B U S I N E S S A N A L Y S T 10.2 R E S T L O O K U P U T I L I T Y
Get Fusion Report Info Endpoint
Lists information regarding expected values for parameter inputs in a request for a fusion report.
Availability: Business Analyst Server.
URL Example
Parameter |
Description |
ReportName (required) |
Name of fusion report template. Type string. |
ActiveDatasetID (optional) |
ID of the active dataset. Type string. |
IsFullErrorMessage (optional) |
Mode for composing error messages. Type boolean |
f (optional) |
Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, PJSON, XML. Default: HTML. |
Array of string containing the list of parameter information for the requested fusion report template.
Example Usage
The example below requests the list all of the parameter information for the report template “Fusion Report”.
{ "results": [ { "FusionReportInfo": [ { "Type": "Layer", "Value": { "Name": "BOUNDARIES", "Alias": "Boundary Layer", "LayerType": "Boundaries", "ShapeType": "Polygon" } }, { "Type": "Fields", "Value": { "Name": "AREA_ID_FIELD", "Alias": "Area Id Field", "FieldRole": "AreaId", "LayerParameter": "BOUNDARIES" } }, { "Type": "Fields", "Value": { "Name": "STORE_ID_FIELD", "Alias": "Store Id Field", "FieldRole": "StoreId", "IsOptional": "True", "LayerParameter": "BOUNDARIES" } }, { "Type": "Layer", "Value": { "Name": "CUSTS", "Alias": "Customers Layer", "LayerType": "Customers", "ShapeType": "Point" } }, { "Type": "Fields", "Value": { "Name": "SALES_FIELD", "Alias": "Sales Field", "LayerParameter": "CUSTS", "Types": "Numeric" } }, { "Type": "Fields", "Value": { "Name": "STORE_ID_FIELD_CUST", "Alias": "Store Id Field in Customers Layer", "FieldRole": "Link", "IsOptional": "True", "LayerParameter": "CUSTS" } }, { "Type": "Bds", "Value": { "Name": "DATA", "Alias": "Data Layer to Summarize", "Value": "US.BlockGroups", "Visibility": "Auto" } } ] } ], "messages": [ ] }
See Also
• Business Analyst Server REST Reference