About the Import signposts Sample
using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; namespace GPImportSignpostFunctions { /// <summary> /// Summary description for ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction. /// </summary> /// [Guid("DCC9BF27-9DAC-4d00-A172-690467B3D1E4")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ProgId("GPImportSignpostFunctions.ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction")] public class ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction : IGPFunction { #region Constants // parameter index constants private const int InputTable = 0; private const int ReferenceLineFeatures = 1; private const int OutFeatureClassName = 2; private const int OutStreetsTableName = 3; // field names and types private static readonly string[] FieldNames = new string[] { "SRC_LINKID", "DST_LINKID", "SIGN_ID", "SEQ_NUM", "EXIT_NUM", "BR_RTEID", "BR_RTEDIR", "SIGN_TXTTP", "SIGN_TEXT", "LANG_CODE", "TOW_RTEID", "SIGN_TXTTP" }; private static readonly esriFieldType[] FieldTypes = new esriFieldType[] { esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString}; private static readonly string LinesIDFieldName = "LINK_ID"; private static readonly esriFieldType LinesIDFieldType = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble; #endregion private IArray m_parameters; public ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction() { } #region IGPFunction Members public IArray ParameterInfo { // create and return the parameters for this function: // 1 - Input Signs Table // 2 - Input Street Features // 3 - Output Signpost Feature Class Name // 4 - Output Signpost Streets Table Name get { IArray paramArray = new ArrayClass(); // 1 - input_signs_table IGPParameterEdit paramEdit = new GPParameterClass(); paramEdit.DataType = new DETableTypeClass() as IGPDataType; paramEdit.Value = new DETableClass() as IGPValue; paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; paramEdit.DisplayName = "Input Signs Table"; paramEdit.Enabled = true; paramEdit.Name = "input_signs_table"; paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; paramArray.Add(paramEdit as object); // 2 - reference_street_features paramEdit = new GPParameterClass(); paramEdit.DataType = new DEFeatureClassTypeClass() as IGPDataType; paramEdit.Value = new DEFeatureClass() as IGPValue; paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; paramEdit.DisplayName = "Input Street Features"; paramEdit.Enabled = true; paramEdit.Name = "reference_street_features"; paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; IGPFeatureClassDomain lineFeatureClassDomain = new GPFeatureClassDomainClass(); lineFeatureClassDomain.AddType(esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine); lineFeatureClassDomain.AddType(esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline); paramEdit.Domain = lineFeatureClassDomain as IGPDomain; paramArray.Add(paramEdit as object); // 3 - out_feature_class_name paramEdit = new GPParameterClass(); paramEdit.DataType = new GPStringTypeClass() as IGPDataType; IGPString stringVal = new GPStringClass(); stringVal.Value = "Signpost"; paramEdit.Value = stringVal as IGPValue; paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; paramEdit.DisplayName = "Output Signpost Feature Class Name"; paramEdit.Enabled = true; paramEdit.Name = "out_feature_class_name"; paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; paramArray.Add(paramEdit as object); // 4 - out_table_name paramEdit = new GPParameterClass(); paramEdit.DataType = new GPStringTypeClass() as IGPDataType; stringVal = new GPStringClass(); stringVal.Value = "SignpostSt"; paramEdit.Value = stringVal as IGPValue; paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput; paramEdit.DisplayName = "Output Signpost Streets Table Name"; paramEdit.Enabled = true; paramEdit.Name = "out_streets_table_name"; paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired; paramArray.Add(paramEdit as object); // TODO: add two derived output parameters for chaining this function // in models return paramArray; } } public IGPMessages Validate(IArray paramvalues, bool updateValues, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr) { // Create the GPUtilities Object IGPUtilities gpUtils = new GPUtilitiesClass(); // Initialize a copy of our parameters if (m_parameters == null) m_parameters = ParameterInfo; // Call InternalValidate to check for required parameters IGPMessages validateMessages = gpUtils.InternalValidate(m_parameters, paramvalues, updateValues, true, envMgr); // Verify chosen input table has the expected fields IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTable) as IGPParameter; IGPValue tableValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam); // CheckForTableFields will report errors by modifying the relevant GPMessage if (!tableValue.IsEmpty()) { IDETable inputTable = gpUtils.DecodeDETable(tableValue); CheckForTableFields(inputTable, validateMessages.GetMessage(InputTable)); } // Verify chosen reference_line_features has expected id field gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(ReferenceLineFeatures) as IGPParameter; IGPValue featureClassValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam); if (!featureClassValue.IsEmpty()) { IDETable inputTable = gpUtils.DecodeDETable(featureClassValue); CheckForLinesIDField(inputTable, validateMessages.GetMessage(ReferenceLineFeatures)); } return validateMessages; } public void Execute(IArray paramvalues, ITrackCancel trackcancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages messages) { try { #region Validate our values, initialize utilities IGPMessages validateMessages = Validate(paramvalues, false, envMgr); if ((validateMessages as IGPMessage).IsError()) { messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed"); return; } IGPUtilities gpUtils = new GPUtilitiesClass(); #endregion #region Open input datasets (unpack values) ITable inputTable; IFeatureClass inputLineFeatures; IGPParameter gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(InputTable) as IGPParameter; IGPValue inputTableValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam); IDataset dataset = gpUtils.OpenDataset(inputTableValue); if (dataset != null) inputTable = dataset as ITable; else { messages.AddError(1, "Could not open input table."); return; } gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(ReferenceLineFeatures) as IGPParameter; IGPValue inputFeaturesValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam); dataset = gpUtils.OpenDataset(inputFeaturesValue); if (dataset != null) inputLineFeatures = dataset as IFeatureClass; else { messages.AddError(1, "Could not open input line features."); return; } #endregion #region Check for index // check if streets table is indexed by ID and add a GPWarning message if not IEnumIndex indexEnum = inputLineFeatures.Indexes.FindIndexesByFieldName(LinesIDFieldName); indexEnum.Reset(); IIndex index; while ((index = indexEnum.Next()) != null) { if (index.Fields.FieldCount != 1) continue; else break; } if (index == null) messages.AddWarning("Warning: " + LinesIDFieldName + " is not indexed."); #endregion // TODO: check if output exists and raise error or delete depending // on overwrite outputs geoprocessing environment info #region Create Output datasets gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutFeatureClassName) as IGPParameter; IGPValue outputNameValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam); string outputName = (outputNameValue as IGPString).Value; IFeatureClass outputSignsFeatureClass = SignpostUtilities.CreateSignsFeatureClass(inputLineFeatures, outputName); gpParam = paramvalues.get_Element(OutStreetsTableName) as IGPParameter; outputNameValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam); outputName = (outputNameValue as IGPString).Value; ITable outputSignDetailTable = SignpostUtilities.CreateSignsDetailTable(inputLineFeatures, outputName); #endregion #region Populate data PopulateData(inputTable, inputLineFeatures, outputSignsFeatureClass, outputSignDetailTable, messages, trackcancel); #endregion } catch (COMException e) { messages.AddError(1, e.Message); } } public string DisplayName { get { return "Import NAVSTREETS Signs"; } } public string MetadataFile { get { return "ImportNavStreetsSignsHelp.xml"; } } public IName FullName { get { IGPFunctionFactory functionFactory = new SignpostGPFunctionFactory(); return functionFactory.GetFunctionName(this.Name) as IName; } } public bool IsLicensed() { return true; } public UID DialogCLSID { get { return null; } } public string Name { get { return "ImportNavStreetsSigns"; } } public int HelpContext { get { return 0; } } public string HelpFile { get { return null; } } public object GetRenderer(IGPParameter gpParam) { return null; } #endregion private bool CheckForTableFields(IDETable inputTable, IGPMessage gpMessage) { IFields fields = inputTable.Fields; int fieldIndex; for (int i = 0; i < FieldNames.Length - 1; i++) { fieldIndex = fields.FindField(FieldNames[i]); if (fieldIndex == -1) { gpMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError; gpMessage.Description = "Field named " + FieldNames[i] + " not found."; return false; } if (fields.get_Field(fieldIndex).Type != FieldTypes[i]) { gpMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError; gpMessage.Description = "Field named " + FieldNames[i] + " is not the expected type."; return false; } } return true; } private bool CheckForLinesIDField(IDETable pInputTable, IGPMessage pMessage) { IFields fields = pInputTable.Fields; int fieldIndex = fields.FindField(LinesIDFieldName); if (fieldIndex == -1) { pMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError; pMessage.Description = "Field named " + LinesIDFieldName + " not found."; return false; } if (fields.get_Field(fieldIndex).Type != LinesIDFieldType) { pMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError; pMessage.Description = "Field named " + LinesIDFieldName + " is not the expected type."; return false; } return true; } private void PopulateData(ITable inputSignsTable, IFeatureClass inputLineFeatures, IFeatureClass outputSignFeatures, ITable outputSignDetailTable, IGPMessages messages, ITrackCancel trackcancel) { #region Find fields //(Validate checked that these exist) IFields inputTableFields = inputSignsTable.Fields; int inExitIDFI = inputTableFields.FindField("SIGN_ID"); int inSequenceFI = inputTableFields.FindField("SEQ_NUM"); int inFromIDFI = inputTableFields.FindField("SRC_LINKID"); int inExitNumFI = inputTableFields.FindField("EXIT_NUM"); int inToIDFI = inputTableFields.FindField("DST_LINKID"); int inToNameFI = inputTableFields.FindField("SIGN_TEXT"); int inBranchRteIDFI = inputTableFields.FindField("BR_RTEID"); int inDirectionFI = inputTableFields.FindField("BR_RTEDIR"); int inToLocaleFI = inputTableFields.FindField("TOW_RTEID"); int inAccessFI = inputTableFields.FindField("SIGN_TXTTP"); // Find output fields (we just made these) IFields outputSignFeatureFields = outputSignFeatures.Fields; int outExitNameFI = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("ExitName"); int[] outBranchXFI = new int[SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount]; int[] outBranchXDirFI = new int[SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount]; int[] outBranchXLngFI = new int[SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount]; int[] outTowardXFI = new int[SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount]; int[] outTowardXLngFI = new int[SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount]; string indexString; for (int i = 0; i < SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount; i++) { indexString = Convert.ToString(i); outBranchXFI[i] = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Branch" + indexString); outBranchXDirFI[i] = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Branch" + indexString + "Dir"); outBranchXLngFI[i] = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Branch" + indexString + "Lng"); outTowardXFI[i] = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Toward" + indexString); outTowardXLngFI[i] = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Toward" + indexString + "Lng"); } IFields outputTableFields = outputSignDetailTable.Fields; int outTblSignpostIDFI = outputTableFields.FindField("SignpostID"); int outTblSequenceFI = outputTableFields.FindField("Sequence"); int outTblEdgeFCIDFI = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeFCID"); int