Setting up the AML production environment
The desktop workflows reference the configuration settings stored within the product library. Setting up a desktop production environment involves the following steps:
Step | Creating new data | Loading existing data |
1 | Setting up the product library | Setting up the product library |
2 | Defining the nautical properties | Defining the nautical properties |
3 | Building the product library tree | Building the product library tree |
4 | Creating the product geodatabase | Creating the product geodatabase |
5 | Checking out the production geodatabase | Populating the production geodatabase |
6 | Configuring the product geodatabase for AML import | Checking out the product geodatabase |
Setting up the product library
Before you begin with the desktop production environment, you will need to set up the product library. You can then define your product library workspace on the Product Library Properties dialog box. The product library workspace can store data model versions that consist of workspace XML files. These workspace XML files represent the geodatabase schema, the S-57 objects and attributes, for all products supported by the Nautical Solution.
The Nautical Solution comes packaged with an AML product library that includes all six AML vector profiles that are held in the workspace XML file format. The preconfigured AML product library will have the applicable AML workspace XML files loaded and is recommended for your use of the AML production workflow. You can find the AML product library in file geodatabase format and in XML workspace format at <Install Directory>\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESRI\Production10.0\ProductLibraryFiles. You can find each of the six AML workspace XML files in <Install Directory>\Program Files\ESRINautical\Desktop10.0\Aml\Schemas\Workspace.
Defining the nautical properties
In addition to the Product Library settings, you will also need to set the nautical specific properties. These properties allow you to define your unit conversion and rounding rule settings if your agency requires you to export data using different units of measurement, Feature Identification Subdivision (FIDS), and other settings.
Building the product library tree
Once you have the product library defined and the Nautical properties set, you can start building the product library tree in ArcMap. You need to create the tree structure that follows this hierarchy:
Solution > Product Class > Series > Product > Instance > Area of Interest (AOI)
If you are using the preconfigured AML product library XML workspace provided with the Nautical Solution, the Solution and Product Class are already built. See About building the product library for an explanation of all the product library components. You should create the series for your product class. See Creating products with Product Library for nautical details about creating products. Then follow steps to add an instance and add a selected feature as the area of interest.
Creating the product geodatabase
With the product library tree structure built and the product class, series, product, instance, and AOI defined, you can implement your instance, which will actually build the geodatabase. You can find instructions on implementing product instances here.
Populating the production geodatabase in the desktop production environment for creating new products
When using the desktop production environment for creating new products, you will need to set the Population method property to the Nautical Desktop Populator at the product class level. This will configure your production geodatabase to allow you to build new S-57 data. You will then need to run the Populate Instance process.
Checking out the product geodatabase
Once you have successfully implemented your product, you need to check out the product before you can start loading data into your geodatabase. By checking out your product, you simply attach the product geodatabase from the product library to your database server.
To create new AML data when using the Desktop production environment , you will need to run the Populate Instance process. This functionality is available by right-clicking at the Product Class level in the Product Library tree. The Populate Instance process will configure your production database to allow for new AML compilation. Once the process is complete, you can start creating new AML data based off of various source data.
With the Desktop Production environment whether you need to import existing AML data into your product geodatabase or compile new AML data, you will need to check out your product geodatabase regardless. If you are importing an existing AML cell, simply check out your product gedatabase. If you are creating new AML data you will need to Implement, then run the Populate Instance process and finally check out your product geodatabase once the Populate Instance process has finished.
Configuring the product geodatabase for AML import in the desktop production environment for existing products
Now that the geodatabase is attached to the database server, you need to configure the ArcSDE geodatabase for Microsoft SQL Server Express licensed for ArcGIS Desktop or ArcSDE geodatabase for Microsoft SQL Server Express licensed for ArcGIS Server Workgroup versioning and archiving environment prior to importing your existing AML cell data.
In ArcCatalog, you will need to register as versioned and enable archiving for the following items stored in the Nautical geodatabase:
- Nautical Feature Dataset
- ClosingLinesL feature class
- PLTS_FREL table
- PLTS_SREL table
With these geodatabase items versioned and archive enabled, you can now begin production in the desktop production environment using the Nautical Solution.
These steps need to be completed for each implemented production database.