Adding map contents to Esri Redistricting Online from a shapefile

Esri Redistricting Online supports uploading shapefiles for use with your redistrictings plans. The Shapefile tool lets you upload a ZIP file that contains one or more shapefiles you want to upload. Once the shapefiles are processed, you can modify the symbology of the shapefiles.


The ZIP file must not exceed 30 MB (31,457,280 bytes).

  1. On the File ribbon, click Add Content.
    Add Content on Layers ribbon
  2. Click Shapefile.
    Shapefile option

    The Select file to upload dialog box opens.

  3. Navigate to and choose the ZIP file you want to upload.
    Select file to upload dialog box
  4. Click Open.

    The Import Shapefile dialog box appears. On the dialog box, you will see all shapefiles in the ZIP file listed.

  5. Check to select the desired shapefiles to process.
    Example Import Shapefile dialog box

    Use the Select All and Clear All options to help with your shapefile selection.

  6. Click Process Selected.

    The geocoding process begins. A Completed message is displayed once all shapefiles have been uploaded. The Import Shapefile dialog box displays the number of shapefiles that succeeded, and the number that failed.

    Once the shapefiles are processed, the Import Shapefile dialog box expands. Each shapefile uploaded has its own attribute box, where you can define the symbology for the shapefile.

    Example Import Shapefile dialog box showing symbologies

  7. Modify the upload name for the shapefile in the text box (Optional).

    By default, the upload name is taken from the shapefile name in the ZIP directory.

  8. Choose a field by which to label the shapefile from the drop-down menu (Optional).

    The Label option allows you to display a label for each shapefile on the map.

    The geocoding process begins. A Completed message is displayed once all shapefiles have been uploaded. The Import Shapefile dialog box displays the number of shapefiles that succeeded, and the number that failed.

    Once the shapefiles are processed, the Import Shapefile dialog box expands. Each shapefile uploaded has its own attribute box, where you can define the symbology for the shapefile.

  9. Choose a label placement from the Place drop-down menu (Optional).
  10. Use the Border Weight slider to select the border thickness (Optional).
  11. Use the Fill Transparency slider to select the desired fill transparency (Optional).

    The preview updates as the shapefile symbol is modified.

  12. Define the fill color (Optional).
  13. Define the border color (Optional).
  14. Repeat steps 7–13 for each shapefile listed.
  15. Click Add to Map.

    The Import Shapefile dialog box closes. The shapefiles are added to the map with the defined symbology. You can expand the Map Contents panel to modify the visibility, drawing order, and attributes of the shapefiles. See Setting layer visibility, Changing the drawing order, and Modifying shapefile attributes for more information.
