The EditorExt library contains extension to the ArcMap Editor and components dependant on the Editor.
Interface | Description |
IAdjustLayers | Provides access to members that control information about layers to be adjusted. |
IAdjustment | Provides access to members that control the behavior of the adjustment tools. |
IAdjustmentEvents | Provides access to adjustment events. Implement it to listen for specific events that occur during an adjustment session. |
IAdjustProperties | Provides access to members that control the properties of an adjustment session. |
IAffineTransformationMethod | Provides access to the affine transformation methods. |
IBufferUI | Provides access to members that control the buffer dialog for buffering features in ArcMap. |
IChooseObjectFromObjectsUI | Provides access to members that display a dialog, that allow you to choose an object from a list. |
IConformalTransformationMethod | Provides access to the conformal transformation methods. |
IControlPointContainer | Provides access to members that maintain control points. |
IControlPointContainerEvents | Provides access to events that occur when the control point container changes. |
IControlPointLink | Provides access to the control point link tool methods. |
IDisplacementLinkElement | Provides access to members that control the displacement link element. |
IEdgeMatch | Provides access to members that define and manipulate edgematching. |
IEdgeMatchEnvironment | Provides access to members that control the properties of edge match tool. |
IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod | Provides access to the edge snap transformation methods. |
IEditorSnapping | Provides access to the editing specific snapping environment. |
IFieldMappingUI | Provides access to members that display the field mapping UI. |
IFlowLayerState | Provides access to members that get and set the state of the showing of flow direction symbols in the map for a given layer. |
IGeometricNetworkIncrementalLoader | Provides access to members used to incrementally load geometric network. |
IGNIncrementalLoaderUI | Provides access to members that control the Geometric Network Incremental Loader UI. |
IGNIncrementalLoaderUIProperties | Provides access to the members that control the properties of the incremental loader. |
IIdentityLinkElement | Provides access to members that control the identity link element. |
ILimitedAdjustmentAreaOperation | Provides access to the limited adjustment area methods. |
IMapTopology | Provides access to a Map topology, which is a collection of feature layers that can be edited using the arc 8.3 topology editing tools. |
IModifyEdgeTask | Indicator interface for the modify edge task. |
INetworkAnalysisExt | Provides access to members that add or remove networks and feature layers from the Network Analysis extension. |
INetworkAnalysisExtBarriers | Provides access to members that manage barriers in the Network Analysis extension. |
INetworkAnalysisExtFlags | Provides access to members that manage flags in the Network Analysis extension. |
INetworkAnalysisExtResultColor | Provides access to members that handle the color used for rendering trace task results. |
INetworkAnalysisExtResults | Provides access to members that set and clear the trace task results. |
INetworkAnalysisExtWeightFilter | Provides access to members that set and return the weight filter information to be used when performing trace tasks. |
INetworkAnalysisExtWeights | Provides access to members that set and return the weights to be used when performing trace tasks. |
INewLinkElementOperation | Provides access to the new link element methods. |
IObjectLoader | Provides access to members that are used to load an object to an existing featureclass or table. |
IObjectLoader2 | Provides access to members that are used to load an object to an existing featureclass or table. |
IObjectLoaderUI | Provides access to members that control the Object Loader UI. |
IObjectLoaderUIProperties | Provides access to the members that control the properties of the object loader. |
IPiecewiseTransformation | Provides access to members that define and manipulate piecewise transformations. |
IPiecewiseTransformationGEN | Provides access to members that define and manipulate piecewise transformations. IPiecewiseTransformationGEN is generic version of IPiecewiseTransformation. |
IPiecewiseTransformationMethod | Provides access to the piecewise transformation methods. |
IProjectiveTransformationMethod | Provides access to the projective transformation methods. |
IProtectNameEditorExt | Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness. |
ITabletExt | Provides access to the Tablet support extension. |
ITabletExtEvents | Provides access to the tablet support extension events. |
ITopologyExtension | Provides access to members that control a topology. |
ITopologyExtension2 | Provides access to additional members that control the topology extension. |
ITopologyExtension3 | Provides access to additional members that control the topology extension. |
ITopologyExtensionEvents | Provides access to events that occur when working with a topology. |
ITopologyExtensionEvents2 | Provides access to more events that occur when working with a topology. |
ITracePathTaskResults | Provides access to members that return cost information about the path or tree found by certain trace tasks. |
ITraceTask | Provides access to members that execute a trace task. |
ITraceTaskResults | Provides access to members that return the network elements returned by the trace task. |
ITraceTasks | Provides access to members that set and return the current trace task and the options for tracing. |
ITrackingTool | Provides access to the track tool methods. |
ITrackPointOperation | Provides access to the track point operation methods. |
ITransformationErrorImpl | Provides access to transformation errors. |
ITransformationMethod | Provides access to transformation method. |
ITransformationMethodGEN | Provides access to transformation method. ITransformationMethodGEN is generic version of ITransformationMethod. |
ITransformationMethodRMSError | Provides access to transformation method RMS error. |
ITransformedFeatureCursorFactory | Provides access to creating a transformed feature cursor. |
IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExt | Provides access to a member that determines whether flow direction can be set for the current network. |
IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExtFlow | Provides access to members that set and return the options for showing flow direction. |
CoClasses and Classes
CoClass or Class | Description |
Adjustment | The Adjustment Tools Editor Extension. |
AffineTransformationMethod | The affine transformation method. |
AttributeTransfer | Transfers attribute values from one row to another based on a fieldmap. |
BufferUI | Window to display find dialog in ArcMap. |
ChooseObjectFromObjectsUI | The object chooser from many objects. |
ConformalTransformationMethod | The conformal transformation method. |
DisplacementLinkElement | The Graphic Element to display adjustment links. |
EdgeMatch | A edgematching transformation method. |
EdgeSnapTransformationMethod | The edge snap transformation method. |
EditorSnapping | Controls the editing specific snapping environment. |
ErrorWindow | ESRI topology error inspector. |
FieldMap | The Field map object defines how attributes will get transfered. |
FieldMappingUI | Window used to setup field mappings for attribute transfer. |
FindAccumulationTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding the total value of all reachable elements in the current network upstream of the specified flag(s). |
FindAncestorsTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are upstream from all of the specified flags. |
FindConnectedTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all elements in the current network that are reachable from the specified flag(s). |
FindDisconnectedTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all elements in the current network that are not reachable from the specified flag(s). |
FindLoopsTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are parts of closed circuits. |
FindPathUpstreamTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding a path from the specified flag(s) to the nearest source in the current network. |
GNIncrementalLoader | Loads simple features into existing geometric network. |
GNIncrementalLoaderUI | The geometric network incremental loader dialog. |
IdentityLinkElement | The Graphic Element to display identity links. |
LimitedAdjustmentAreaOperation | Operation for setting the limited adjustment area. |
MapTopology | The current map topology. |
NewLinkElementOperation | Operation for adding new links to a map. |
ObjectLoader | Loads data into an existing object class. |
ObjectLoaderUI | The object loader dialog. |
PiecewiseTransformation | A piecewise transformation method. |
PiecewiseTransformationMethod | The piecewise (rubber sheeting) transformation method. |
ProjectiveTransformationMethod | The projective transformation method. |
SharedEdgeRenderer | A renderer that can be used to draw topology elements. |
StandaloneTableGeneralPropPage | Property page for managing a StandAloneTable's general properties. |
StandaloneTableSourcePropPage | Property page for managing a StandAloneTable's datasource properties. |
TableFrame | Graphic Element to display table. |
TabletExt | Tablet support extension object. |
TableWindowOptionsPage | Table Window Options Property Page. |
TopologyExtension | Extension for working with topology. |
TopologyExtensionEvents2Helper | Topology extension event helper. |
TopologyLayerFactory | A factory for creating topology layers. |
TraceDownstreamTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are downstream from the specified flag(s). |
TracePathTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding a path between the specified flags in the current network. |
TraceUpstreamTask | Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are upstream from the specified flag(s). |
TrackPointOperation | Operation for tracking new shapes. |
TransformedFeatureCursorFactory | The transformed feature cursor factory method. |
UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt | A container for defining the Utility Network Analysis extension and describing its current state. |
Enumeration | Description |
esriAnalysisType | Indicates if trace tasks can trace on selected features, unselected features, or all features. |
esriTEEventHint | Identifies the method triggering the topology event. |
esriTopologyElementSymbol | Defines the topology element symbology. |
ESRITPCGestures | Ink gesture enumeration. These codes are returned by the OnGesture event when a particular gesture is recognized. |
ESRITPCInkCollectionMode | Ink collection mode enumeration. |
ESRITPCToolCommitType | Ink tool commit mode enumeration. |