Class SpatialFilter

  extended by com.esri.arcgisws.QueryFilter
      extended by com.esri.arcgisws.SpatialFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SpatialFilter
extends QueryFilter
implements Serializable

ESRI Spatial Filter Object.

Java class for SpatialFilter complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="SpatialFilter">
     <extension base="{}QueryFilter">
         <element name="SearchOrder" type="{}esriSearchOrder"/>
         <element name="SpatialRel" type="{}esriSpatialRelEnum"/>
         <element name="SpatialRelDescription" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="FilterGeometry" type="{}Geometry"/>
         <element name="GeometryFieldName" type="{}string"/>
         <element name="FilterOwnsGeometry" type="{}boolean"/>
ESRI Spatial Filter Object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          SpatialFilter default constructor.
SpatialFilter(String subFields, String whereClause, String spatialReferenceFieldName, double resolution, SpatialReference outputSpatialReference, FIDSet fidSet, String postfixClause, FilterDef[] filterDefs, String prefixClause, EsriSearchOrder searchOrder, EsriSpatialRelEnum spatialRel, String spatialRelDescription, Geometry filterGeometry, String geometryFieldName, boolean filterOwnsGeometry)
Method Summary
 Geometry getFilterGeometry()
          The query geometry used to filter results.
 String getGeometryFieldName()
          The name of the Geometry field to which the filter applies.
 EsriSearchOrder getSearchOrder()
          The search order used by the filter.
 EsriSpatialRelEnum getSpatialRel()
          The spatial relationship checked by the filter.
 String getSpatialRelDescription()
          The array elements which describe the spatial relation between the query geometry and the requested geometries.
 boolean isFilterOwnsGeometry()
          Indicates whether the filter owns the query geometry.
 void setFilterGeometry(Geometry value)
          The query geometry used to filter results.
 void setFilterOwnsGeometry(boolean value)
          Indicates whether the filter owns the query geometry.
 void setGeometryFieldName(String value)
          The name of the Geometry field to which the filter applies.
 void setSearchOrder(EsriSearchOrder value)
          The search order used by the filter.
 void setSpatialRel(EsriSpatialRelEnum value)
          The spatial relationship checked by the filter.
 void setSpatialRelDescription(String value)
          The array elements which describe the spatial relation between the query geometry and the requested geometries.
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisws.QueryFilter
getFIDSet, getFilterDefs, getOutputSpatialReference, getPostfixClause, getPrefixClause, getResolution, getSpatialReferenceFieldName, getSubFields, getWhereClause, setFIDSet, setFilterDefs, setOutputSpatialReference, setPostfixClause, setPrefixClause, setResolution, setSpatialReferenceFieldName, setSubFields, setWhereClause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SpatialFilter(String subFields,
                                String whereClause,
                                String spatialReferenceFieldName,
                                double resolution,
                                SpatialReference outputSpatialReference,
                                FIDSet fidSet,
                                String postfixClause,
                                FilterDef[] filterDefs,
                                String prefixClause,
                                EsriSearchOrder searchOrder,
                                EsriSpatialRelEnum spatialRel,
                                String spatialRelDescription,
                                Geometry filterGeometry,
                                String geometryFieldName,
                                boolean filterOwnsGeometry)

SpatialFilter constructor.


public SpatialFilter()
SpatialFilter default constructor.

Method Detail


public EsriSearchOrder getSearchOrder()
The search order used by the filter. Gets the value of the searchOrder property.

possible object is EsriSearchOrder


public void setSearchOrder(EsriSearchOrder value)
The search order used by the filter. Sets the value of the searchOrder property.

value - allowed object is EsriSearchOrder


public EsriSpatialRelEnum getSpatialRel()
The spatial relationship checked by the filter. Gets the value of the spatialRel property.

possible object is EsriSpatialRelEnum


public void setSpatialRel(EsriSpatialRelEnum value)
The spatial relationship checked by the filter. Sets the value of the spatialRel property.

value - allowed object is EsriSpatialRelEnum


public String getSpatialRelDescription()
The array elements which describe the spatial relation between the query geometry and the requested geometries. There are 9 chars in this string which can be either 'F', 'T' or '*'; e.g., TT*FFT***' represents CONTAIN. Gets the value of the spatialRelDescription property.

possible object is String


public void setSpatialRelDescription(String value)
The array elements which describe the spatial relation between the query geometry and the requested geometries. There are 9 chars in this string which can be either 'F', 'T' or '*'; e.g., TT*FFT***' represents CONTAIN. Sets the value of the spatialRelDescription property.

value - allowed object is String


public Geometry getFilterGeometry()
The query geometry used to filter results. Gets the value of the filterGeometry property.

possible object is Geometry


public void setFilterGeometry(Geometry value)
The query geometry used to filter results. Sets the value of the filterGeometry property.

value - allowed object is Geometry


public String getGeometryFieldName()
The name of the Geometry field to which the filter applies. Gets the value of the geometryFieldName property.

possible object is String


public void setGeometryFieldName(String value)
The name of the Geometry field to which the filter applies. Sets the value of the geometryFieldName property.

value - allowed object is String


public boolean isFilterOwnsGeometry()
Indicates whether the filter owns the query geometry. Gets the value of the filterOwnsGeometry property.


public void setFilterOwnsGeometry(boolean value)
Indicates whether the filter owns the query geometry. Sets the value of the filterOwnsGeometry property.