Standard geography layer.
Availability: Business Analyst Server, Business Analyst Online.
class StdLayer
Property | Description |
GeographyIDs | Array of IDs of features requested from the geography level. If this object is null, all features from geography level are requested. This array could be composed from values of StdGeographiesReturnedFeature.FeatureID property. Type String[]. Available with Business Analyst Online and Business Analyst Server 9.3.1. |
ID | ID of a standard geography level. The list of available geography levels could be retrieved with GetStandardGeographyLevels method. Type String. |
Query | Query string. Type String. |
Since Business Analyst Server 9.3.1 SP1, a possibility to join geography features into one combined feature is added. To do this, specify a comma-separated list of feature IDs in an item of the GeographyIDs array. Combined features are useful in Benchmark Report and in Summary Reports. The same feature ID can appear in a number of combined features simultaneously.