A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _


identify(int, int, Geometry) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeServerBindingStub
identify(int, int, Geometry) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeServerPort
Identify - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Identify(MapDescription, ImageDisplay, Geometry, int, EsriIdentifyOption, int[]) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Identify
Identify() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Identify
Identify default constructor.
identify(Geometry, MosaicRule, Point) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerBindingStub
identify(Geometry, MosaicRule, Point) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerPort
identify(MapDescription, ImageDisplay, Geometry, int, EsriIdentifyOption, int[]) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapServerBindingStub
identify(MapDescription, ImageDisplay, Geometry, int, EsriIdentifyOption, int[]) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.MapServerPort
IdentifyGlobeServer - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IdentifyGlobeServer(int, int, Geometry) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyGlobeServer
IdentifyGlobeServer() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyGlobeServer
IdentifyGlobeServer default constructor.
IdentifyGlobeServerResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IdentifyGlobeServerResponse(GlobeServerIdentifyResult[]) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyGlobeServerResponse
IdentifyGlobeServerResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyGlobeServerResponse
IdentifyGlobeServerResponse default constructor.
IdentifyImageServer - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IdentifyImageServer(Geometry, MosaicRule, Point) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyImageServer
IdentifyImageServer() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyImageServer
IdentifyImageServer default constructor.
IdentifyImageServerResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IdentifyImageServerResponse(ImageServerIdentifyResult) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyImageServerResponse
IdentifyImageServerResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyImageServerResponse
IdentifyImageServerResponse default constructor.
IdentifyResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IdentifyResponse(MapServerIdentifyResult[]) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyResponse
IdentifyResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentifyResponse
IdentifyResponse default constructor.
IdentityFunction - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for IdentityFunction complex type.
IdentityFunction(String, String, RstPixelType) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentityFunction
IdentityFunction() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentityFunction
IdentityFunction default constructor.
IdentityXform - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for IdentityXform complex type.
IdentityXform(SpatialReference) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentityXform
IdentityXform() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IdentityXform
IdentityXform default constructor.
ImageDescription - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageDescription complex type.
ImageDescription(ImageType, ImageDisplay) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageDescription
ImageDescription() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageDescription
ImageDescription default constructor.
ImageDisplay - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageDisplay complex type.
ImageDisplay(int, int, double, Color) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageDisplay
ImageDisplay() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageDisplay
ImageDisplay default constructor.
ImageQueryFilter - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
ESRI Image Query Filter Object.
ImageQueryFilter(String, String, String, double, SpatialReference, FIDSet, String, FilterDef[], String, EsriSearchOrder, EsriSpatialRelEnum, String, Geometry, String, boolean, TimeValue, TimeReference, EsriTimeRelation, Point) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageQueryFilter
ImageQueryFilter() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageQueryFilter
ImageQueryFilter default constructor.
ImageResult - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageResult complex type.
ImageResult(byte[], String, int, int, double, String) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageResult
ImageResult() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageResult
ImageResult default constructor.
ImageServerBindingStub - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
ImageServerBindingStub() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerBindingStub
ImageServerBindingStub default constructor.
ImageServerBindingStub(String) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerBindingStub
ImageServerBindingStub constructor.
ImageServerBindingStub(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerBindingStub
ImageServerBindingStub constructor.
ImageServerDownloadResult - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageServerDownloadResult complex type.
ImageServerDownloadResult(int[], String, double) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerDownloadResult
ImageServerDownloadResult() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerDownloadResult
ImageServerDownloadResult default constructor.
ImageServerForceDeriveFromAnyType - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
A type used to force derivation from anyType in client frameworks.
ImageServerForceDeriveFromAnyType(RasterFunctionTemplate, RasterFunctionVariable, RasterStatistics, RasterHistogram, RasterColormap) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerForceDeriveFromAnyType
ImageServerForceDeriveFromAnyType() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerForceDeriveFromAnyType
ImageServerForceDeriveFromAnyType default constructor.
ImageServerIdentifyResult - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageServerIdentifyResult complex type.
ImageServerIdentifyResult(int, String, String, Point, PropertySet, RecordSet, double[]) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerIdentifyResult
ImageServerIdentifyResult() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServerIdentifyResult
ImageServerIdentifyResult default constructor.