outTblEdgeFIDFI = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeFID"); int outTblEdgeFrmPosFI = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeFrmPos"); int outTblEdgeToPosFI = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeToPos"); // Find ID fields on referenced lines int inLinesOIDFI = inputLineFeatures.FindField(inputLineFeatures.OIDFieldName); int inLinesUserIDFI = inputLineFeatures.FindField(LinesIDFieldName); int inLinesShapeFI = inputLineFeatures.FindField(inputLineFeatures.ShapeFieldName); #endregion // Fetch all line features referenced by the input signs table. We do the // "join" this hard way to support all data sources in the sample. // Also, for large numbers of sign records, this strategy of fetching all // related features and holding them in RAM could be a problem. To fix // this, one could process the input sign records in batches. System.Collections.Hashtable lineFeaturesList = SignpostUtilities.FillFeatureCache(inputSignsTable, inFromIDFI, inToIDFI, inputLineFeatures, LinesIDFieldName, trackcancel); // Create output feature/row buffers IFeatureBuffer featureBuffer = outputSignFeatures.CreateFeatureBuffer(); IFeature feature = featureBuffer as IFeature; IRowBuffer featureRowBuffer = featureBuffer as IRowBuffer; IRowBuffer tableBuffer = outputSignDetailTable.CreateRowBuffer(); IRow row = tableBuffer as IRow; IRowBuffer tableRowBuffer = tableBuffer as IRowBuffer; // Create insert cursors. IFeatureCursor featureInsertCursor = outputSignFeatures.Insert(true); ICursor tableInsertCursor = outputSignDetailTable.Insert(true); // Create input cursor for the signs table we are importing ITableSort tableSort = new TableSortClass(); tableSort.Fields = "SIGN_ID, SEQ_NUM"; tableSort.set_Ascending("SIGN_ID", true); tableSort.set_Ascending("SEQ_NUM", true); tableSort.QueryFilter = null; tableSort.Table = inputSignsTable; tableSort.Sort(null); ICursor inputCursor = tableSort.Rows; IRow inputTableRow; int numOutput = 0; int numInput = 0; int inSequenceValue; long fromIDVal, toIDVal; int nextBranchNum = -1, nextTowardNum = -1; // these are initialized to prevent uninitialized variable compiler error SignpostUtilities.FeatureData fromFeatureData = new SignpostUtilities.FeatureData(-1, null); SignpostUtilities.FeatureData toFeatureData = new SignpostUtilities.FeatureData(-1, null); object newOID; string branchText, towardText, signText, accessText; ICurve fromEdgeCurve, toEdgeCurve; IPoint fromEdgeStart, fromEdgeEnd, toEdgeStart, toEdgeEnd; int refLinesFCID = inputLineFeatures.ObjectClassID; IGeometry outputSignGeometry; double lastSignID = -1.0, currentSignID = -1.0; double fromEdgeFromPos = 0.0; double fromEdgeToPos = 1.0; double toEdgeFromPos = 0.0; double toEdgeToPos = 1.0; while ((inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow()) != null) { currentSignID = Convert.ToInt32(inputTableRow.get_Value(inExitIDFI)); // If we have a new sign ID, we need to insert the signpost feature in progress // and write the detail records. // (identical code is also after the while loop for the last sign record) if (currentSignID != lastSignID && lastSignID != -1) { // clean up unused parts of the row and pack toward/branch items SignpostUtilities.CleanUpSignpostFeatureValues(featureBuffer, nextBranchNum - 1, nextTowardNum - 1, outBranchXFI, outBranchXDirFI, outBranchXLngFI, outTowardXFI, outTowardXLngFI); // save sign feature record newOID = featureInsertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer); // set streets table values tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblSignpostIDFI, newOID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblSequenceFI, 1); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFCIDFI, refLinesFCID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI, fromFeatureData.OID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI, fromEdgeFromPos); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI, fromEdgeToPos); // insert first detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblSequenceFI, 0); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI, toFeatureData.OID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI, toEdgeFromPos); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI, toEdgeToPos); // insert second detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer); numOutput++; if ((numOutput % 100) == 0) { // check for user cancel if (!trackcancel.Continue()) throw (new COMException("Function cancelled.")); } } lastSignID = currentSignID; inSequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(inputTableRow.get_Value(inSequenceFI)); if (inSequenceValue == 1) { // We are starting a sequence of records for a new sign. // nextBranchNum and nextTowardNum keep track of which branch and // toward item numbers we have used and are not necessarily the same // as inSequenceValue. nextBranchNum = 0; nextTowardNum = 0; fromIDVal = Convert.ToInt64(inputTableRow.get_Value(inFromIDFI)); toIDVal = Convert.ToInt64(inputTableRow.get_Value(inToIDFI)); // If the signpost references a line feature that is not in the lines // feature class, add a warning message and keep going. // Only warn for the first 100 not found. numInput++; try { fromFeatureData = (SignpostUtilities.FeatureData)lineFeaturesList[fromIDVal]; toFeatureData = (SignpostUtilities.FeatureData)lineFeaturesList[toIDVal]; } catch { if (numInput - numOutput < 100) { messages.AddWarning("Line feature not found for sign with FromID: " + Convert.ToString(fromIDVal) + ", ToID: " + Convert.ToString(toIDVal)); } continue; } // To set from and to position in the detail table and to construct geometry // for the output signs feature class, we need see where and // if the two edge features connect to figure out their digitized direction. fromEdgeCurve = fromFeatureData.feature as ICurve; toEdgeCurve = toFeatureData.feature as ICurve; fromEdgeStart = fromEdgeCurve.FromPoint; fromEdgeEnd = fromEdgeCurve.ToPoint; toEdgeStart = toEdgeCurve.FromPoint; toEdgeEnd = toEdgeCurve.ToPoint; fromEdgeFromPos = 0.0; fromEdgeToPos = 1.0; toEdgeFromPos = 0.0; toEdgeToPos = 1.0; // flip the from edge? if (EqualPoints(fromEdgeStart, toEdgeStart) || EqualPoints(fromEdgeStart, toEdgeEnd)) { fromEdgeFromPos = 1.0; fromEdgeToPos = 0.0; } // flip the to edge? if (EqualPoints(toEdgeEnd, fromEdgeStart) || EqualPoints(toEdgeEnd, fromEdgeEnd)) { toEdgeFromPos = 1.0; toEdgeToPos = 0.0; } // set sign feature values // construct shape - the only purpose of the shape is visualization and it can be null outputSignGeometry = MakeSignGeometry(fromEdgeCurve, toEdgeCurve, fromEdgeFromPos == 1.0, toEdgeFromPos == 1.0); featureBuffer.Shape = outputSignGeometry; featureBuffer.set_Value(outExitNameFI, inputTableRow.get_Value(inExitNumFI)); } // Populate Branch items from BR_RTEID and BR_RTEDIR branchText = (inputTableRow.get_Value(inBranchRteIDFI) as string).Trim(); if (branchText.Length > 0) { // check for schema overflow if (nextBranchNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1) continue; // set values featureBuffer.set_Value(outBranchXFI[nextBranchNum], branchText); featureBuffer.set_Value(outBranchXDirFI[nextBranchNum], inputTableRow.get_Value(inDirectionFI)); featureBuffer.set_Value(outBranchXLngFI[nextBranchNum], "en"); // get ready for next branch nextBranchNum++; } // Populate Branch or Toward items from SIGN_TEXT depending upon the value in the SIGN_TXTTP field: // - if SIGN_TXTTP == "B" (direct), populate a branch // - if SIGN_TXTTP == "T" (direct), populate a toward signText = (inputTableRow.get_Value(inToNameFI) as string).Trim(); if (signText.Length > 0) { accessText = (inputTableRow.get_Value(inAccessFI) as string); if (accessText == "B") { // check for schema overflow if (nextBranchNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1) continue; // set values featureBuffer.set_Value(outBranchXFI[nextBranchNum], signText); featureBuffer.set_Value(outBranchXDirFI[nextBranchNum], inputTableRow.get_Value(inDirectionFI)); featureBuffer.set_Value(outBranchXLngFI[nextBranchNum], "en"); // get ready for next branch nextBranchNum++; } else if (accessText == "T") { // check for schema overflow if (nextTowardNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1) continue; // set values featureBuffer.set_Value(outTowardXFI[nextTowardNum], signText); featureBuffer.set_Value(outTowardXLngFI[nextTowardNum], "en"); // get ready for next toward nextTowardNum++; } else continue; // not expected } // Populate Toward items from TOW_RTEID towardText = (inputTableRow.get_Value(inToLocaleFI) as string).Trim(); if (towardText.Length > 0) { // check for schema overflow if (nextTowardNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1) continue; // set values featureBuffer.set_Value(outTowardXFI[nextTowardNum], towardText); featureBuffer.set_Value(outTowardXLngFI[nextTowardNum], "en"); // get ready for next toward nextTowardNum++; } } // each input table record // add the last signpost feature and detail records (same code as above) // clean up unused parts of the row and pack toward/branch items SignpostUtilities.CleanUpSignpostFeatureValues(featureBuffer, nextBranchNum - 1, nextTowardNum - 1, outBranchXFI, outBranchXDirFI, outBranchXLngFI, outTowardXFI, outTowardXLngFI); // save sign feature record newOID = featureInsertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer); // set streets table values tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblSignpostIDFI, newOID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblSequenceFI, 1); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFCIDFI, refLinesFCID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI, fromFeatureData.OID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI, fromEdgeFromPos); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI, fromEdgeToPos); // insert first detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblSequenceFI, 0); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI, toFeatureData.OID); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI, toEdgeFromPos); tableRowBuffer.set_Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI, toEdgeToPos); // insert second detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer); numOutput++; // add a summary message messages.AddMessage(Convert.ToString(numOutput) + " of " + Convert.ToString(numInput) + " signposts added."); return; } private bool EqualPoints(IPoint p1, IPoint p2) { return ((p1.X == p2.X) && (p1.Y == p2.Y)); } private IGeometry MakeSignGeometry(ICurve fromEdgeCurve, ICurve toEdgeCurve, bool reverseFromEdge, bool reverseToEdge) { ISegmentCollection resultSegments = new PolylineClass(); ICurve fromResultCurve, toResultCurve; // add the part from the first line if (reverseFromEdge) { fromEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.0, 0.25, true, out fromResultCurve); fromResultCurve.ReverseOrientation(); } else { fromEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.75, 1.0, true, out fromResultCurve); } resultSegments.AddSegmentCollection(fromResultCurve as ISegmentCollection); // add the part from the second line if (reverseToEdge) { toEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.75, 1.0, true, out toResultCurve); toResultCurve.ReverseOrientation(); } else { toEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.0, 0.25, true, out toResultCurve); } resultSegments.AddSegmentCollection(toResultCurve as ISegmentCollection); return resultSegments as IGeometry; } } }
[Visual Basic .NET]
Imports System Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto Namespace GPImportSignpostFunctions <Guid("B6CA7AB9-F065-487f-8399-5DF7B9D0787B")> _ <ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _ <ProgId("GPImportSignpostFunctions.ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction")> _ Public Class ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction Implements IGPFunction #Region "Constants" ' parameter index constants Private Const InputTable As Integer = 0 Private Const ReferenceLineFeatures As Integer = 1 Private Const OutFeatureClassName As Integer = 2 Private Const OutStreetsTableName As Integer = 3 ' field names and types Private Shared ReadOnly FieldNames() As String = New String() _ {"SRC_LINKID", "DST_LINKID", "SIGN_ID", "SEQ_NUM", "EXIT_NUM", _ "BR_RTEID", "BR_RTEDIR", "SIGN_TXTTP", "SIGN_TEXT", "LANG_CODE", _ "TOW_RTEID", "SIGN_TXTTP"} Private Shared ReadOnly FieldTypes() As esriFieldType = New esriFieldType() _ {esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString, _ esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString} Private Shared ReadOnly LinesIDFieldName As String = "LINK_ID" Private Shared ReadOnly LinesIDFieldType As esriFieldType = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble #End Region Private m_parameters As IArray Public Sub New() End Sub #Region "IGPFunction Members" Public ReadOnly Property ParameterInfo() As IArray Implements IGPFunction.ParameterInfo Get Dim gpParamArray As IArray = New ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.Array ' 1 - input_signs_table Dim paramEdit As IGPParameterEdit = New GPParameter paramEdit.DataType = New DETableType paramEdit.Value = New DETable paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput paramEdit.DisplayName = "Input Signs Table" paramEdit.Enabled = True paramEdit.Name = "input_signs_table" paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired gpParamArray.Add(paramEdit) ' 2 - reference_street_features paramEdit = New GPParameter paramEdit.DataType = New DEFeatureClassType paramEdit.Value = New DEFeatureClass paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput paramEdit.DisplayName = "Input Street Features" paramEdit.Enabled = True paramEdit.Name = "reference_street_features" paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired Dim lineFeatureClassDomain As IGPFeatureClassDomain = New GPFeatureClassDomain lineFeatureClassDomain.AddType(esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine) lineFeatureClassDomain.AddType(esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) paramEdit.Domain = CType(lineFeatureClassDomain, IGPDomain) gpParamArray.Add(paramEdit) ' 3 - out_feature_class_name paramEdit = New GPParameter paramEdit.DataType = New GPStringType Dim stringVal As IGPString = New GPString stringVal.Value = "Signpost" paramEdit.Value = CType(stringVal, IGPValue) paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput paramEdit.DisplayName = "Output Signpost Feature Class Name" paramEdit.Enabled = True paramEdit.Name = "out_feature_class_name" paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired gpParamArray.Add(paramEdit) ' 4 - out_table_name paramEdit = New GPParameter paramEdit.DataType = New GPStringType stringVal = New GPString stringVal.Value = "SignpostSt" paramEdit.Value = CType(stringVal, IGPValue) paramEdit.Direction = esriGPParameterDirection.esriGPParameterDirectionInput paramEdit.DisplayName = "Output Signpost Streets Table Name" paramEdit.Enabled = True paramEdit.Name = "out_streets_table_name" paramEdit.ParameterType = esriGPParameterType.esriGPParameterTypeRequired gpParamArray.Add(paramEdit) ' TODO: add two derived output parameters for chaining this function ' in models Return gpParamArray End Get End Property Public Function Validate(ByVal paramvalues As IArray, ByVal updateValues As Boolean, ByVal envMgr As IGPEnvironmentManager) As IGPMessages Implements IGPFunction.Validate ' Create the GPUtilities Object Dim gpUtils As IGPUtilities = New GPUtilities ' Initialize a copy of our parameters If m_parameters Is Nothing Then m_parameters = ParameterInfo End If ' Call InternalValidate to check for required parameters Dim validateMessages As IGPMessages = gpUtils.InternalValidate(m_parameters, paramvalues, updateValues, True, envMgr) ' Verify chosen input table has the expected fields Dim gpParam As IGPParameter = CType(paramvalues.Element(InputTable), IGPParameter) Dim tableValue As IGPValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) ' CheckForTableFields will report errors by modifying the relevant GPMessage If Not tableValue.IsEmpty() Then Dim inputDETable As IDETable = gpUtils.DecodeDETable(tableValue) CheckForTableFields(inputDETable, validateMessages.GetMessage(InputTable)) End If ' Verify chosen reference_line_features has expected id field gpParam = CType(paramvalues.Element(ReferenceLineFeatures), IGPParameter) Dim featureClassValue As IGPValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) If Not featureClassValue.IsEmpty() Then Dim inputDETable As IDETable = gpUtils.DecodeDETable(featureClassValue) CheckForLinesIDField(inputDETable, validateMessages.GetMessage(ReferenceLineFeatures)) End If Return validateMessages End Function Public Sub Execute(ByVal paramvalues As IArray, ByVal trackcancel As ITrackCancel, ByVal envMgr As IGPEnvironmentManager, ByVal messages As IGPMessages) Implements IGPFunction.Execute Try ' VALIDATE OUR VALUES, INITIALIZE UTILITIES Dim validateMessages As IGPMessages = Validate(paramvalues, False, envMgr) If CType(validateMessages, IGPMessage).IsError() Then messages.AddError(1, "Validate failed") Return End If Dim gpUtils As IGPUtilities = New GPUtilities ' OPEN INPUT DATASETS (UNPACK VALUES) Dim inputTableAsITable As ITable Dim inputLineFeatures As IFeatureClass Dim gpParam As IGPParameter = CType(paramvalues.Element(InputTable), IGPParameter) Dim inputTableValue As IGPValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) Dim dataset As IDataset = gpUtils.OpenDataset(inputTableValue) If dataset IsNot Nothing Then inputTableAsITable = CType(dataset, ITable) Else messages.AddError(1, "Could not open input table.") Return End If gpParam = CType(paramvalues.Element(ReferenceLineFeatures), IGPParameter) Dim inputFeaturesValue As IGPValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) dataset = gpUtils.OpenDataset(inputFeaturesValue) If dataset IsNot Nothing Then inputLineFeatures = CType(dataset, IFeatureClass) Else messages.AddError(1, "Could not open input line features.") Return End If ' CHECK FOR INDEX ' check if streets table is indexed by ID and add a GPWarning message if not Dim indexEnum As IEnumIndex = inputLineFeatures.Indexes.FindIndexesByFieldName(LinesIDFieldName) indexEnum.Reset() Dim index As IIndex = indexEnum.Next() While index IsNot Nothing If index.Fields.FieldCount <> 1 Then Continue While Else Exit While End If index = indexEnum.Next() End While If index Is Nothing Then messages.AddWarning("Warning: " + LinesIDFieldName + " is not indexed.") End If ' TODO: check if output exists and raise error or delete depending ' on overwrite outputs geoprocessing environment info ' CREATE OUTPUT DATASETS gpParam = CType(paramvalues.Element(OutFeatureClassName), IGPParameter) Dim outputNameValue As IGPValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) Dim outputName As String = CType(outputNameValue, IGPString).Value Dim outputSignsFeatureClass As IFeatureClass = SignpostUtilities.CreateSignsFeatureClass(inputLineFeatures, outputName) gpParam = CType(paramvalues.Element(OutStreetsTableName), IGPParameter) outputNameValue = gpUtils.UnpackGPValue(gpParam) outputName = CType(outputNameValue, IGPString).Value Dim outputSignDetailTable As ITable = SignpostUtilities.CreateSignsDetailTable(inputLineFeatures, outputName) ' POPULATE DATA PopulateData(inputTableAsITable, inputLineFeatures, outputSignsFeatureClass, outputSignDetailTable, messages, trackcancel) Catch e As COMException messages.AddError(1, e.Message) End Try End Sub Public ReadOnly Property DisplayName() As String Implements IGPFunction.DisplayName Get Return "Import NAVSTREETS Signs" End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property MetadataFile() As String Implements IGPFunction.MetadataFile Get Return "ImportNavStreetsSignsHelp.xml" End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property FullName() As IName Implements IGPFunction.FullName Get Dim functionFactory As IGPFunctionFactory = New SignpostGPFunctionFactory Return CType(functionFactory.GetFunctionName(Me.Name), IName) End Get End Property Public Function IsLicensed() As Boolean Implements IGPFunction.IsLicensed Return True End Function Public ReadOnly Property DialogCLSID() As UID Implements IGPFunction.DialogCLSID Get Return Nothing End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements IGPFunction.Name Get Return "ImportNavStreetsSigns" End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property HelpContext() As Integer Implements IGPFunction.HelpContext Get Return 0 End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property HelpFile() As String Implements IGPFunction.HelpFile Get Return Nothing End Get End Property Public Function GetRenderer(ByVal pParam As IGPParameter) As Object Implements IGPFunction.GetRenderer Return Nothing End Function #End Region Private Function CheckForTableFields(ByVal inputDETable As IDETable, ByVal gpMessage As IGPMessage) As Boolean Dim fields As IFields = inputDETable.Fields Dim fieldIndex As Integer For i As Integer = 0 To FieldNames.Length - 2 fieldIndex = fields.FindField(FieldNames(i)) If fieldIndex = -1 Then gpMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError gpMessage.Description = "Field named " + FieldNames(i) + " not found." Return False End If If fields.Field(fieldIndex).Type <> FieldTypes(i) Then gpMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError gpMessage.Description = "Field named " + FieldNames(i) + " is not the expected type." Return False End If Next i Return True End Function Private Function CheckForLinesIDField(ByVal inputDETable As IDETable, ByVal gpMessage As IGPMessage) As Boolean Dim fields As IFields = inputDETable.Fields Dim fieldIndex As Integer = fields.FindField(LinesIDFieldName) If fieldIndex = -1 Then gpMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError gpMessage.Description = "Field named " + LinesIDFieldName + " not found." Return False End If If fields.Field(fieldIndex).Type <> LinesIDFieldType Then gpMessage.Type = esriGPMessageType.esriGPMessageTypeError gpMessage.Description = "Field named " + LinesIDFieldName + " is not the expected type." Return False End If Return True End Function Private Sub PopulateData(ByVal inputSignsTable As ITable, ByVal inputLineFeatures As IFeatureClass, _ ByVal outputSignFeatures As IFeatureClass, ByVal outputSignDetailTable As ITable, _ ByVal messages As IGPMessages, ByVal trackcancel As ITrackCancel) 'FIND FIELDS '(Validate checked that these exist) Dim inputTableFields As IFields = inputSignsTable.Fields Dim inExitIDFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("SIGN_ID") Dim inSequenceFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("SEQ_NUM") Dim inFromIDFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("SRC_LINKID") Dim inExitNumFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("EXIT_NUM") Dim inToIDFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("DST_LINKID") Dim inToNameFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("SIGN_TEXT") Dim inBranchRteIDFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("BR_RTEID") Dim inDirectionFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("BR_RTEDIR") Dim inToLocaleFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("TOW_RTEID") Dim inAccessFI As Integer = inputTableFields.FindField("SIGN_TXTTP") ' Find output fields (we just made these) Dim outputSignFeatureFields As IFields = outputSignFeatures.Fields Dim outExitNameFI As Integer = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("ExitName") Dim outBranchXFI() As Integer = New Integer(SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount) {} Dim outBranchXDirFI() As Integer = New Integer(SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount) {} Dim outBranchXLngFI() As Integer = New Integer(SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount) {} Dim outTowardXFI() As Integer = New Integer(SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount) {} Dim outTowardXLngFI() As Integer = New Integer(SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount) {} Dim indexString As String For i As Integer = 0 To SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1 indexString = Convert.ToString(i) outBranchXFI(i) = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Branch" + indexString) outBranchXDirFI(i) = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Branch" + indexString + "Dir") outBranchXLngFI(i) = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Branch" + indexString + "Lng") outTowardXFI(i) = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Toward" + indexString) outTowardXLngFI(i) = outputSignFeatureFields.FindField("Toward" + indexString + "Lng") Next i Dim outputTableFields As IFields = outputSignDetailTable.Fields Dim outTblSignpostIDFI As Integer = outputTableFields.FindField("SignpostID") Dim outTblSequenceFI As Integer = outputTableFields.FindField("Sequence") Dim