PointLayer Type

Geographic layer consisting of point features.

Availability: Business Analyst Server, Business Analyst Online.

class PointLayer : DataLayer

Property Description
Points Array of points. Type PointRecord[].
SpatialReference The spatial reference associated with points of this layer. Type SpatialReference.
Item Folder item. Type esriFolderItem. Available with Business Analyst Server. Inherited from DataLayer.
RecordSet Record set. Type RecordSet. Inherited from DataLayer.
StdLayer Standard geography layer. Type StdLayer. Inherited from DataLayer.


A point layer can be defined as a data layer by specifying either Item or RecordSet property or as a layer consisting of point records. In the last case, the Points property should be specified and a spatial reference can be assigned to the SpatialReference property, but other properties must be null.

NOTE: Since available standard geography levels have a polygon geometry, the StdLayer property is useless in a point layer.