Uses of Interface

Packages that use CallbackListener Contains the classes for the available map layer types. 
com.esri.core.portal Provides mechanisms for connecting to a Portal or Organization and contains classes for constructing a WebMap. 

Uses of CallbackListener in

Methods in with parameters of type CallbackListener
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.addAttachment(int objectId, File file, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult> callback)
          Adds an attachment to the feature specified by the ObjectId.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.addAttachment(int objectId, File file, String mime, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult> callback)
          Adds an attachment to the feature specified by the ObjectId.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.applyEdits(Graphic[] adds, Graphic[] deletes, Graphic[] updates, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[][]> callback)
          Applies edits to the editable feature layer.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.deleteAttachments(int objectId, int[] attachmentids, CallbackListener<FeatureEditResult[]> callback)
          Deletes one or more attachments for the feature specified by the input ObjectId.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.queryAttachmentInfos(int objectId, CallbackListener<AttachmentInfo[]> callback)
          Queries for information about attachments associated with the specified ObjectIds.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.queryFeatures(Query query, CallbackListener<FeatureSet> callback)
          Query features from the feature layer.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.queryIds(Query query, CallbackListener<int[]> callback)
          Query for ObjectIds.
 void ArcGISFeatureLayer.selectFeatures(Query query, ArcGISFeatureLayer.SELECTION_METHOD selectionMethod, CallbackListener<FeatureSet> callback)
          Selects features from the feature layer.

Uses of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.portal

Subinterfaces of CallbackListener in com.esri.core.portal
 interface PortalListener<T>
          Implement this interface to handle the returned result from an asychronous call.

Methods in com.esri.core.portal with parameters of type CallbackListener
static void WebMap.newInstance(PortalItem portalItem, CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
          Creates a WebMap from a PortalItem.
static void WebMap.newInstance(String itemId, Portal portal, CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
          Creates a WebMap using an Item's id obtained from a Portal.
static void WebMap.newInstance(URL itemIdURL, String username, String password, CallbackListener<WebMap> callbackListener)
          Creates a WebMap from a URL to an item id that represents this Web Map stored in a Portal.

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