outTblEdgeFCIDFI As Integer = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeFCID") Dim outTblEdgeFIDFI As Integer = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeFID") Dim outTblEdgeFrmPosFI As Integer = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeFrmPos") Dim outTblEdgeToPosFI As Integer = outputTableFields.FindField("EdgeToPos") ' Find ID fields on referenced lines Dim inLinesOIDFI As Integer = inputLineFeatures.FindField(inputLineFeatures.OIDFieldName) Dim inLinesUserIDFI As Integer = inputLineFeatures.FindField(LinesIDFieldName) Dim inLinesShapeFI As Integer = inputLineFeatures.FindField(inputLineFeatures.ShapeFieldName) ' Fetch all line features referenced by the input signs table. We do the ' "join" this hard way to support all data sources in the sample. ' Also, for large numbers of sign records, this strategy of fetching all ' related features and holding them in RAM could be a problem. To fix ' this, one could process the input sign records in batches. Dim lineFeaturesList As System.Collections.Hashtable = SignpostUtilities.FillFeatureCache(inputSignsTable, inFromIDFI, inToIDFI, inputLineFeatures, LinesIDFieldName, trackcancel) ' Create output feature/row buffers Dim featureBuffer As IFeatureBuffer = outputSignFeatures.CreateFeatureBuffer() Dim feature As IFeature = CType(featureBuffer, IFeature) Dim featureRowBuffer As IRowBuffer = featureBuffer Dim tableBuffer As IRowBuffer = outputSignDetailTable.CreateRowBuffer() Dim row As IRow = CType(tableBuffer, IRow) Dim tableRowBuffer As IRowBuffer = tableBuffer ' Create insert cursors. Dim featureInsertCursor As IFeatureCursor = outputSignFeatures.Insert(True) Dim tableInsertCursor As ICursor = outputSignDetailTable.Insert(True) ' Create input cursor for the signs table we are importing Dim tableSort As ITableSort = New TableSort tableSort.Fields = "SIGN_ID, SEQ_NUM" tableSort.Ascending("SIGN_ID") = True tableSort.Ascending("SEQ_NUM") = True tableSort.QueryFilter = Nothing tableSort.Table = inputSignsTable tableSort.Sort(Nothing) Dim inputCursor As ICursor = tableSort.Rows Dim inputTableRow As IRow Dim numInput As Integer = 0 Dim numOutput As Integer = 0 Dim inSequenceValue As Integer Dim fromIDVal As Long, toIDVal As Long Dim nextBranchNum As Integer = -1, nextTowardNum As Integer = -1 ' these are initialized to prevent uninitialized variable compiler error Dim fromFeatureData As SignpostUtilities.FeatureData = New SignpostUtilities.FeatureData(-1, Nothing) Dim toFeatureData As SignpostUtilities.FeatureData = New SignpostUtilities.FeatureData(-1, Nothing) Dim newOID As Object Dim branchText As String, towardText As String, signText As String, accessText As String Dim fromEdgeCurve As ICurve, toEdgeCurve As ICurve Dim fromEdgeStart As IPoint, fromEdgeEnd As IPoint, toEdgeStart As IPoint, toEdgeEnd As IPoint Dim refLinesFCID As Integer = inputLineFeatures.ObjectClassID Dim outputSignGeometry As IGeometry Dim lastSignID As Double = -1.0, currentSignID As Double = -1.0 Dim fromEdgeFromPos As Double = 0.0 Dim fromEdgeToPos As Double = 1.0 Dim toEdgeFromPos As Double = 0.0 Dim toEdgeToPos As Double = 1.0 inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() While inputTableRow IsNot Nothing currentSignID = Convert.ToInt32(inputTableRow.Value(inExitIDFI)) ' If we have a new sign ID, we need to insert the signpost feature in progress ' and write the detail records. ' (identical code is also after the while loop for the last sign record) If currentSignID <> lastSignID And lastSignID <> -1 Then ' clean up unused parts of the row and pack toward/branch items SignpostUtilities.CleanUpSignpostFeatureValues(featureBuffer, nextBranchNum - 1, nextTowardNum - 1, _ outBranchXFI, outBranchXDirFI, outBranchXLngFI, _ outTowardXFI, outTowardXLngFI) ' save sign feature record newOID = featureInsertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer) ' set streets table values tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblSignpostIDFI) = newOID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblSequenceFI) = 1 tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFCIDFI) = refLinesFCID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI) = fromFeatureData.OID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI) = fromEdgeFromPos tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI) = fromEdgeToPos ' insert first detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer) tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblSequenceFI) = 0 tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI) = toFeatureData.OID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI) = toEdgeFromPos tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI) = toEdgeToPos ' insert second detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer) numOutput += 1 If (numOutput Mod 100) = 0 Then ' check for user cancel If Not trackcancel.Continue() Then Throw (New COMException("Function cancelled.")) End If End If End If lastSignID = currentSignID inSequenceValue = Convert.ToInt32(inputTableRow.Value(inSequenceFI)) If inSequenceValue = 1 Then ' We are starting a sequence of records for a new sign. ' nextBranchNum and nextTowardNum keep track of which branch and ' toward item numbers we have used and are not necessarily the same ' as inSequenceValue. nextBranchNum = 0 nextTowardNum = 0 fromIDVal = Convert.ToInt64(inputTableRow.Value(inFromIDFI)) toIDVal = Convert.ToInt64(inputTableRow.Value(inToIDFI)) ' If the signpost references a line feature that is not in the lines ' feature class, add a warning message and keep going. ' Only warn for the first 100 not found. numInput += 1 Try fromFeatureData = CType(lineFeaturesList(fromIDVal), SignpostUtilities.FeatureData) toFeatureData = CType(lineFeaturesList(toIDVal), SignpostUtilities.FeatureData) Catch ex As Exception If (numInput - numOutput < 100) Then messages.AddWarning("Line feature not found for sign with FromID: " + _ Convert.ToString(fromIDVal) + ", ToID: " + Convert.ToString(toIDVal)) End If inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() Continue While End Try ' To set from and to position in the detail table and to construct geometry ' for the output signs feature class, we need see where and ' if