction) | Route application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS client (Code Files: Route_GISClientClass) | Route application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: Route_GISServerAPIClass) | Service area application using the NAServer extension in ArcGIS Server via a GIS server (Code Files: ServiceArea_GISServerAPIClass) | Service area solver (Code Files: frmServiceAreaSolver) |