ImageServerPort - Interface in com.esri.arcgisws
ImageServiceInfo - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageServiceInfo complex type.
ImageServiceInfo(String, String, Envelope, double, double, int, RstPixelType, Object[], double, double, String, EsriImageServiceDataType, double[], double[], double[], double[], String, int, int, EsriImageServiceSourceType, String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, Integer, RstResamplingTypes, EsriMosaicMethod, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, TimeReference, TimeExtent) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServiceInfo
ImageServiceInfo() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServiceInfo
ImageServiceInfo default constructor.
ImageType - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for ImageType complex type.
ImageType(EsriImageFormat, EsriImageReturnType) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageType
ImageType() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageType
ImageType default constructor.
importAcknowledgement(GDSData) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerBindingStub
importAcknowledgement(GDSData) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerPort
ImportAcknowledgement - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportAcknowledgement(GDSData) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportAcknowledgement
ImportAcknowledgement() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportAcknowledgement
ImportAcknowledgement default constructor.
ImportAcknowledgementResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportAcknowledgementResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportAcknowledgementResponse
ImportAcknowledgementResponse default constructor.
importData(GDSData, EsriGDSImportFormat) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerBindingStub
importData(GDSData, EsriGDSImportFormat) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerPort
ImportData - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportData(GDSData, EsriGDSImportFormat) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportData
ImportData() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportData
ImportData default constructor.
ImportDataResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportDataResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportDataResponse
ImportDataResponse default constructor.
importReplicaDataChanges(EsriGDSReplicaImportSource, EsriReplicaReconcilePolicyType, boolean, GDSData) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerBindingStub
importReplicaDataChanges(EsriGDSReplicaImportSource, EsriReplicaReconcilePolicyType, boolean, GDSData) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerPort
ImportReplicaDataChanges - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportReplicaDataChanges(EsriGDSReplicaImportSource, EsriReplicaReconcilePolicyType, boolean, GDSData) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaDataChanges
ImportReplicaDataChanges() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaDataChanges
ImportReplicaDataChanges default constructor.
ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse
ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse
ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse default constructor.
importReplicaSchemaChanges(GDSData) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerBindingStub
importReplicaSchemaChanges(GDSData) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.GeoDataServerPort
ImportReplicaSchemaChanges - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportReplicaSchemaChanges(GDSData) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaSchemaChanges
ImportReplicaSchemaChanges() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaSchemaChanges
ImportReplicaSchemaChanges default constructor.
ImportReplicaSchemaChangesResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ImportReplicaSchemaChangesResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaSchemaChangesResponse
ImportReplicaSchemaChangesResponse default constructor.
INCHES - Static variable in class com.esri.arcgisws.EsriNetworkAttributeUnits2
Index - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
ESRI Index Object.
Index(String, boolean, boolean, Fields) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Index
Index() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Index
Index default constructor.
Indexes - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
ESRI Indices Object.
Indexes(Index[]) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Indexes
Indexes() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Indexes
Indexes default constructor.
intersect(SpatialReference, Geometry[], Geometry) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeometryServerBindingStub
intersect(SpatialReference, Geometry[], Geometry) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.GeometryServerPort
Intersect - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Intersect(SpatialReference, Geometry[], Geometry) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Intersect
Intersect() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.Intersect
Intersect default constructor.
IntersectResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IntersectResponse(Geometry[]) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IntersectResponse
IntersectResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IntersectResponse
IntersectResponse default constructor.
isAllDestinationSubtypes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TopologyRule
Indicates if all destination subtypes are specified for the topology rule.
isAllOriginSubtypes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TopologyRule
Indicates if all origin subtypes are specified for the topology rule.
isApplyToOverview() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TerrainDataSource
Gets the value of the applyToOverview property.
isAscending() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MosaicRule
isAscending() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterClassifyRenderer
isAutoGeneralize() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TerrainDataSource
Gets the value of the autoGeneralize property.
