 IComparisonTaskAdapter The IComparisonTaskProvider interface is an adapter for a comparison task.
 IConfigurableTaskAdapter The IConfigurableTaskAdapter interface specify the adapter configuration method.
 IGeographiesQueryAdapter IGeographiesQueryAdapter is the interface for StdGeographiesFromExtent task adapter.
 IGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter The IGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter interface is an adapter for the Get Summarizations task.
 BaseComparisonTaskAdapter The BaseComparisonTaskAdapter class provides the base abstract implementation of IComparisonTaskAdapter interface.
 BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter The BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter class provides the base abstract implementation of IGeographiesQueryAdapter interface.
 BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter The BaseGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter class provides the base abstract implementation of IGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter interface.
 BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter The BaseThematicQueryTaskAdapter class is a base provider of the Thematic Query task.
 ComparisonParameters The ComparisonParameters class provides parameters for a comparison task.
 ConfigurableTaskAdapter The ConfigurableTaskAdapter is the base abstract class for task adapters designed on the top of Community Analyst API.
 GeographiesQuery The GeographiesQuery class provides parameters to query geography features.
 GetXmlSummarizationsTaskAdapter The GetXmlSummarizationsTaskAdapter class provides the implementation of IGetSummarizationsTaskAdapter interface initialized with an XML object.
 TaskAdapterConfiguration The TaskAdapterConfiguration class provides specific settings for a task adapter.