Classpublic class StdGeographiesListParameters
InheritanceStdGeographiesListParameters Inheritance BAUtilityParameters Inheritance BABaseParameters Inheritance Object

The StdGeographiesListParameters class provides input parameters for the Standard Geographies List task.

The search criterion is specified with either the analysisExtent or searchString parameter values. If both parameters are missing, ID and Name attributes of all standard geography levels are returned.

If the analysisExtent parameter is specified, the spatialRelationship parameter specifies a way for selection of matching features which fall in this extent.

The searchString parameter can contain up to two comma-separated substrings. The first substring specifies the criterion for search in the locations' name field and the last substring specifies the criterion for search in locations' ID field. If the second string is omitted together with a delimiting comma, the search is applied to both location names and IDs with the same search criterion. The search is applied using the logical "or" operation: a location matches the search criterion if either its name contains the name search substring or its ID contains the ID search substring. The case of an empty name or ID search substring means skipping the search by name or ID, respectively. If both substrings are empty, any location of the standard geography level matches the search criteria.

"San,123"Searches location name containing "San" substring or location ID containing "123" substring.
"123"Searches location name containing "123" substring or location ID containing "123" substring.
",123"Searches location ID containing "123" substring.
"San,"Searches location name containing "San" substring.
","Searches any location of the standard geography level.

View the examples

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedactiveDatasetID : String
Active dataset ID.
  analysisExtent : Geometry
Spatial/geographic extent on which to perform the search.
 InheritedresultType : BAResultType
[read-only] Type of a result returned by the task associated with these parameters.
  searchString : String
A string to search in names and IDs of geography locations.
  spatialRelationship : SpatialRelEnum
The spatial selection method used with the analysisExtent to define the area of analysis.
 InheritedtaskName : String
[read-only] Name of a Business Analyst Server task associated with these parameters.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates a new instance of the StdGeographiesListParameters class.
Property Detail

Spatial/geographic extent on which to perform the search. This parameter expects a value of the Extent or Polygon type.

    public function get analysisExtent():Geometry
    public function set analysisExtent(value:Geometry):void

See also


A string to search in names and IDs of geography locations.

    public function get searchString():String
    public function set searchString(value:String):void

The spatial selection method used with the analysisExtent to define the area of analysis.

The default value is SpatialRelEnum.INTERSECTS.

    public function get spatialRelationship():SpatialRelEnum
    public function set spatialRelationship(value:SpatialRelEnum):void
Constructor Detail
public function StdGeographiesListParameters()

Creates a new instance of the StdGeographiesListParameters class.

ActionScript to create StdGeographiesListParameters and then use in a Standard Geographies List task:
     var parameters : StdGeographiesListParameters = new StdGeographiesListParameters();
     // Set a data extent for analysis to myExtent that is a value of the Extent or Polygon type.
     parameters.analysisExtent = myExtent;
     stdGeographiesListTask.execute(parameters, new Responder(resultHandler, faultHandler));