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CircleElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EllipseElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GroupElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LineElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MarkerElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ParagraphTextElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolygonElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RectangleElement
isAutoTransform() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextElement
isBinaryGeometry() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GDSExportOptions
Gets the value of the binaryGeometry property.
isBSQ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeoImageDescription
isCanFind() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the canFind property.
isCanIdentify() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the canIdentify property.
isCanScaleSymbols() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the canScaleSymbols property.
isCanSelect() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the canSelect property.
isCanVersion() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEDataset
Indicates if this dataset can be versioned.
isChildrenExpanded() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
Indicates if the children have been expanded.
isClassificationComponent() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterClassifyRenderer
isClientCachingAllowed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CacheControlInfo
Gets the value of the clientCachingAllowed property.
isClip() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Gets the value of the clip property.
isClockwise() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FrameXform
isColumnLevel() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaDataChanges
Gets the value of the columnLevel property.
isCompressed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GDSData
Gets the value of the compressed property.
isCompressed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GDSExportOptions
Gets the value of the compressed property.
isConsolidatedParent() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the consolidatedParent property.
isContains() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Find
Gets the value of the contains property.
isContains() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FindGlobeServer
Gets the value of the contains property.
isConvertLabelExpressions() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ServerSymbolOutputOptions
isCorrectGeoid() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FrameXform
isCorrectGeoid() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RPCXform
Gets the value of the correctGeoid property.
isCreateTraversalResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the createTraversalResult property.
isCreateTraversalResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the createTraversalResult property.
isCreateTraversalResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the createTraversalResult property.
isCurvatureAndRefraction() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FrameXform
isDefaultXYResolution() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FindSRByWKID
Gets the value of the defaultXYResolution property.
isDefaultXYResolution() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FindSRByWKT
Gets the value of the defaultXYResolution property.
isDefaultXYTolerance() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FindSRByWKID
Gets the value of the defaultXYTolerance property.
isDefaultXYTolerance() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FindSRByWKT
Gets the value of the defaultXYTolerance property.
isDelimitedIdentifierCase() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SQLSyntaxInfo
Gets the value of the delimitedIdentifierCase property.
isDensifyFeatures() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPResultOptions
isDensifyGeometries() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeometryResultOptions
if true, MaximumSegmentLength and MaximumDeviation will be honored to densify geometry in the results
isDisplayBkValue() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterRGBRenderer
isDisplayBkValue() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterStretchRenderer
isDomainFixed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Field
Indicates if the field's domain is fixed.
isDoNotLocateOnRestrictedElements() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocations
Indicates if restricted network elements should be considered when finding network locations.
isDraftMode() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GroupElement
isEditable() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Field
Indicates if the field is editable.
isEditable() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LegendGroup
Gets the value of the editable property.
isEditable() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PropertyInfo
isElementCallout() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementCallout property.
isElementDraped() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementDraped property.
isElementDrapeDone() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementDrapeDone property.
isElementDrapeMaxRes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementDrapeMaxRes property.
isElementFixedSize() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementFixedSize property.
isElementGroup() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementGroup property.
isElementHasOwnScale() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementHasOwnScale property.
isElementIlluminate() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementIlluminate property.
isElementImmediate() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementImmediate property.
isElementRasterized() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementRasterized property.
isElementSelected() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementSelected property.
isElementTransformed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsElementProperties
Gets the value of the elementTransformed property.
isEllipseStd() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EllipticArc
Gets the value of the ellipseStd property.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TimeExtent
isEventNotificationOnValidate() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TopologyMembership
Indicates if event notification is fired on validate.
isExceededTransferLimit() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPFeatureRecordSetLayer
isExceededTransferLimit() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPRecordSet
isExclusionShowClass() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterClassifyRenderer
isExtruded() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the extruded property.
isFilterOwnsGeometry() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SpatialFilter
Indicates whether the filter owns the query geometry.
isFindBestSequence() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the findBestSequence property.
isFixedAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CircleElement
isFixedAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EllipseElement
isFixedAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GroupElement
isFixedAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LineElement
isFixedAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolygonElement
Indicates if the bounds has a fixed aspect ratio.
isFixedAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RectangleElement
Indicates if the bounds has a fixed aspect ratio.
