About publishing image services


ArcGIS 10 is the last release of the stand-alone ArcGIS Image Server product. The image service definition (.ISDef) has been replaced by an improved geodatabase data model—the mosaic dataset—which can be published as an image service using the ArcGIS Server Image extension.

When using ArcGIS Image Server as a stand-alone application,the Image Server Manager is used to manage the server, service providers, and image services. If you register ArcGIS Image Server with ArcGIS Server, the image services will be managed by ArcGIS Server. Please see the ArcGIS Server help for information on publishing image services with ArcGIS Server.

Multiple image service definitions can be added to a service provider using the Image Server Manager. The details of the image services appear in the table. Each time you add an image service definition, the table is updated and displays the current status of the image service running on a service provider. You can select an image service to start, stop, reload or synchronize, add, and remove the service. You can refresh the image service details in the table after making the required changes.

To connect to image services published by the Image Server Manager, the client makes a direct connection using one of the client applications provided with the application or using the direct connection tool (Add Image Server Connection button Add Image Server Connection) in ArcGIS. Image services published through ArcGIS Server are not connected in the same way as image services published by the Image Server Manager.

The synchronize option checks whether any change was made to the compiled image service definition (.ISCDef) and reloads the file. The Refresh button refreshes the image service with the latest changes. Image service definitions are published on ArcGIS Image Server by the service provider. You can publish an image service definition on multiple image servers.

When you add an .ISCDef, a cache is created and stored in the Image Server cache folder. This folder is always created inside the temp folder of the current user at C:\Documents and Settings\<user login>\Local Settings\Temp\ImageServerCache. In Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7, the cache folder is created in C:\Windows\Temp\ImageServerCache. The cache file of a service is deleted when the image service is removed from the service provider or when the service provider is stopped. In the case of a service provider crash, these cache files will remain until the service provider is restarted.

There is no configuration file where the location of this cache folder can be specified by the user. Therefore, the only way to override would be by modifying the environmental variable defining the temp folder of the user.

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