 CreateStdGeographiesParameters The CreateStdGeographiesParameters class provides input parameters for the Create Standard Geographies task.
 CreateStdGeographiesTask The Create Standard Geographies task creates a study/trade area consisting of standard geography regions.
 ReturnStdGeographyParameters The ReturnStdGeographyParameters class provides input parameters for the Return Standard Geography task.
 ReturnStdGeographyTask The Return Standard Geography task returns IDs and names of features from specified geography levels that match the given location.
 StdGeographiesByAttributesParameters The StdGeographiesByAttributesParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies by Attributes task.
 StdGeographiesByAttributesTask The Standard Geographies by Attributes task returns geography location names and IDs for a string-based query.
 StdGeographiesFromExtentParameters The StdGeographiesFromExtentParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies from Extent task.
 StdGeographiesFromExtentTask The Standard Geographies from Extent task returns geography location names and IDs for a given extent.
 StdGeographiesFromTreeParameters The StdGeographiesFromTreeParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies from Tree task.
 StdGeographiesFromTreeTask The Standard Geographies from Tree task returns geography location names and IDs for a query to the hierarchy of standard geography levels.
 StdGeographiesListParameters The StdGeographiesListParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies List task.
 StdGeographiesListTask The Standard Geographies List task returns IDs and names of geography levels which contain features matching the given search criterion.
 StdGeographiesTreeTask The Standard Geographies Tree task returns the tree of standard geography levels.
 ThematicMappingLayer The ThematicMappingLayer class provides a thematically shaded standard geography layer.
 ThematicMappingQueryTask The ThematicMappingQueryTask class implements the IQueryTask facade for a task executing a Business Analyst Server thematic mapping query.