IsFixedScaleMap - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IsFixedScaleMap(String) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IsFixedScaleMap
IsFixedScaleMap() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IsFixedScaleMap
IsFixedScaleMap default constructor.
isFixedScaleMap(String) - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapServerBindingStub
isFixedScaleMap(String) - Method in interface com.esri.arcgisws.MapServerPort
IsFixedScaleMapResponse - Class in com.esri.arcgisws
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IsFixedScaleMapResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IsFixedScaleMapResponse
IsFixedScaleMapResponse() - Constructor for class com.esri.arcgisws.IsFixedScaleMapResponse
IsFixedScaleMapResponse default constructor.
isFontItalic() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CharacterMarkerSymbol
Indicates whether the font is italicized.
isFontItalic() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Indicates whether the font is italicized.
isFontStrikethrough() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CharacterMarkerSymbol
Indicates whether the font is strikethrough.
isFontStrikethrough() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Indicates whether the font is strikethrough.
isFontUnderline() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CharacterMarkerSymbol
Indicates whether the font is underlined.
isFontUnderline() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Indicates whether the font is underlined.
isFormatValuesInResults() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerResultOptions
isFullPropsRetrieved() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
Indicates if full properties have been retrieved.
isGeneralizeGeometries() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeometryResultOptions
if true, MaximumAllowableOffset will be honored to generalize the geometry in the results.
isGenerateInternalRouteContext() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the generateInternalRouteContext property.
isGetDDT() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GetTexturesEx
Gets the value of the getDDT property.
isGlobal() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterUniqueValueRenderer
isGroupBySourceOIDs() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.QueryRelatedObjects
Gets the value of the groupBySourceOIDs property.
isHasAttachments() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DataObjectTable
isHasAttachments() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
isHasAttachments() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.StandaloneTableInfo
isHasAttributes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the hasAttributes property.
isHasCache() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerCacheInfo
Gets the value of the hasCache property.
isHasConflicts() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplica
isHasElevation() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the hasElevation property.
isHasGlobalID() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DETable
Indicates if the table has a GlobalID field.
isHasHyperlinks() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the hasHyperlinks property.
isHasID() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MultiPatchN
Gets the value of the hasID property.
isHasID() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MultipointN
Gets the value of the hasID property.
isHasID() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolygonN
Gets the value of the hasID property.
isHasID() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolylineN
Gets the value of the hasID property.
isHasLabels() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the hasLabels property.
isHasLayerDrawingDescription() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
isHasM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEFeatureClass
Indicates if the feature class supports Ms.
isHasM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeometryDef
Indicates if the feature class has measure (M) values.
isHasM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MultiPatchN
Gets the value of the hasM property.
isHasM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MultipointN
Gets the value of the hasM property.
isHasM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolygonN
Gets the value of the hasM property.
isHasM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolylineN
Gets the value of the hasM property.
isHasOID() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DETable
Indicates if the table has an object id field.
isHasOIDs() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the hasOIDs property.
isHasSpatialIndex() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEFeatureClass
Indicates if the feature class has a spatial index.
isHasSubtype() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
isHasSubtype() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.StandaloneTableInfo
isHasZ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEFeatureClass
Indicates if the feature class supports Zs.
isHasZ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GeometryDef
Indicates if the featureClass has Z values.
isHasZ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MultiPatchN
Gets the value of the hasZ property.
isHasZ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MultipointN
Gets the value of the hasZ property.
isHasZ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolygonN
Gets the value of the hasZ property.
isHasZ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolylineN
Gets the value of the hasZ property.
isHide() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsLayer
Gets the value of the hide property.
isHighPrecision() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SpatialReference
isIdentifierCase() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SQLSyntaxInfo
Gets the value of the identifierCase property.
isIgnoreInvalidLocations() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
Gets the value of the ignoreInvalidLocations property.
isIgnoreLayers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GetTables
Gets the value of the ignoreLayers property.
isIlluminate() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the illuminate property.
isIncludeGeometry() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerResultOptions
isIncludeGeometry() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RelateDescription
isIncludeMapLayers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaOptions
isIncludeSourceInformationOnLines() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the includeSourceInformationOnLines property.
isIndexed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterRenderer
isInherited() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DomainInfo
isInitCustomMinMax() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterStretchRenderer
isIsAnnotationLayer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MobileLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isAnnotationLayer property.
