PointRecord Type

Properties of a geographic point.

Availability: Business Analyst Server, Business Analyst Online.

class PointRecord

Property Description
Description (optional) Point description string. It is stored in the "DESCR" field. Type String.
Latitude Latitude coordinate. It is stored in the "Latitude" field. Type Double.
Longitude Longitude coordinate. It is stored in the "Longitude" field. Type Double.
Name (optional) Point name. It is stored in the "NAME" field. Type String.
StoreID ID of store associated with this point or ID of this point if this is the store point. It is stored in the "STORE_ID" field. Type String.
StoreAddress Store address associated with this point. It is stored in the "STORE_ADDR" field. Type String. Available with Business Analyst Server 10.0.


The StoreAddress property value is used in summary reports created with trade area tasks such as Simple Rings, Drive Time, etc.

See Also