Adding an ArcGIS Online basemap into ArcGlobe
You can add additional 3D basemaps to your globe document, which are accessed from ArcGIS Online. Basemaps change the way you want the overall globe to appear and may consist of one or many layers. The gallery of basemaps includes the key ArcGIS Online basemaps, such as World Imagery, World Streets, and the World Topographic Map, as well as the Bing Maps services. These basemaps all require an Internet connection for them to be drawn in your globe. This makes it quick and easy to immediately add great basemaps to your view without having to download or manage the data locally. The content in these services is frequently updated, too.
To ensure your basemap is added to ArcGlobe, you must make sure ArcMap is not open. If neither application is open when you click a basemap, ArcMap will open automatically and the basemap will be added to it (even if you clicked a 3D basemap such as a globe service).
Note that none of the online basemaps will work in ArcScene.
To add an online basemap in ArcGlobe, do the following:
- Exit ArcMap (if it is open), otherwise the layer will be sent to ArcMap instead of ArcGlobe.
- Choose File > Add Data > Add Data From ArcGIS Online.
- Click Open next to the basemap you want to add.
- The Bing Maps basemap services group layer requires ArcGIS 9.3.1 or more recent. The three Bing Maps service layers will not work in 9.3.
- You can also use the Search control from the Web site to find additional data on the Web for use in ArcGlobe.
- There are several topics in the Mapping and Visualization section of the help about using Web maps and online GIS services. Listed below are topics to help you learn more about these Web sites and their content: