Modifying shapefile attributes

When you upload shapefiles to Esri Redistricting Online, you can modify the attributes of the shapefile to change the appearance on the map. When shapefiles are uploaded, the Map Contents panel automatically displays two layers for the shapefile. One layer contains the shapefile and another layer for the label. A Tools tab displays the necessary tools to modify attributes for these layers.

In this topic, you will learn how to modify the following shapefile and label attributes for the following:


The following steps assume, you have uploaded a shapefile to your Esri Redistricting Online session. See Adding map contents to Esri Redistricting Online from a shapefile.See Adding map contents to Esri Redistricting Online from a shapefile.

Modifying transparency

You can modify the transparency of shapefiles and labels to change the shapefile and label appearance.

  1. Enable the Search panel by clicking the right arrow Right arrow to expand the side panel next to the scale bar to expand the side panel.
  2. Click Content Content button.
  3. Click to expand a shapefile you uploaded to the map.
  4. Click to highlight the shapefile or labels sublayer.

    The shapefile sublayer has the same name as the shapefile group layer.

    The Tools ribbon expands to display additional tools.

    Tools ribbon with a shapefile selected in the Map Contents panel

  5. On the Tools ribbon, click Transparency.

    The Transparency slider appears.

  6. Adjust the Transparency slider to the desired appearance.
    Shapefile transparency slider

Modifying shapefile symbology

When you upload shapefiles to your Esri Redistricting Online session, you can select the colors and symbology used to represent the shapefile, such as fill color, line color, and transparency.

As your business needs change, you can modify uploaded shapefile symbology from the Tools tab.

  1. Enable the Search panel by clicking the right arrow Right arrow to expand the side panel next to the scale bar to expand the side panel.
  2. Click Content Content button.
  3. Click to expand a shapefile you uploaded to the map.
  4. Click to highlight the shapefile sublayer.

    The shapefile sublayer has the same name as the shapefile group layer.

    The Tools ribbon expands to display additional tools.

    Tools ribbon with a shapefile selected in the Map Contents panel

  5. On the Tools ribbon, click Symbology.

    The Symbology attributes appear.

  6. Update the desired symbology attributes:

    Border weight

    The Border Weight slider lets you change the line thickness for the shapefile border.

    Fill Transparency

    The Fill Transparency slider lets you adjust the transparency of the shapefile's fill.

    Fill Color

    The Fill Color palette lets you update the shapefile's fill color. You can update the fill color using one of two methods:

    • Click a predefined color on the color palette.
    • Type an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color code, and hit ENTER.

    Border Color

    The Border Color palette lets you update the shapefile's border color. You can update the border color using one of two methods:

    • Click a predefined color on the color palette.
    • Type an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color code, and hit ENTER.

    The corresponding shapefile updates dynamically as you make changes to the symbology attributes.

Modifying label symbology

You can select labels to add to your shapefiles. Labels are taken from attributes stored with the shapefile. On upload, you can select labels for the shapefile. On the Tools tab, you can change the label or opt to display no label.

  1. Enable the Search panel by clicking the right arrow Right arrow to expand the side panel next to the scale bar to expand the side panel.
  2. Click Content Content button.
  3. Click to expand a shapefile you uploaded to the map.
  4. Click to highlight the label sublayer.

    The shapefile sublayer has the same name as the shapefile group layer.

    The Tools ribbon expands to display additional tools.

    Tools ribbon with a shapefile label selected in the Map Contents panel

  5. On the Tools ribbon, click Label Field.

    The Field drop down menu appears.

  6. Select the desired label option from the drop down menu.

    If you want to turn off the shapefile label from the map, select No Label from the drop down menu.

    Shapefile label field

Modifying scale dependency

Modify the minimum and maximum visibility scale for each shapefile and label using the scale dependency slider on the Tools toolbar. The display level indicates at what scale a shapefile is visible.

You can choose to show the shapefile at all scales, or define a custom scale. Scale dependency allows you to control the visibility of the shapefile or label, depending on the current map scale.

By default, all uploaded shapefiles are visibile at all scales. However, if you upload many shapefiles, the map's performance may be hindered as each shapefile is rendered on the map.

  1. Enable the Search panel by clicking the right arrow Right arrow to expand the side panel next to the scale bar to expand the side panel.
  2. Click Content Content button.
  3. Click to expand a shapefile you uploaded to the map.
  4. Click to highlight the shapefile or lable sublayer.

    The shapefile sublayer has the same name as the shapefile group layer.

    The Tools ribbon expands to display additional tools.

    Tools ribbon with a shapefile selected in the Map Contents panel

  5. On the Tools ribbon, click Scale Dependency.

    The Scale Dependency options appear.

  6. Select the desired scale dependency option:
    • Show at All Scales allows the layer to display at all map scales.
    • Define Custom Viewing Scales lets you adjust the scale slider to change the minimum and maximum scales at which the layer is visible.

      On the viewing scale slider bar, the red triangle indicates the current map scale.

      Scale dependency custom slider for a shapefile