isIsAscending() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Index
Indicates if the index is based on ascending order.
isIsAttachmentRelationship() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERelationshipClass
Indicates if the relationship class represents a table attachment.
isIsAttributed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERelationshipClass
Indicates if the relationships in this relationship class have attributes.
isIsBase() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TerrainDataSource
Gets the value of the isBase property.
isIsByFunction() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterDef
Indicates if the Raster column value is of type function raster dataset.
isIsByRef() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterDef
Indicates if the Raster column value is to be managed by GeoDatabase.
isIsChildFirstSender() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaOptions
Gets the value of the isChildFirstSender property.
isIsComposite() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERelationshipClass
Indicates if the relationship class represents a composite relationship in which the origin object class represents the composite object.
isIsComposite() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isComposite property.
isIsComposite() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isComposite property.
isIsComposite() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MobileLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isComposite property.
isIsCounterClockwise() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CircularArc
Gets the value of the isCounterClockwise property.
isIsCounterClockwise() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EllipticArc
Gets the value of the isCounterClockwise property.
isIsDataset() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterFunctionVariable
isIsDefault() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.JunctionConnectivityRule
Gets the value of the isDefault property.
isIsDefault() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NetworkAssignment
Indicates if this network assignment is associated with a network element type.
isIsFeatureLayer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isFeatureLayer property.
isIsFeatureLayer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MobileLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isFeatureLayer property.
isIsGroup() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isGroup property.
isIsInherited() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FieldDomainInfo
isIsInteger() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERasterBand
isIsInvert() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterRGBRenderer
isIsInvert() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterStretchRenderer
isIsLegendExpand() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterRGBRenderer
isIsLine() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CircularArc
Gets the value of the isLine property.
isIsMinor() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CircularArc
Gets the value of the isMinor property.
isIsMinor() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EllipticArc
Gets the value of the isMinor property.
isIsNullable() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Field
Indicates if the field can contain null values.
isIsNullable() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PropertyInfo
isIsPrivate() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaDataset
Gets the value of the isPrivate property.
isIsRasterLayer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MobileLayerInfo
Gets the value of the isRasterLayer property.
isIsReflexive() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERelationshipClass
Indicates if origin and destination sets intersect.
isIsSpot() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CmykColor
Indicates if the color is a spot color.
isIsUnique() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Index
Indicates if the index is unique.
isKerning() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Gets the value of the kerning property.
isKonrady() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FrameXform
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CircleElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EllipseElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GroupElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LineElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MarkerElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ParagraphTextElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PolygonElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RectangleElement
isLocked() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextElement
isLossyCompression() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the lossyCompression property.
isMergeSimilarPolygonRanges() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the mergeSimilarPolygonRanges property.
isMetadataRetrieved() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DataElement
Indicates if the metadata has been retrieved.
isNotModified() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ServiceData
Gets the value of the notModified property.
isOutline() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SimpleMarkerSymbol
Gets the value of the outline property.
isOverlapLines() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the overlapLines property.
isOverlapPolygons() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the overlapPolygons property.
isOverprint() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.CmykColor
Gets the value of the overprint property.
isPermanent() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERasterDataset
isPerTileVisibility() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the perTileVisibility property.
isPopulateNAClasses() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GetSolverParameters2
Gets the value of the populateNAClasses property.
isPopulateODLines() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
Gets the value of the populateODLines property.
isPreserveAspectRatio() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Patch
isPreserveFirstStop() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the preserveFirstStop property.
isPreserveLastStop() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the preserveLastStop property.
isRasterized() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the rasterized property.
isReduceNetworkConflicts() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEGeometricNetwork
Indicates if network conflicts should be reduced during reconcile.
isReferenced() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEMosaicDataset
Indicates if this is a referenced mosaic dataset.
isRegisterReplicaOnly() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaOptions
isRequired() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Field
Indicates if the field is required.
isRequireDEM() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RPCXform
Gets the value of the requireDEM property.
isRequireShapeOverride() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DERepresentationClass
Indicates if a shape override is required for feature representations.
