Adding GeoTIFF rasters using the Add Data Wizard

The following is a typical workflow to add rasters to an image service definition using the Add Data Wizard. The dialog boxes that appear when adding other raster data may change depending on the type of raster being added.

  1. Open an image service definition in ArcMap.
  2. Click the Image Service drop-down menu on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar and click Add Data.

    The Add Data Wizard is displayed.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Click the Raster type button.

    The Select Raster Type dialog box is displayed.

  5. Double-click Georeferenced Imagery.
  6. Double-click TIFF—Tagged Image File Format in the list.
  7. Optionally, click File or Folder.
    • The Input Folder option can be used to select a folder containing multiple raster files.
    • Alternatively, the Input File option can be used to select a single raster file.
  8. Optionally, uncheck Recursively search subdirectories.

    When checked, this option enables you to search for rasters in folders contained within the selected folder.

  9. Optionally, check Use this spatial reference for all input data.

    If checked, click the browse button to choose a spatial reference for the input data.

  10. Optionally, click the Band combination drop-down arrow and choose the correct band combination.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Optionally, check Apply stretch.

    The stretch method defines the type of stretching enhancement that will be applied to the raster datasets.

    • Percentile—Range used to compute lower and upper input values used in the stretching process
    • Standard Deviation—The lower and upper input values computed using standard deviation of pixel values of the raster; uses standard deviation factor
    • Min-Max—Minimum and maximum values of stretching
  13. Optionally, check Apply gamma.

    The gamma method defines how the gamma correction value is computed.

    • Fixed value—User-specified value is directly used. When selected, the Gamma value must be specified.
    • Target color—Indicates that the gamma is computed based on the present average color of the raster and user-specified target color.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Optionally, click Yes if you want to add additional data to your image service definition, and click Next.

    This will take you back through the steps you have already completed to define additional data and any enhancements.

  16. Optionally, uncheck Generate overviews if you do not want to optimize the image service definition.
  17. Optionally, uncheck Compile the service for publishing if you do not want to compile the image service definition.
  18. Click Next.
  19. Click Finish.
  20. Review the summary.
  21. Click Back if you need to make changes; otherwise, click Finish.