the two edge features connect to figure out their digitized direction. fromEdgeCurve = CType(fromFeatureData.feature, ICurve) toEdgeCurve = CType(toFeatureData.feature, ICurve) fromEdgeStart = fromEdgeCurve.FromPoint fromEdgeEnd = fromEdgeCurve.ToPoint toEdgeStart = toEdgeCurve.FromPoint toEdgeEnd = toEdgeCurve.ToPoint fromEdgeFromPos = 0.0 fromEdgeToPos = 1.0 toEdgeFromPos = 0.0 toEdgeToPos = 1.0 ' flip the from edge? If EqualPoints(fromEdgeStart, toEdgeStart) Or EqualPoints(fromEdgeStart, toEdgeEnd) Then fromEdgeFromPos = 1.0 fromEdgeToPos = 0.0 End If ' flip the to edge? If EqualPoints(toEdgeEnd, fromEdgeStart) Or EqualPoints(toEdgeEnd, fromEdgeEnd) Then toEdgeFromPos = 1.0 toEdgeToPos = 0.0 End If ' set sign feature values ' construct shape - the only purpose of the shape is visualization and it can be null outputSignGeometry = MakeSignGeometry(fromEdgeCurve, toEdgeCurve, fromEdgeFromPos = 1.0, toEdgeFromPos = 1.0) featureBuffer.Shape = outputSignGeometry featureBuffer.Value(outExitNameFI) = inputTableRow.Value(inExitNumFI) End If ' Populate Branch items from BR_RTEID and BR_RTEDIR branchText = CType(inputTableRow.Value(inBranchRteIDFI), String).Trim() If branchText.Length > 0 Then ' check for schema overflow If nextBranchNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1 Then inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() Continue While End If ' set values featureBuffer.Value(outBranchXFI(nextBranchNum)) = branchText featureBuffer.Value(outBranchXDirFI(nextBranchNum)) = inputTableRow.Value(inDirectionFI) featureBuffer.Value(outBranchXLngFI(nextBranchNum)) = "en" ' get ready for next branch nextBranchNum += 1 End If ' Populate Branch or Toward items from SIGN_TEXT depending upon the value in the SIGN_TXTTP field: ' - if SIGN_TXTTP == "B" (direct), populate a branch ' - if SIGN_TXTTP == "T" (direct), populate a toward signText = CType(inputTableRow.Value(inToNameFI), String).Trim() If signText.Length > 0 Then accessText = CStr(inputTableRow.Value(inAccessFI)) If accessText = "B" Then ' check for schema overflow If nextBranchNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1 Then inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() Continue While End If ' set values featureBuffer.Value(outBranchXFI(nextBranchNum)) = signText featureBuffer.Value(outBranchXDirFI(nextBranchNum)) = inputTableRow.Value(inDirectionFI) featureBuffer.Value(outBranchXLngFI(nextBranchNum)) = "en" ' get ready for next branch nextBranchNum += 1 ElseIf accessText = "T" Then ' check for schema overflow If nextTowardNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1 Then inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() Continue While End If ' set values featureBuffer.Value(outTowardXFI(nextTowardNum)) = signText featureBuffer.Value(outTowardXLngFI(nextTowardNum)) = "en" ' get ready for next toward nextTowardNum += 1 Else inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() Continue While ' not expected End If End If ' Populate Toward items from TOW_RTEID towardText = CType(inputTableRow.Value(inToLocaleFI), String).Trim() If towardText.Length > 0 Then ' check for schema overflow If nextTowardNum > SignpostUtilities.MaxBranchCount - 1 Then inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() Continue While End If ' set values featureBuffer.Value(outTowardXFI(nextTowardNum)) = towardText featureBuffer.Value(outTowardXLngFI(nextTowardNum)) = "en" ' get ready for next toward nextTowardNum += 1 End If inputTableRow = inputCursor.NextRow() End While ' each input table record ' add the last signpost feature and detail records (same code as above) ' clean up unused parts of the row and pack toward/branch items SignpostUtilities.CleanUpSignpostFeatureValues(featureBuffer, nextBranchNum - 1, nextTowardNum - 1, _ outBranchXFI, outBranchXDirFI, outBranchXLngFI, _ outTowardXFI, outTowardXLngFI) ' save sign feature record newOID = featureInsertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer) ' set streets table values tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblSignpostIDFI) = newOID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblSequenceFI) = 1 tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFCIDFI) = refLinesFCID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI) = fromFeatureData.OID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI) = fromEdgeFromPos tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI) = fromEdgeToPos ' insert first detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer) tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblSequenceFI) = 0 tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFIDFI) = toFeatureData.OID tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeFrmPosFI) = toEdgeFromPos tableRowBuffer.Value(outTblEdgeToPosFI) = toEdgeToPos ' insert second detail record tableInsertCursor.InsertRow(tableRowBuffer) numOutput += 1 ' add a summary message messages.AddMessage(Convert.ToString(numOutput) + " of " + Convert.ToString(numInput) + " signposts added.") Return End Sub Private Function EqualPoints(ByVal p1 As IPoint, ByVal p2 As IPoint) As Boolean Return ((p1.X = p2.X) And (p1.Y = p2.Y)) End Function Private Function MakeSignGeometry(ByVal fromEdgeCurve As ICurve, ByVal toEdgeCurve As ICurve, _ ByVal reverseFromEdge As Boolean, ByVal reverseToEdge As Boolean) As IGeometry Dim resultSegments As ISegmentCollection = New Polyline Dim fromResultCurve As ICurve, toResultCurve As ICurve ' add the part from the first line If reverseFromEdge Then fromEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.0, 0.25, True, fromResultCurve) fromResultCurve.ReverseOrientation() Else fromEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.75, 1.0, True, fromResultCurve) End If resultSegments.AddSegmentCollection(CType(fromResultCurve, ISegmentCollection)) ' add the part from the second line If reverseToEdge Then toEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.75, 1.0, True, toResultCurve) toResultCurve.ReverseOrientation() Else toEdgeCurve.GetSubcurve(0.0, 0.25, True, toResultCurve) End If resultSegments.AddSegmentCollection(CType(toResultCurve, ISegmentCollection)) Return CType(resultSegments, IGeometry) End Function End Class End Namespace