Search ArcGIS Online for maps

You can find maps that you have access to in the home screen, by browsing featured maps, browsing groups, or by searching for maps. You don't need to be signed in to ArcGIS Online to find and open maps. Any map that has been shared publicly can be found and opened by anyone who has access to ArcGIS Online, whether this access is through ArcGIS Explorer Online, the website, ArcGIS for iOS, ArcGIS for Android, or ArcGIS Desktop.

Although you don't have to be signed in to search for and open public maps, when you are signed in, your search results will also include your maps that are private and maps that are shared with the groups of which you are a member.

If your account is associated with an organization in ArcGIS Online, you may not be able to find or open public maps on ArcGIS Online, depending on how your organization administrator has configured your access.

Search for a map

To search for maps, enter the desired text into the Find Maps & Groups box in the home screen and press ENTER. For example, if you want to search for maps related to California, type California in the Find Maps & Groups box.

Search for maps

You can refine your search by combining search criteria. For example, if you want to find only the maps that relate to fire conditions in California, type California AND fire to see only those maps.

Search for maps refined

Learn more about the search capabilities and syntax of ArcGIS Online

There are a range of options for sorting the search results; click the Sort By drop-down options list and choose the desired sorting option.

Search results sort by options

If there are many results, you may want to narrow down the results shown by using the Search Filter. Click the All Results drop-down arrow at the top right of the screen and choose to show only results from either your own content, content in groups of which you are a member, or content from a specific group of which you are a member. You must be signed in to see the Search Filter.

Search results Search Filter options


You can also search for services that have been added to ArcGIS Online, and for groups. Searching for maps, services and groups is integrated—you can switch between the results by clicking the Maps, Services, or Groups tabs shown at the top of the Search panel. Map results are generally shown first, unless you are browsing your services in My Content, or the Groups tab is selected when a search is performed.

Learn more about searching for services
