B U S I N E S S   A N A L Y S T   10.5   R E S T   G E O E N R I C H M E N T   T A S K

Create Report Endpoint

Generates a report based on a study area.


Availability: Business Analyst web app, Business Analyst Server.


URL Example





studyAreas (required)

Specify a list of input features to be enriched. Type string.

report (optional)

Identify the id of the report. Type string.

Default: null or empty.

format (optional)

Specify the format of the generated report. Available formats: PDF, XLSX. Type string.

Default: pdf.

reportFields (optional)

Specify additional choices to customize reports. Type string.

Default: null or empty.

studyAreasOptions (optional)

Specify the enrichment behavior. Type string.

Default: (null or empty).

useData (optional)

Explicitly specify the country or dataset to query. Type string.

Default: (null or empty).

inSR (optional)

Define the input geometries in the studyAreas parameter in a specified spatial reference system. Type string.

Default: 4326.

f (optional)

Response format. Type string.

Default: bin.


The Create Report endpoint allows you to create many types of high quality reports for a variety of use cases describing the input area.


Usage Tips

• If a point is used as a study area, the service will create a 1-mile ring buffer around the point.

• You can create a buffer ring or drive­time service area around points of interest to generate PDF or Excel reports.

Example Usage

The example below creates a Demographic and Income Comparison Profile report for a polygon study area for a 1-mile ring buffer area from input geometry.





• View sample report.

• A 1-mile ring buffer area is generated, by default, around the input location.

• A PDF report is created.


See Also

Business Analyst Server REST Reference