Interfacepublic interface IGeographiesQueryAdapter
Implementors BaseGeographiesQueryAdapter

Since : Community Analyst API for Flex 2.2.

IGeographiesQueryAdapter is the interface for StdGeographiesFromExtent task adapter.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
execute(query:GeographiesQuery, responder:IResponder):void
Executes a geography features query.
Method Detail
public function execute(query:GeographiesQuery, responder:IResponder):void

Executes a geography features query.

The responder.fault method receives a parameter of the FaultEvent type and responder.result method receives a parameter of the BATaskCompletedEvent type whose result property contains an array of IGeographyFeature type items.


query:GeographiesQuery — Geography features query.
responder:IResponder — A responder to handle results.

See also