isResetHierarchyRangesOnBind() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
Gets the value of the resetHierarchyRangesOnBind property.
isRespectsDaylightSavingTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TimeReference
isResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.HasLayerCacheResponse
Gets the value of the result property.
isResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.HasSingleFusedMapCacheResponse
Gets the value of the result property.
isResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ImportReplicaDataChangesResponse
Gets the value of the result property.
isResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.IsFixedScaleMapResponse
Gets the value of the result property.
isResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RequiresTokensResponse
Gets the value of the result property.
isRetrieveFullProperties() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEBrowseOptions
Indicates if full properties of a data element should be fetched (heavy-weight properties that involve opening the underlying dataset).
isRetrieveMetadata() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEBrowseOptions
Indicates if the data element's metadata should be fetched.
isReturnBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnBarriers property.
isReturnBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocationAllocationParams
Gets the value of the returnBarriers property.
isReturnBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
Gets the value of the returnBarriers property.
isReturnBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the returnBarriers property.
isReturnBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the returnBarriers property.
isReturnBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnBarriers property.
isReturnBreaks() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnBreaks property.
isReturnCFRouteGeometries() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnCFRouteGeometries property.
isReturnCFRoutes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnCFRoutes property.
isReturnCompactDirections() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnCompactDirections property.
isReturnCompactDirections() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the returnCompactDirections property.
isReturnCompactDirections() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnCompactDirections property.
isReturnDemandPoints() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocationAllocationParams
Gets the value of the returnDemandPoints property.
isReturnDepots() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnDepots property.
isReturnDepotVisits() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnDepotVisits property.
isReturnDestinations() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
Gets the value of the returnDestinations property.
isReturnDirections() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnDirections property.
isReturnDirections() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the returnDirections property.
isReturnFacilities() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnFacilities property.
isReturnFacilities() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocationAllocationParams
Gets the value of the returnFacilities property.
isReturnFacilities() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the returnFacilities property.
isReturnFieldNamesInResults() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerResultOptions
isReturnGeometriesAsBinary() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
Gets the value of the returnGeometriesAsBinary property.
isReturnIncidents() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
Gets the value of the returnIncidents property.
isReturnIntersection() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ReverseGeocode
Gets the value of the returnIntersection property.
isReturnIntersection() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ReverseGeocode2
Gets the value of the returnIntersection property.
isReturnLALines() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocationAllocationParams
Gets the value of the returnLALines property.
isReturnMap() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
Gets the value of the returnMap property.
isReturnODLines() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
Gets the value of the returnODLines property.
isReturnODMatrix() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
Gets the value of the returnODMatrix property.
isReturnOrderPairs() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnOrderPairs property.
isReturnOrders() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnOrders property.
isReturnOrigins() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
Gets the value of the returnOrigins property.
isReturnPartialResultsOnError() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
isReturnPolygonBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
isReturnPolygonBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocationAllocationParams
isReturnPolygonBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
isReturnPolygonBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
isReturnPolygonBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
isReturnPolygonBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
isReturnPolylineBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerClosestFacilityParams
isReturnPolylineBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerLocationAllocationParams
isReturnPolylineBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerODCostMatrixParams
isReturnPolylineBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
isReturnPolylineBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
isReturnPolylineBarriers() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
isReturnRouteGeometries() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the returnRouteGeometries property.
isReturnRouteRenewals() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnRouteRenewals property.
isReturnRoutes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the returnRoutes property.
isReturnRoutes() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnRoutes property.
isReturnRouteSeedPoints() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnRouteSeedPoints property.
isReturnRouteZones() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnRouteZones property.
isReturnSALineGeometries() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the returnSALineGeometries property.
isReturnSALines() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the returnSALines property.
isReturnSAPolygonGeometries() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the returnSAPolygonGeometries property.
isReturnSAPolygons() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the returnSAPolygons property.
isReturnSpecialties() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerVRPParams
Gets the value of the returnSpecialties property.
isReturnStops() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the returnStops property.
isRightToLeft() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SimpleTextSymbol
Indicates if the text is drawn from right to left.
isRightToLeft() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Indicates if the text is drawn from right to left.
isSaveLayerOnServer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
isScale() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextElement
Indicates if the text scales with the map.
