B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T 10.2 R E S T R E P O S I T O R Y U T I L I T Y
Open Segmentation Profile Endpoint
Returns XML serialized segmentation profile.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
URL Example
Parameter |
Description |
Item (required) |
Folder item containing a segmentation profile. Type esriFolderItem. |
compatibility (optional) |
Business Analyst Server version the JSON output is compatible with. Type string. |
f (optional) |
Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, PJSON, XML. Default: HTML. |
token |
Authentication token. This parameter is required if your Business Analyst Server is secured. Type string. |
Variable of type string containing XML serialized segmentation profile.
Example Usage
The example below retrieves an existing segmentation profile item from Business Analyst Server Repository. In order to demonstrate this endpoint, a market segmentation profile is created and saved to the repository. The OpenSegProfile endpoint is then used to retrieve the profile.
NOTE: The example uses the "Drive Time Polygons 1" polygon layer already created in the Trade Areas folder of the San Francisco Tutorial Project of the Default Workspace.
STEP 2: Execute the OpenSegProfile request
{ "results": [ { "paramName":"ProfileData", "dataType":"GPString", "value":"<ProfileData ... Base=\"Total Households\"><Cluster ID=\"1\" Name=\"Top Rung\".../>...</ProfileData>" } ], "messages": [ ] }
NOTE: The response has been abbreviated where "..." is noted.
See Also