Class Graphic

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Graphic
extends Object
implements Serializable

The Graphic class is used to represent a feature that can have any of the following types:

Graphic objects are immutable, which means its state cannot change after construction. When a Graphic object is added to a GraphicsLayer via the GraphicsLayer.addGraphic(Graphic) method, this method returns a unique ID (UID) which you can then use to reference the added graphic for subsequent operations. Graphic objects are stateless so there is no guarantee that a feature in the GraphicsLayer exists after the request for the Graphic object is completed.

Graphic objects can be displayed, altered and removed using a GraphicsLayer (see the GraphicsLayer class for more details)

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Graphic(Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol)
          Instantiates a new Graphic object.
Graphic(Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp)
          Instantiates a new Graphic object.
Graphic(int uid, Geometry geometry, Symbol symbol, Map<String,Object> attributes, InfoTemplate infoTemp)
          Instantiates a new Graphic object.
Method Summary
static Graphic fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser)
          Convenient method which parses the JSON representation of a graphic into a graphic object.
 String[] getAttributeNames()
          Gets the name of all the attributes.
 Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
          Returns all attributes of the graphic as a read-only collection.
 Object getAttributeValue(String key)
          Gets the attribute value by the given name.
 Geometry getGeometry()
          Gets the geometry that defines the graphic.
 InfoTemplate getInfoTemplate()
          Returns the template.
 Symbol getSymbol()
          Gets the symbol for the graphic.
 int getUid()
          Gets unique ID.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Graphic(Geometry geometry,
               Symbol symbol)
Instantiates a new Graphic object.

geometry - the geometry to draw;
symbol - the symbol to draw the geometry with.


public Graphic(Geometry geometry,
               Symbol symbol,
               Map<String,Object> attributes,
               InfoTemplate infoTemp)
Instantiates a new Graphic object. The uid defaults to -1.

geometry - The geometry to draw.
symbol - The symbol to draw the geometry with.
attributes - The name-value pairs of fields and their connected field values that are associated with the graphic.
infoTemp - The InfoTemplate object.


public Graphic(int uid,
               Geometry geometry,
               Symbol symbol,
               Map<String,Object> attributes,
               InfoTemplate infoTemp)
Instantiates a new Graphic object.

uid - The unique ID.
geometry - The geometry to draw.
symbol - The symbol to draw the geometry with.
attributes - The name-value pairs of fields and their connected field values that are associated with the graphic
infoTemp - The InfoTemplate object.
Method Detail


public int getUid()
Gets unique ID.


public Symbol getSymbol()
Gets the symbol for the graphic.


public Geometry getGeometry()
Gets the geometry that defines the graphic.


public String[] getAttributeNames()
Gets the name of all the attributes. Attributes are name-value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.


public Object getAttributeValue(String key)
Gets the attribute value by the given name.


public InfoTemplate getInfoTemplate()
Returns the template.


public Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
Returns all attributes of the graphic as a read-only collection.


public static Graphic fromJson(org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser parser)
                        throws Exception
Convenient method which parses the JSON representation of a graphic into a graphic object.

parser - Parser initialized with a graphic JSON String.
Graphic object.
Exception - Exception if parsing fails.

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