isScale3DSymbols() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the scale3DSymbols property.
isScaleSymbols() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.FeatureLayerDrawingDescription
isScaleSymbols() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
Gets the value of the scaleSymbols property.
isSetSelectionSymbol() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
Gets the value of the setSelectionSymbol property.
isShowClassGaps() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterClassifyRenderer
isShowLabels() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
Gets the value of the showLabels property.
isShowPlus() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NumericFormat
isShowSelectionBuffer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
Gets the value of the showSelectionBuffer property.
isSimplifyResult() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Offset
Gets the value of the simplifyResult property.
isSingleGeneration() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaDescription
Gets the value of the singleGeneration property.
isSmooth() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the smooth property.
isSplitLinesAtBreaks() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the splitLinesAtBreaks property.
isSplitPolygonsAtBreaks() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the splitPolygonsAtBreaks property.
isStringComparisonCase() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.SQLSyntaxInfo
Gets the value of the stringComparisonCase property.
isSucceeded() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.EditResult
Gets the value of the succeeded property.
isSupportBSQ() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServiceInfo
isSupportsTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DataObjectTable
isSupportsTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ImageServiceInfo
isSupportsTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.MapLayerInfo
isSupportsTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.StandaloneTableInfo
isSwap1BitColor() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PictureFillSymbol
Indicates if the foreground and background colors are swapped on 1 Bit Images Only.
isSwap1BitColor() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.PictureMarkerSymbol
Indicates if foreground and background colors are swapped on 1 Bit Images Only.
isSwitchRole() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.ExportReplicaDataChanges
Gets the value of the switchRole property.
isTiled() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterStorageDef
isTimeDataCumulative() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
isTimeDataCumulative() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.StandaloneTableDescription
isTransferRelatedObjects() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaDescription
Gets the value of the transferRelatedObjects property.
isTransformForward() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Project
Gets the value of the transformForward property.
isTriggerErrorEvents() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TopologyRule
Indicates if error events are triggered for the topology rule.
isTrimOuterPolygon() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerServiceAreaParams
Gets the value of the trimOuterPolygon property.
isTypeSetting() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.TextSymbol
Gets the value of the typeSetting property.
isUnionResults() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Buffer
Gets the value of the unionResults property.
isUse16BitsColor() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the use16BitsColor property.
isUse16BitsElevation() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the use16BitsElevation property.
isUseAlphaBand() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterRenderer
isUseArchiving() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplica
isUseArchiving() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaOptions
isUseAssocLayer() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeGraphicsLayer
Gets the value of the useAssocLayer property.
isUseByDefault() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NetworkAttribute
Indicates if this network attribute is to be used by default.
isUseCodedValue() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LabelClassDescription
isUseCombinedField() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Shields
Indicates if the combined field should be used for directions.
isUseCustomMinMax() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterStretchRenderer
isUseDefaultSymbol() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterUniqueValueRenderer
isUseDeviationDensification() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Densify
Gets the value of the useDeviationDensification property.
isUseElevation() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the useElevation property.
isUseGeometry() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPReplicaDataset
Gets the value of the useGeometry property.
isUseHierarchy() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerSolverParams
Gets the value of the useHierarchy property.
isUseHillShader() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RasterClassifyRenderer
isUseSeed() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.RandomColorRamp
isUseSeparator() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NumericFormat
isUseStartTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the useStartTime property.
isUseTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
isUseTime() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.StandaloneTableDescription
isUseTimeWindows() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NAServerRouteParams
Gets the value of the useTimeWindows property.
isUseWindowsDithering() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.Color
isUseZsForConnectivity() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEGeometricNetwork
Indicates if Z coordinates are used for connectivity.
isValue() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GPBoolean
Gets the value of the value property.
isVersioned() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.DEDataset
Indicates if this dataset is versioned.
isVisible() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.GlobeLayerInfo
Gets the value of the visible property.
isVisible() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LayerDescription
Gets the value of the visible property.
isVisible() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.LegendGroup
Gets the value of the visible property.
isZeroPad() - Method in class com.esri.arcgisws.NumericFormat
ITALIC - Static variable in class com.esri.arcgisws.EsriFontStyle

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _